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-Ar, -Er, -Ir Present Tense Irr.

Verbs Nombre ________________

Review Worksheet Pagina tres. Periódo ________________

Repaso de Gustar:
Remember that Gustar is a VERY unique verb and has special conjugations. Other verbs that have similar
conjugations are:

*Encantar (To love) *Interesar (To be interested in) *Faltar (To be lacking)
*Aburrir (To bore) *Quedar (To have left) *Fascinar (To be fascinated by)

¿Cuáles son los terminos de Gustar?

*What happens to the verb if I like/love more than
one thing?

Completan la frase con la forma apropiada de Gustar, Encantar, o Faltar, etc..

1. __________________ mi camisa verde. (I like)
2. ____________________ libros misteriosos. (My friends like)
3. ¿No _____________________ el carro rojo? (You don’t like)
4. ___________________ la clase de español. (We are interested in)
5. ¿____________________ un tenedor? (You are missing)
6. _____________________ las manzanas. (I love)
7. ____________________ seis bolígrafos. (Juan and I have … left)
8. _____________________ las matemáticas.(He is fascinated by…)
9. _____________________ nosotros. (The dog is fascinated by…)

Repaso de 2 verbos juntos:

Verbs can be put together to create more meaningful sentences and expressions. Remember that when 2
verbs go next to each other, the first verb is conjugated and the second is left in the infinitive. There are 2
verb expressions that carry special rules about how to use them together.

Tener + que + infinitive To “have” to do something

Ir + a + infinitive To “go” to do something

Traduzcan (Translate) las frases de Ingles a Español.

1. I have to study a lot. ___________________________________________________.
2. We want to listen to music. ______________________________________________.
3. She is going to work at 7:00pm. __________________________________________.
4. You can(are able to) practice football. _____________________________________.
5. They have to take the exam. _____________________________________________.
6. You (all) are going to talk to the teacher. ___________________________________.
7. You (fam.) have to dance in the cafeteria. __________________________________.
8. I want to go to the mall. ________________________________________________.

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