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Life was better when technology was simpler. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Technology is always seen as the most impactful invention throughout human history.
Unfortunately, many people assume that the advanced technology leads people’s lives to be
more complicated rather than simpler. This essay will obviously support the idea that state-of-
the-art technology may provide wealth information and developed devices which leads people
to live in much manageable lives.

First and foremost, the technology ought to enrich lives by providing various source of
knowledge. Internet as a part of advanced technology contains many information sources such
as journals, e-books or free online courses which can be accessed to broaden the knowledge
since all of those sources can be read wherever and whenever as well people can freely choose
the things that they are eager to learn. Accordingly, people nowadays can be more
independent and more effective in learning. In contrary, in the past, people relied on teachers
as mind sources stemming for the limited source access.

Secondly, the invention of smartphone and all kinds of high-tech appliances result in the more
efficient works and productivities. To be more specific, those devices has been improving the
way people communicate each other, hence, people may have long-distance works, for
example housewives may also work at home and nurture their offspring in the same time.
Moreover, some high-tech household appliances, such as washing machine, microwave, may
help people to lessen the overwhelming chores. However, some electronic devices does make
things a little difficult, particularly to the elderly who are not willing to learn new things.

In conclusion, albeit things may occasionally become a little complicated due to technology for
some people, overall the up-date technology may transform learning to be easier and create
incredible way to work productively. I strongly believe that the technology leads to simpler

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