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1. Yes.

2. One of my lapses is I quickly believe some post in social media without checking if it is legit.
Sometimes I repost it believing it is true. To avoid it from happening again, I will first make sure that it
comes from legit sources and only prompt to repost if it is legit.

3. Media is used to disseminate information to the mass. It should be the key in sharing useful
information and to change false knowledge known by the public.

The article we have found is about the false abduction of student by white van. On a viral video
posted by the page named "Deepfreeze" on facebook last november, it was stated "ganito pala ang
nangyayari kapag nakukuha ng puting van...". A cctv footage of the said abduction was posted along. It
has gone viral over 700,000 views and 37,000 shares. The video seems legit as it came from a cctv and
may be the reason that it has gone viral. But the Manila Police District said that it was only a prank
staged by a group of teenagers on April 14, 2019. It was reposted only last month, same time as the
hype of white van abduction is on rise.

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