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It's good to celebrate and appreciate the achievements and potentials of Filipino women.

However, it is
way better if the issues concerning them will be given much attention, especially the problem on
teenage pregnancy.

Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20.
There goes the dismaying fact about this issue, the Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia
where teenage pregnancy is on the rise. Of the 10 million Filipino girls aged 15-19 years old, some 10
percent (about a million) are already mothers or pregnant with their first child. By age 19, one in every
five girls (20 percent) is or will soon be a mother, according to the 2013 National Demographic and
Health Survey, the latest version (2016) of which came out this week.

See? Some Filipinos might not get interested on tackling this topic, yet this is an absolute
embarrassment for the entire nation. It is undeniable that thousands of Filipino citizens are reluctant in
discussing sexual education, after all here it is. This problem is a "national problem." Even though if you
insist that it is their problem and you won't care because it is their own fault, it's consequences are quite

Pregnant teenagers face many of the same pregnancy related issues as other women. There are
additional concerns for those under the age of 15 as they are less likely to be physically developed to
sustain a healthy pregnancy or to give birth.Teenage pregnancies are also associated with social issues,
including lower educational levels and poverty. Most of them would be dropping out of school, and so
their lack of skills and education would prevent them from getting jobs with good pay.

The economy and state of nation can be affected consequently. More health issues will emerge, poverty
rate increases and even the number of unemployed citizens will worsen.

Indeed, government should invest something to solve or reduce the current rate of teenage pregnancy
issue. Perhaps, having seminars that will bring awareness to the youth will contribute on this. It can also
be, providing some activities like sports tournament and camps that will convert the attention of
teenagers from engaging in early relationship to more positive ways. And of course, the role of parents
should always be fulfilled. Since most of the teenage pregnant have problems at home. It is probably one
of the reasons.

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