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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

English 8
Second Quarter
Learning Activity No. 2.1 (Reading Comprehension)

Activity Title: Making Outlines

Learning Competency: Relate content or theme to previous experiences and background
knowledge (EN8RC – IIb-2.18)
Target: Organize ideas in the selection into an outline
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 91- 95

Concept Notes:
An outline is a guide that will help you organize your ideas into a logical order. The main
ideas of your outline will be the main points. The development or explanation of each main point
is a supporting idea.
Types form of an outline:
1)Topic outline when you use phrases in outlining 2) Sentence outline when you use sentences.
Topic sentence or thesis statement is a sentence that states the main statement of a

Note to the teacher:

The students will read the selection “THAILAND”.

Answer the questions below orally.
1)Compare Thailand’s economy with that of the Philippines?
2)How does the resignation of Prime Minister Shinawatra affect the baht-dollar value?

Summarize the article on Thailand in the form of an outline. Supply the missing information
Topic Sentence: _____________________________________________
I. Background of Thailand
A. Location
II. Thailand’s Economy
A. Bath’s Rate
1. In 1985 – 1995
2. In January 1998
3. ___________
B. Effect of the resignation of Shinawatra on the economy _____________________
III. Tourism
B. ___________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

English 8
Second Quarter
Learning Activity No. 2.2 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: Types of listening Strategies

Learning Competency: Employ appropriate listening skills and strategies suited to long
descriptive and narrative texts (EN8LC-IIa-7)
Target: Using the appropriate listening strategy
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 280

Concept Notes:

Five types of listening strategies:

1) Attentive listening – people listen to understand the message, to follow instructions, or
to get an information; this is the type of listening required in many instructional
2) Selective listening –people listen only items which they prefer to listen to
3) Critical listening – People listen first to comprehend and then to evaluate a message to
detect propaganda devices and persuasive language.
4) Appreciative listening – People listen for enjoyment which includes listening to music,
to jokes, and to stories and poem read loud.
5) Marginal listening – People don’t have any specific focus when they do this type of

Note to the teacher:

The text is found in the Teacher’s Manual page 133, English Expressways II.


The students will recall the text read by the teacher. Fill in the guide below; then write
in a paragraph form how the invention works.

Invention: _________________________________________________________
Inventor: _________________________________________________________
History: __________________________________________________________
What inspired the inventor?
Purposes/Usefulness of the Invention:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.3 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: Listening to detect propaganda devices

Learning Competency: Employ appropriate listening skills and strategies suited to long
descriptive and narrative texts (ENLC–IIa–7.2)
Target: Using critical listening strategy
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 173-174

Concept Notes:
Propaganda refers to the ideas, facts, and opinions spread deliberately to further one’s
cause or to damage an opposing cause.
Propaganda and the techniques for spreading it are neither good or bad, right or wrong.
Propaganda per se are neutral; they are simply tools which are used for good or bad purposes.

Some propaganda devices are the following:

1) Exaggerated claims – to make a thing seem larger or more than it really is
2) Glittering generalities – to use words that reveal the writer’s opinion and tend to make
the listener feel good without understanding why
3) Bandwagon appeal – to urge others to join a group before it is too late
4) Glad names – use only pleasant words

Note to the teacher:

The listening text is found on the Teacher’s Manual pages 74-75; English Expressways II.

After listening to the selection, the students will answer the following questions:
1) Name some phrases or statements in the selection which will persuade you to visit Oedo
2) What propaganda device is used in each of the following phrases and sentences?
a) adjacent to this is a flower garden, rare flowers from around the world bloom in
harmony with the native camellia flowers
b) the Oedo Island Maritime Botanical Garden is where you can savor sweet fragrance
of flowers
c) join the many visitors in the cactus garden where you can see a hundred or so types
of cacti
d) spend time in great contemplation while enjoying the superb view of Haegumgang
e) you can have a drink while enjoying the cool ocean breeze and warm sunshine
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.4 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: Express variations of tone to express feelings and attitudes

Learning Competency: Determine the tone and mood of the speaker or characters in the
narrative listened to (EN8LC-IId-2.13)
Target: Expressing and utilizing variations of tone to express feelings and attitudes
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 211

Concept Notes:

In everyday communication, we vary, intentionally or unintentionally, the tone (quality or

character) of our voice to express exactly how we feel.

Here are some of the following tones:

1) A persuasive tone projects a voice that aims to convince others to be on the speaker’s
side, to believe what he or she is telling.
2) An enthusiastic tone is full of life and full of energy.
3) A monotonous voice has only one intention throughout; it does not show change in pitch
and rate.
4) An emotionless tone has no life, no joy; it sounds disinterested and unenthusiastic.

Read any of the following statements. Say it in a tone of your choice. Afterwards, let your
classmates identify the tone you selected when you deliver it.
1) Look Young. Feel Young. Renew your skin’s radiance. Call 892- S-K-I-N.
2) Life – saving care from your life – enhancing credit card.
3) Pan de Araneta touches the hearts of people from all walks of life by allowing them to
bring home warm bread and warm memories of a bygone era.
4) Is your kitchen too hot to handle? Nerissa’s Culinary Center shares mouthwatering
recipes to cool you down.
5) Reach your goals with a savings plan designed by you for you.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.5 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: Employing selective listening strategy

Learning Competency: Employ appropriate listening skills and strategies suited to long
descriptive and narrative texts (ENLC-IIi-7)
Target: Communicating thoughts in an organized paragraph
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 198-199

Concept Notes:
Selective listening is listening to recall data and to get information on specific details.
It is “tuning in carefully”.

Tips in employing selective listening:

 analyze what they will listen to
 be selective in what they will remember
 listen for main ideas and details using their own words
 use their own words in giving the main idea
 use short phrases and abbreviations
 listen carefully to the beginning statements and the points the speaker emphasize or
 visualize the main idea
 recall transition words that are used to link ideas

Note to the teacher:

The listening text is found in the Teacher’s Manual pages 88-89; English Expressways II.E

The students will answer the questions below and do as directed.
1) What are the main ideas of the speaker?
2) Enumerate the details supporting the main ideas of the speaker.

A) Group students into five, each group will express their ideas in a buzz session. Do a buzz
session on this topic “What should be the role of students in protecting and saving
our environment?”
B) After exchanging ideas on the topic discussed in the buzz session, they will organize
these ideas into a short paragraph.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.6 (Viewing Comprehension)

Activity Title: Using titles, subtitles, and introductions as a means of getting an overview of
the text
Learning Competency: Predict the gist of the material viewed based on the title, pictures, and
excerpts (EN8VC-IIa-1.3)
Target: Expressing emotional reaction to what has been read
Reference book: English Expressways III, pages 271-272

Note to the teacher:

The teacher can either use this activity or view movies related to the topic.

Group students into five and take five minutes to predict the content of the essay that
you are about to read. Consider the words in the circle. Write your predictions in a short
paragraph. Read the prediction aloud and compare it with the classmates’ predictions.

Concentration War machine Franks German

Jewish Family

World War II Adolf Hitler dictator

World empire

Adolf Hitler, the dictator who ruled Germany from 1993 to 1945, dreamed of a world
empire led by “master race”. Part of Hitler’s plan involved the extermination of all European
Jewish in what was termed the final solution to the Jewish problem. Despite being defeated
by the Allied Powers- led by the United States, The United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union-
Hitler and his Nazi war machine left behind terrible legacy. By the time World War II ended
in 1945, over six million Jews had been murdered well as five million Gypsies, Slavs, and Poles.
When Hitler’s war machine overran the Netherlands in 1940, Jews living there were
subjected to increased restrictions.
Soon, Jews were rounded up and shipped to concentration camps, where most of them
died of starvation or were killed in gas chambers. Among the Jewish families affected by
Hitler’s tyranny were the Franks, a German Jewish family that had fled to Netherlands in
1993. When Margot Frank was called to report “ for work in the East”, the Franks knew they
must go into hiding.

Answer the given questions below.
1) What favorable elements are absent in the rule of cruel dictator?
2) Will this leader be praised in literature, history, and the arts? How will they be depicted
by writers and artist in their works?
3)What must a dictator do to maintain his or her rule? Shall the people support him or her?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.7 (Viewing Comprehension)

Activity Title: From the Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

Learning Competency: Determine the issue and stand presented in the material viewed
Target: Expressing emotional reaction to what has been read
Reference book: English Expressways III, pages 274-275

Concept Notes:
One reading skill that needs to be enhanced is your ability to express an emotional reaction
to what you have read. This emotional reaction can be based on the situation or events
described in the selection, the action(s), of the characters, and the statement(s) made by the

Note to the teacher:

 The teacher can either use this activity or view movies related to the topic.

The selection is an excerpt from “The Diary of a Young Girl,” written by Anne Frank, a 13-year
–old Jewish girl. (English Expressways III, page 274)

The students answer the given questions.
1) In March 7,1994 entry, mother and daughter share different views on the subject
melancholia. Who gave the better advice? Why?
2) What feeling is aroused in you by the following statements?
a)” Think of all the misery in the world and be thankful you are not sharing it.”
b) Why millions be spent daily on war and yet there’s not a penny available for medical
services, artists or poor people?
3) What feeling for Anne have you felt in this statement?
“…in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.”


Be a peace builder. Write a letter to the person whom you have hurt or had a conflict with.
Express your desire to reconcile and be at peace.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.8 (Vocabulary development)

Activity Title: Differentiate denotation and connotation

Learning Competency: Discriminate between literal and figurative language (EN8VIIe-24)
Target: Distinguishing the connotative and denotative meaning of words
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 166-170

Concept Notes:

Denotation gives the explicit or stated meaning of a word while connotation of words
gives the explicit or unstated meaning of a word based on the emotional responses to it.
Connotation relies on the association and emotions words are capable of arousing; may take on
a positive or negative tone.

Note to the teacher:

The selection is found on pages 167-169, English Expressways II

Activity 1
In the essay Yeosu Dolsando, the following words set in italics are found. Identify whether
these words have denotative or connotative meanings.
1) Dolsando is an island of beginnings.
2) Bangjukpo is the most famous beach of the island.
3) The visitors can experience the mystery of the sun.
4) There are few temples in Korea that look out over the ocean.

Activity 2
Write the denotative and connotative meanings of the following:
Words Denotations Connotations

Activity 3
The students will recall the text read by the teacher, then; summarize the text by selecting
only the most important ideas and combine them into clear, concise sentences.

Yeosu Dolsando
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.9 (Reading Comprehension)

Activity Title: Cause and effect

Learning Competency: Explain visual–verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, and
information found in expository texts (EN8RC-IIe-1.2)
Target: Complete the table from the information presented using cause and effect
Reference book: Functional English for Today III, pages 139-141

Concept Notes:
Cause means a reason for doing something
Effect a result when something is done or happens
To show cause and effect in a sentence, we use connectors such as the following
because consequently as a result therefore
because of so hence
A plague is an invasion by large numbers of animals or insects. These animals can bring
about a severe famine because they eat enormous quantities of growing crops and stored grain
such as rice, corn, or wheat.
Some of the most destructive plagues consist of swarms of locusts. A single swarm may
contain up to 50,00 million insects.
Swarms of locust have devastated several countries in recent years, Rain helps relieve
droughts. However, when combine with warmer weather, they provide ideal conditions for
locusts to breed. In 1998, for instance, swarms of locust swept across North and Central
Africa, destroying the harvest there. In the Philippines, swarms of locusts destroyed vast
fields of rice, especially in Nueva Ecija, Tarlac and Pampanga in 1995.

Activity 1:
The students will do the activity below.
Cause Effect
Plague of pests
Rain and warm weather

Activity 2.
Complete the table below. Write five sentences showing cause and effect relationships based
on the table you have completed. Be sure to use connectors.

Cause Effect
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.10 (Reading Comprehension)

Activity Title: Organizing information into a concept maps

Learning Competency: Explain visual–verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, and
information found in expository texts (EN8RC-IIIf-1.2)
Target: “The Best of Asia” an excerpt by Ricardo Saludo
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 102-103

Concept Notes:

A concept is a set of ideas or thoughts, especially combined to create a generalized idea of a

class of objects.
A map is a visual representation and an essential tool that guides you through analyses of
A concept map is simply the representation of an idea or though as a picture or diagram.
Understanding or remembering a complicated process or a set of ideas is made easier
when you draw or visually represent them. This is the very purpose of a concept map-to
represent an idea or thought as a picture or diagram. It shows the connections among details
or concepts.

Note to the teacher:

The text is found on pages104-105 English Expressways II.

Group students into five. Fill in the concept map with the details that are found in the
article “The Best in Asia”.

The Best of
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.12 (Reading Comprehension)

Activity Title: Organizing information presented in information maps

Learning Competency: Explain visual–verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, and
information maps found in expository texts (ENRC- IIg-1.2)
Target: Organize information based on the information maps
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 128-129

Concept Notes:

The beginning of a story identifies the problem that the main character or characters will
The middle relates what happens as the problem develops.
The ending shows how the problem is resolved.

The first time our family was invited out to dinner in America, we disgraced ourselves while
eating celery. We had immigrated to this country from China, and during our early years here,
we had a hard time with American table manners. Suddenly, I realized that there was dead
silence except for our zipping. Looking up, I saw that the eyes of everyone in the room were
on our family. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason, their daughter Meg, who was my friend, and their
neighbors, the Badels-they were all staring at us as we busily pulled the strings of our celery.
I began to relax. The Gleasons’ dinner party was not so different from a Chinese meal after
all. My mother also puts everything on the table and hopes for the best.


Interpret the essay above using information map.

Main Idea


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.11 (Reading Comprehension)

Activity Title: Interpret information presented in a pie graph

Learning Competency: Explain visual–verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, and
information found in expository texts (ENRC- IIh-1.2)
Target: Organizing information presented in a pie graph
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 135

Concept Notes:
Graphs are popular forms of chart because they are easy to create and read. Graphs are
pictures of information; not pictures of things you can see. The information in graphs is often
called data.
One of the several types of graphs is a pie graph. Pie graphs are useful in showing the
proportional distribution of items that make up one whole amount.

Activity 1
Below is a pie graph which distributes the expenses of an average Filipino family. Study
it then answer the questions that follow.

clothing food
(15%) (35%)

Shelter Recreation(5%)

medicine (12%) education (21%)

(12%) (21%)

1) Among how many items are the expenses of an average Filipino family distributed?
2) Which of these expenses receives the largest share? Which one gets the least?
3) What two items receive the same share of expenses?
4) What does these show you about priorities in an average family?
5) How would the poor and the well-to-do itemize their expenses?

Activity 2:
Group students into four. Each group will prepare a budget proposal for the following projects
and programs. Present the output in a pie graph.
1)training of teachers 3) repair and maintenance of the toilet
2)student’s nutrition program 4)improvement of the classroom
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.13 (Reading Comprehension)

Activity Title: Transcode information from non-linear to linear text

Learning Competency: Transcode information from non-linear to linear texts and vice
versa (ENRC- IIh-1.2)
Target: Interpreting and transcoding information from non-linear to linear text
Reference book: English Expressways III, pages 182-183

Concept Notes:

A linear presentation is composed of lines or statements of text that provide

information according to an order or structure followed by the text as a whole. This order is
its organizing principle that also defines its type. Linear text could take the form of an essay
organized into paragraphs.

Group students into five. Interpret the non-linear text below. Write a short paragraph.


Anoa mindorensis
(Scientific name)

Water Buffalo

Wild Black/ Gray Large

Forest animal Long, straight Horns

Found in Mindoro
About to be extinct
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.14 (Reading Comprehension)

Activity Title: Interpreting and transcoding information from linear to non- linear text
Learning Competency: Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice
versa (ENRC- IIi-1.2)
Target: Transcode the elements of a short story into non-linear text
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 159-161

Concept Notes:
Elements of a short story:
1)Setting refers to place, time, weather condition, social condition, and mood of the
2)Plot is the sequence of event from the story
3)Conflict the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and makes the plot
4)Character the one who plays role in a story
5)Point of view is the angle from which the story is told
6)Theme is the controlling idea or value in a piece of fiction. This maybe the author’s idea
about a topic or view of human nature.

Read the short story “Makato and the Cowrie Shell” found in English Expressways II,

Fill in the bubble map below based on the selection read.

Makato and the

Cowrie Shell

Setting Point of

Plot Conflict
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.15 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: Batangas Students Win World Robotics Olympiad

Learning Competency: Infer dominant thoughts and feelings expressed in the text listened to
Target: Employing attentive listening strategies to a news report
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 78 - 79

Concept Notes:

News report are not only read in the newspaper; they are also heard over the radio.
Hearing is not the same as listening. When you hear, you detect sounds. But listening is an
active process. Listening involves your brain as well as your ears.

Note to the teacher:

The listening text is found on page 34 – 35, English Expressways II (Teacher’s Manual)

How well did you listen? Work with your group members and discuss the following points.
Apply the guidelines in developing a critical perspective when you listen to the news.
1) Where was the World Robotics Olympiad held?
2) What is the title of the winning entry?
3) Why did the Batangas students win?
4) What facts may have been deleted? What other information do you need to know?
5) Are there strong emotions which may distract your attention from the facts? Justify
your answer.
6) Does the news report contain hidden editorializing? Prove your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.16 (Writing and Composition)

Activity Title: News writing

Learning Competency: Compose effective paragraphs (EN8WC-IIa-2.8)
Target: Writing a news from the data given
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 74,81
English Expressways III, page 4-5

Concept Notes:
Newspaper is a printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of unstapled
sheets and containing news features, articles, advertisements, and correspondence.

Parts of a newspaper:
1)Editorial – an article expressing the stand/ point of the editors and publishers on a current
2)News stories/ current news- these give an accounts of events that have recently happened
3)Feature story – it is a type of news that develops the writing from angle of the human
4)Columns – these parts express the columnists’ view or stand on any issue of the day
5) Business news – it reports the status of different business and industries
6)Sports news – this part gives a news on the result of national and international game and
their advance schedules

 The student will read a news about “Filipinos Celebrate Pacquiao’s Victory”.

Group students into three. Write a news report using the sets of facts below.
1) Who – Lutgarda Samson Arce (Lola Nene)
Age; 76
What – discovered a computer error in her foreign saving account passbook
Where- Cebu Savings Bank
When – May 12,2016
2) Who - 20 people died
How – collision between a horse drawn- calesa and a 12-coach PNR train
When – March 13, 2017
Where – Malolos, Bulacan
Who – rig driver Sino Suerte – survived
train engineer Lino Loco – died, with 19 passengers
3) Who – twins Mark and Scott Kelly
members of NASA’s Astronaut Class of 1996
What- to have further training at Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas as astronauts
When- summer 2017
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.17 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: ASEAN WEEK

Learning Competency: Infer dominant thoughts and feelings expressed in the text listened to
Target: Determine if the speaker is neutral, for, or against an issue
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 109

Concept Notes:

Editorial is an article expressing the stand / opinion of the editors and publishers
on current issue. In an editorial, a writer expresses an opinion about the current news, event,
or issue. An effective editorial is direct and absorbing and can move its readers to take a stand
on or re- evaluate an issue.

Note to the teacher:

The editorial is found on pages 47- 48, English Expressways II (Teacher’s Manual)

Give answers to the questions below.
1) When does ASEAN week?
2) When and where was the ASEAN established?
3) How many countries are the original members?
4) What is ASEAN declaration?
5) Explain in your own words what the editor wants the people to do. Do you agree with
him? Why or why not?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.18 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: Using the telephone to make inquiries

Learning Competency: Infer the theme of the text listened to (EN8LC-IIe-2.17.3)
Target: Listening for clues to follow the speaker’s train of thought
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 98-99

Concept Notes:

Listening is probably the most important skill you have for learning new information. To
be an effective listener, you must concentrate on hearing and understanding the message,
analyzing the message, and remembering the message. Also note the speaker’s volume,
gestures, and intonation which often are used to emphasize the main ideas.

Note the teacher:

The teacher will present a videotaped speech. (Just choose any videotaped speech
related to the topic)

Answer the following questions after you have listened to a videotaped speech.
1) What is the main idea of the speech?
2) What do you think is the speaker’s purpose?
3) Describe the speaker’s voice and intonation as he / she delivers his or her speech.
4) Are the ideas presented logically?
5) What mood was the speaker in when he/ she delivered the speech?

The following is a telephone conversation. Predict what other speaker is saying. Get a partner
and present the telephone conversation.

Maggie: I am Maggie Concepcion. I am interested to apply for the Youth Exchange Program.
Can you help me?
Other Speaker: ________________________________________________________
Maggie: May I know the criteria for the selection of the scholars?
Other speaker: _________________________________________________________
Maggie: Could you tell me where I can get an application form?
Other Speaker: ________________________________________________________
Maggie: Thank you very much.
Other Speaker: _________________________________________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.19 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: The Thief Who Became a Disciple

Learning Competency: Infer the theme of the text listened to(ENLC-IIe-2.17.3)
Target: Listening to predict what comes next
Reference book: English Expressways II, pages 140- 141

Concept Notes:
Predict means to say that something will or might happen in the future.
While listening to someone speaking we can sometimes predict what he / she will say next.

Note to the teacher:

The listening text is found in page 61, English Expressways II (Teacher’s Manual)

Listen as your teacher reads the story a second time. Write down the word or words
that gave you the same idea as to what would come next. Note the details in the grid below.

Paragraph 2
Paragraph 1
The first character: ______________________ The first character: __________________
His activity: ____________________________ His instructions: ____________________
The second Character: ___________________ His activity: ________________________
His purpose: ___________________________

Paragraph 6 Paragraph 3
The second character: ___________________ The first character: _________________
His final decision: _______________________ His second instructions: _____________
______________________________________ _________________________________
______________________________________ _________________________________
______________________________________ _________________________________

Paragraph 5 Paragraph 4
The second character’s fate:
The second character: ________________
His last move: _______________________
His reaction to the instruction:
The first character’s reaction: ___________________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.20 (Listening Comprehension)

Activity Title: Writing an Interview

Learning Competency: Listen to paraphrase information/ ideas (EN8LC-IIg-3.12)
Target: Responding to the intended meaning of the speaker in an interview
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 140- 141

Concept Notes:

Interview -is a formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications

- meeting at which information is obtained from a person
There are two types of an interviews-
a) informal interview is a conversation that involves direct questioning
b) formal interview is a scheduled event
When you conduct formal interview you need to be well- prepared. You will need time
to research about the interviewee and to prepare a list of questions.

1)Work with a partner. Prepare guide questions that you will use in interviewing. Choose one
from any of the personalities indicated below.

Person Topic
President of Supreme Student Projects of the organization for the present
Government(SSG) school year
A Farmer New ways of growing vegetables
A class adviser Guidelines issued to staff to improve their
students class performance
Barangay Captain Projects for improvement of the barangay road

2) The students will role play the interview in activity 1.

3) Write a full text of your interview with one of the personalities listed in activity one.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.21 (Writing and Composition)

Activity Title: Writing a friendly letter

Learning Competency: Compose effective paragraphs (EN8WC-IIb-2.8)
Target: Expressing one’s ideas and feelings through letter-writing
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 100

Concept Notes:

A friendly letter is written to share news, ideas, and feelings or just to keep in touch.
Writing letters can be a very rewarding experience. It gives you a chance to share organized
and polished ideas with another person.

The students will read a sample friendly letter on page 100, English Expressways II.

Write a friendly letter to someone who has touched your life. Express your ideas,
feelings, and attitude toward that person.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.22 (Literature)

Activity Title: Pliant Like a Bamboo

Learning Competency: Express appreciation for sensory images (EN8LT-IIc-2.2.1)
Target: Using imagery to convey sensory experience
Reference book: English Arts I, page246-247

Concept Notes:
Imagery is the use of a word or sequence of words to convey sensory experience. It uses
simile, metaphor, and personification and other figures of speech. Imagery in literary works
uses sensory experiences such as sight, touch, smell, or taste to describe the impressions of
the writers and to create vivid pictures (mental images) that can explain to the readers the
meaning of a poem or prose.

Note to the teacher:

The text is “Pliant Like a Bamboo”.

Complete the chart below by giving appropriate sensory experience for the images given
or supply the appropriate images for the sensory experiences below.

Expressions Sensory Images

1)Creaking bamboo window frames Sound
2)That old rose house
3)Where the worst wind was Touch
4)Sweet as the nectar of a flower
5)And all is dark Sight
6)Do you chant your simple tunes
7) Smell
8)Gentle tip across the biscuits
9) Sight
10) Taste
11) Touch
12) sound
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.23 (Literature)

Activity Title: The Story of Lam-ang

Learning Competency: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
Target: Pointing out author’s technique for characterization
Reference book: English Arts I, pages 7-9

Concept Notes:

Writers try to make their characters real. They try to make the reader know what the
characters look like, what they feel, and how they are likely to act The writer’s way of creating
and developing the character’s personality is called characterization.

Techniques of characterization;
1)Through direct description of a character
At last the baby was delivered – a big, bouncing boy. Everybody was surprised to hear
him speak. At the age of nine months, Lam-ang was fully-grown, with huge muscles and sinews
like that of an adult.
2)Through the conversation of the character with other characters
“Dear Brother,” he implored, “I beg you to save the land of Magindanaw from monsters.”
3)By telling directly the character’s thoughts and feelings.
Mad with desire for revenge, Lam-ang challenged the fierce Ilongots to fight.
4)By letting the characters reveal what they think about another character.
Visitor: Stories of his skill with the spear have reached our village…
He came with us on one of our hunting trips. Do you remember how his catch was
more than ours all put together?
5)By showing the character in action
“Please let me go with you across the river,”pleaded the old man. “The current is
so swift I cannot across it by myself?”

Read the following, then point out the writer’s technique for characterization.
1)How deceptive his figure was!Sebio thought. No wonder those who knew him called him Sebiong
Pasmado (Sebio the weakling) because of his slight figure, his spindleshanks, his timidity.
-Arturo B. Rotor, Dahong Palay
2)” But Nanay, what should I do? What shall become of me if Cecelia refuses to forgive me?”
“Do? What a selfish being you are, Alfredo. Before leaving for United States you married secretly,
but once away, you forgot your wife and now that you have come back married to an American
wife,your first thought is what will become of yourself;you do not even bestow a though on what
will become of her, your legal wife.”
- Clemencio Joven-Colayco, His Return

3)She stepped down from the carretela of Ca Celin with a quick delicate grace. She wa lovely.
She was tall……Her nails were long, but they were not painted. She was fragrant like morning when
papayas are in bloom.
- Manuel E. Arguilla, How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife
Grade 8 English
Second Quarter 2

Learning Activity No. 2.24 (Writing and Composition)

Activity Title: Making an effective poster

Learning Competency: Compose effective paragraphs (ENWC-IIb-2.8)
Target: Writing an advertisement through posters
Reference book: English Expressways II, page 158

Concept Note:

Posters are placards intended to be posted in a public place. Posters give information
presented in a very catchy way. Posters make use of short and catchy links with visuals or
pictures that go with the particular lines.

What makes an effective poster?

 The poster must attract the reader’s interest.
 It must give a concise summary of information you want to communicate.
 It should encourage some discussion among the readers.

Group students into five. You are going to design a poster to tell people about the activities in
your school regarding the situations or problems below.

1) Conserving water
2) Waste segregation
3) Saving electricity
4) Cleaning the environment
5) Eating healthy foods

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