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Eunice T.

Incident Response

At the present time, technology has been making our lives easier compared to what it was
before because it offers varied services that many people utilize and enjoy. However, an
advancement in technology would mean a higher risk of breaching people's security with regard
to their personal data.
This is where the importance of incident response comes to play. It will serve as a follow
up action in relation to fixing the compromised data. It is somehow true that most of the recovery
methods may be too complex for some but what we need to remember is, it is better to
religiously follow certain effective complex steps than do unsure simple steps that will cause
nothing but more problems upon the occuring incident.
The whole point of this is, we should not only aim for security when we think that we
need it most. It will be for the best if we make it a habit and a routine so when the time comes, it
will be easier for us to solve future incidents with ease.

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