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An animal book by;
Once upon a time there lived a
beatiful ……… ………
She had ……… ……… eyes. A ..….peak.
Her wings were……..and she had
……short legs. She……….to fly.
She lived in ………Where she had
many ..……to fly with.
Her favorite food in summer was ………
but in winter she loved……..she always
ate…………….and ……………
She did not like to eat ………because
she thinks that ……….was…………. She
prefered …………..and……
Her best friend was ……… ………who
also loved………..every morning
…….. the penguin and ……… ………, where very
happy sharing their adventures around the
biggest mountains over their homes.
They talked about a ……… that
looked like ………. ……….
……… ……… said bye bye!! and went ………to their
homes, their friendship was their best treasure, they
knew they were ………. to share hábitats.
At night ……… ……… was sad because she knew
that soon her ………. was going to …… away
looking for her family. She really felt…….
Also she knew that her friend ……… was an
……………… animal and there was nothing to do.
Humans were destroying her ……. little by Little…
Like all this other animals´ habitats
……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………
……… ……… ……… ………
To help our planet and its species she
promised to take care of it and save
her Friends.

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