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Interview Guide For Fisher Folks

Interview with fishers folks in Leyte Gulf.

Interview documentation:
Number of years experience in fishing:

 Who taught you to catch fish?
 Is fishing skills runs in the family?
 Who do you fish with?
 What is the biggest problem you encounter as a fisher?
 Do you have any alternative livelihood?

Fishing Activities
 Where do you Fish?
 How far from the shore do you fish?
 Do you catch fish further compared before?
 How many times you catch fish in a week?
 How much is the average of your fish catch?
 Have you notice a decline of fish catch?
 What kind of fish that you mostly catch?
 Do you sell your fish catch?
If yes, to whom or where?
 What kind of fishing gear did you use?

Rules and Regulations

 Are you aware about the fishery rules and regulation in
your area?
- If yes, how do you know about these regulations?
 Are other fishermen aware about the purpose of the fishery
 Do you think the regulation is fair? Why?
 What motivates you or the other fishermen to comply the
 Is there time you engage in illegal fishing? Why?
 What do you think is the reason why fisher folks engage in
illegal fishing?
 Do you have any suggestions on how to stop illegal fishing
in your community?

Interview with bantay dagat in Leyte Gulf.

 How long have you been a bantay dagat?
 How many fisher folks are there approximately in your AOR?
 Are there more or less fisher folks than 3-5 years ago?
 What kind of fish that are commonly caught by the fisher
 What are the biggest threat to fish stocks in the region?
 What do you think will be the threat to the fisher folks?

Rules and Regulations

 Are there regulations to be followed by the fisher folks?
 Are fishermen well informed about the regulations?
 Are fishermen aware about the purpose of fishery
 Have you encounter illegal fishers?
 How many fisher folks break the law averagely?
 Is that a high percentage compared before?
 What is the punishment for illegal fishers?
 What do you think are the reasons why fisher folks engage
in illegal fishing?
 What are the prevention and control programs to address the
 Dou you think the fisher folks perceive the rules and
regulations fair and just?
 Dou you think fisher folks are not afraid about the
punishment for violating the fishery laws?
 Do you think the fishing community trust the law enforcers?
 Do you have any suggestions on how to stop illegal fishing
in the community?

SOP 1. What are the patterns and trends of fishery and aquatic
resources law violations in Leyte Gulf?
1.1. What are the common fisheries-related violations?
1.2. What are the common types of fishing gear that are usually
used in illegal fishing practices in your area?
1.3. Do you know what proportion of fishers in your area that
are engaging illegal fishing practices?
1.4. What are the common areas wherein illegal fishing is
1.5. What is the usual month or time that illegal fishing is

SOP2: what are the reasons of engaging in fishery and aquatic

resources law violations?
2.1. What type of illegal fishing did you practiced?
2.2. Are you aware of any legal restriction regarding illegal
fishing practices?
2.3. Are you aware that once caught regarding the violation you
will be facing its consequences?
2.4. What is your reason in engaging illegal fishing?
2.5. Is there any other way for you to avoid illegal fishing

SOP3: What are the correlates of the violations of the fishery

and aquatic resources law?
3.1. What are the factors that influence in engaging illegal
fishing practices?
3.2. Does your family members/ancestors are known in using
illegal fishing?
3.3. Do you have strict implementation of fishery and aquatic
laws in your area?

3.4. Do you believe that existence of illegal fishing practices

has spread in your area in recent years?

Sop4: How do the community foster stewardship in managing

fisheries and aquatic resources?

4.1. What is the role of the community in order to stop illegal

fishing practices?
4.2. Are you willing to participate in the implementation of
fisheries regulation in order to stop illegal fishing practices?
4.3. Do you report any violation of fishery and aquatic laws in
your area?
4.4. Social interactions such as cooperation to any activities
in relation to environmental care.
4.5. What are your motivations in supporting or participating in
the enforcement of fishery laws?

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