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Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory-Analysis

University Name

Student Name


Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3

a. Learning from presentation .............................................................................................. 3

b. Objectives............................................................................................................................ 3

2. Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 4

a. Necessity at workplace ....................................................................................................... 4

Soft skills .................................................................................................................................... 5

b. Turnover ratio changes ..................................................................................................... 6

3. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 8

References ...................................................................................................................................... 9

1. Introduction

a. Learning from presentation

This presentation has been proven as learning source during course time. The task of

presentation includes theory’s selection and provides detail explanation of theory with reference

to management of employees, different kind of workplace issues and its benefits. It is very

important for success of organization that management should have knowledge about techniques

of motivation. The organizations have started to develop motivation process in order to get

efficient workforce for better performance of organization. The first most important task of this

presentation is research. The task of presentation was urgent due to which we divided into three

different steps; (1) research, (2) review, (3) finalize. Moreover, data related to selected theory

was available in abundant form. The main issue faced by group was to find relevancy in

available data and tackle that issue in appropriate manner.

The day for presentation was very important for the success of this project. We used

question and answer approach for giving presentation. Moreover, we left some important points

intentionally in order to give chance to learners to ask questions. We tried to create encouraging

environment for learners so that they can ask questions easily. Therefore, our presentation was

proved as source of learning for all.

b. Objectives

The report is based on analysis and comparison between needs of deficiency and needs of

growth with perspective of customers. It has been noticed that business organizations faced issue

of low turnover in recent time period. This report discussed about the hierarchy theory of

Maslow and its role in reducing turnover ratio and improving engagement among employees.

2. Analysis

a. Necessity at workplace

It is very important to have clear understanding about hierarchy theory of Maslow in order to

perform as an efficient manager in business organization of Oman. It is compulsory to ensure

that organization’s policies and structure is meeting the employees’ psychological needs. It is

one of prime responsibility of me as manager (Zalenski & Raspa, 2006). For instance, employees

should not have problems of anxiety, depression and stress related to their workplace. If any

employee has such issue then he or she will have negative impact on the growth of organization.

If organizations are offering flexible working hours to their employees then it can be source of

motivation for them. They will perform in efficient and effective manner.

The employees work in any organization in order to meet their basic needs. The money is

considered as basic need while food and shelter comes later. The manager of organization can

motivate their team members through offering bonuses and reward for good performance. Such

rewards will increase the level of motivation for employees and it will have positive impact on

the performance of organization. The next basic need for employees is safety and security. It is

very important that managers should ensure pre caution measurements for the safety and security

of employee. It will help employees to work with freedom. The employees’ performance will go

upward with no security issues. For instance, the higher management of any organization must

ensure different policies in order to maintain healthy environment for employees in organization.

The employees should have feelings of job security while working in organization. It is very

important to understand that if employees have strong feelings about job security then it plays

integral role in the success of organization. The next basic need for any employee is love and

belonging in organization’s environment. For instance, the employees of organization should


have sense of comfort and safety with their peers, colleagues and coworkers. The employees in

organization should have respect for each other in order to create healthy and friendly

environment. The next basic need of an employee is self-esteem or self-actualization. It related to

the feelings of valuable for organization. It is very important that manager of organization should

invest efforts to develop feelings among employees that they are important and valuable assets

for organization.

Soft skills

The manager needs to have different soft skills in order to develop such environment where

employees have high motivation level for work and organization. The soft skills include

leadership, communication, teamwork, flexibility and problem solving. There are two skills

selected for this project; (1) communication skills, (2) team work skills (Zalenski & Raspa,

2006). The culture of team work encourages employees to work in teams and share their point of

views with each other. The organization can achieved different kind of benefits through culture

of team working. The structure of team working in organization helps employees to intensify

their efforts in order to perform their tasks in efficient. It helps organization to keep their

employees united and encourage them to work with each other. Moreover, it increases

employees’ confidence and provide help to each other for completion of tasks. While on the

other side, communication skills also have its own role in the growth of organization. The prime

reason of communication skills is that it helps employees to communicate with each other

without any problem. It is very important that employees should have clear understanding about

their tasks and it can also have positive relation with motivation of employees. While on the

other side, communication skills help employees to perform assigned tasks in effective and

efficient manner. Moreover, employees can communicate easily about their tasks with other team

members. This action ultimate leads toward achievement of organizational goals. The retention

rate of employees will increase and employees’ turnover rate will decrease (Cherry, 2013). There

are five different level exist in hierarchy of needs such as; (1) survival, (2) safety, (3) self-

esteem, (4) belonging, (5) self-actualization. Thus, it is very important for managers to use

different soft skills in organization in order to perform all tasks in effective and efficient manner.

b. Turnover ratio changes

I am working on the one of top position in organization as a manager. I have noticed that there

are two type of employees’ turnover such as; (1) avoidable turnover, (2) unavoidable turnover.

The unavoidable turnover is possible through offering attractive retirement plans or death plans.

These attractive plans can lead employee retention and employees also become loyal to

organization. There are many business organizations which have only focus on recruitment

process and unable to address different issues of employees related to their retention in

organization. If management addresses employees’ retention problems then turnover rate of

employees can become avoidable. It is very important that management should adopt soft skills

for developing creative environment in organization. It will address different issues of employees

and have positive impact on the growth of organization.

The next phase is implementation of selected theory in organization in order to get sustainable

growth and development of organization. The employees’ replacement cost has been estimated

and it is almost more than 150 percent cost as compare to salary and other benefits of employees.

The retention of employees is very important for the growth of business and development of

organization. Moreover, management of small and large organizations tries to avoid such high

cost and maintain favorable turnover rate. It will ultimately have impact on the level of

effectiveness of business operations.


Maslow presented theory related to motivation of people and give five different aspects or types

of needs according to different levels of hierarchy. It has been noticed each level of needs is very

important for the individual at some specific time and point. The management of organization

can make changes at each level of need in order to increase job satisfaction among employees

which ultimately will have impact on organizations’ growth. It will generate high retention rate

of employees and decrease turnover rate of employees. As we discussed earlier that hierarchy of

needs has five different levels such as; (1) survival, (2) safety, (3) self-esteem, (4) belonging, (5)

self-actualization. The employees can get motivation from different sources. The examples are

given below;

The money can be equal to survival and motivation. The employee can earn money through low

paid job which require low set of skills or employee can earn money during entry time of job.

The employee can pass this time period through motivation (Sack et al. 2009). Moreover,

employee will be motivated after getting training and raise in pay and benefits. The increase in

pay scale can increase the chances of employee retention for long time period in organization. If

employee is felling less security and safety then it means he or she will have less motivation. If

employees do not have any issue about their security and safety then it can improve their

motivation. The safety can be about personal security and job security. The next level in needs of

hierarchy is about employee’s belonging to organization. If employees have sense of belonging

for organization then motivation level will increase.

The most important thing at this stage is attraction related to team (Sadri & Bowen, 2011). The

confidence and respect in employees can become sources of high motivation, less retention of

employee and less turnover rate of employee. If management has idea about take care of self-

esteem of employees then it will improve motivation level among employees. It can increase

significantly the chances that employees may think out of box for resolving complex issues and

problems related to business operations (Oleson, 2004). Employees will face challenges with

high energy and bond also become strong between management and employee. The last level in

needs of hierarchy is self-direction. It can be achievable through self-actualization. There are

very few organization in business world which provide give opportunity of self-actualization to

their employees. The employees have more interest in personal realization of their potential. The

companies can provide different training and education programs to their employees after their

personal realization. Moreover, employees can improve their communication skills with their

involvement in academic program for long time period. By doing this, employees can have

knowledge about technical aspects of change management.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion is that application of Maslow theory of hierarchy is very beneficialnot only for

employees but also for management and organization. It creates motivation among employees

which ultimately give benefit in growth of business. Moreover, this presentation has proven very

effective source of learning for us. It develops understanding about theory of Maslow’s hierarchy

of needs. It also helps in understanding of implementation about this theory.Maslow has stated

that employees get motivation through five different aspects and different kind of needs. All

these needs have been ranked in hierarchy according to their importance in anyone’s life. The

stage of low pay, low skill and entry level is very critical and survival stage for employees. Thus,

it is very important for managers to create motivation among employees so that they can play

their important role in the success of company.



Sadri, G. and Bowen, C.R., 2011. Meeting employee requirements: Maslow's hierarchy of needs

is still a reliable guide to motivating staff. Industrial engineer, 43(10), pp.44-49.

Sack, A.L., Singh, P. and DiPaolo, T., 2009. Spectator motives for attending professional

women's tennis events: linking marketing and Maslow's hierarchy of needs

theory.International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing,6(1), pp.1-16.

Cherry, K., 2013. The five levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. How Maslow's Famous

Hierarchy Explains Huma Motivation.

Oleson, M., 2004. Exploring the relationship between money attitudes and Maslow's hierarchy of

needs. International journal of consumer studies, 28(1), pp.83-92.

Zalenski, R.J. and Raspa, R., 2006. Maslow's hierarchy of needs: a framework for achieving

human potential in hospice.Journal of palliative medicine, 9(5), pp.1120-1127.

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