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Scene 1: Herve Joncour is a military soldier who chose to travel the world instead

Characters: Herve Joncour

Scene 2: Herve Joncqour, who came from another country, arrived at France and was convinced by a
french man to smuggle silkworm eggs to Japan.

Characters: Villagers Setting:

Herve Joncour


French man who convinced Herve

Scene 3: Herve is already on his way to Japan to smuggle silkworm eggs.

Character/s: Herve Setting:

Scene 4: Herve arrived in Japan. He made a deal with Japanese people about silkworm.

Characters: Herve

Japanese Businessmen

Scene 5: Trading

Characters: Hara Kei


Japanese girl

Scene 6: Herve went back to his home.

Characters: Herve


Scene 7: Lake

Characters: Herve

Japanese girl

Scene 8:

Scene 9: Swamp

Characters: Herve

Hara Kei

Japanese girl

Scene 10: Dinner in Japan

Characters: Herve


Scene 11: Herve’s going home

Characters: Herve

Scene 12: Wake

Characters: Herve



Scene 13: Flashback

Characters: Helene

Scene 14: Helene’s

Characters: Helene

When are you leaving?

I leave Thursday

And when will you come back?

French man: How was Africa?

We never talked about it.

Herve: It was beautiful. Tiring, but very beautiful.

French man: I have bad news.

I found dead worms.

Only a few, but still, too many.

Seems the pebrine got to egypt before you did.

Herve: Pebrine?

French man: They’ve given it a name.

I need you to go to Japan.

Herve: Japan? Where is that?

French man: It’s that way. Just keep on going to the end of the world.

Let me show you *gets map

They make the most perfect silk there.

I held some in my hand once.

It was like holding nothing.

They’ve been making silk for over a thousand years, and they’ve never even heard of a diseased egg.

It’ll be a longer journey this time.

Much longer.

Before I speak to the others, I have to know that you’re ready for this.

French man: But there’s a risk.

The journey’s long and dangerous, and it’s forbidden to travel inland beyond Japan’s harbors.

No Westener has done it.

And, yet, a place where no English broker or Chinese trader can go is a place where no disease can

Man1: And why should we succeed where others have failed?

French man: There’s no evidence that we will succeed, But I have it from a trustworthy source that the
Japanese are trading their silk on the black market.

Man2: We’re interested in making silk, not buying it.

French man: I want to send Herve to trade for eggs, not silk.
But there’s still no guarantee, no matter how good the plan.

Man3: How much?

French man: At best, 10,000 francs.

Man4: and at worst?

French man: his life.

Helene: What is it?

Herve: I can’t do this.

I cannot go.

Helene: But you already said you would go…

Herve: I wasn’t thinking… about us.

Helene: I don’t want you to give this up because of me.

It’s better that you going off to fight some stupid war.

You’ll be back by spring.

SCENE 3 & 4
French Man: Don’t forget. My japanese contact will meet you in Vladivostok.

And her letters for him.

He’ll help you find the village.

All you have to do is to bring back the eggs.

Herve: That’s all?

French man: Good luck.

Helene: I’ll always love you.

Herve: I will always love you.

And so I headed off to the end of the world.

I crossed the border at segny.

Then I journeyed through Europe.

I traveled by train from Vienna.

Through Moravia.

And on to Kiev.

I had my Christmas dinner at

And I thought of Helene… always.

Then I followed the Amur River along the Chinese border. Until I reached the ocean.

I stopped eleven days in Vladivostok where a Japanese guide handed me a disguise.

I sailed across the sea on a smuggler’s ship.

And, finally, I reached the port of Sakata.


And haunting.

The Mogami River.

I climbed the mountains of Shinobu.

Where new guides are waiting for me.

And for the next three days, we continued through the peaks.

Then, after countless tiring days and sleepless nights, I reached my destination.

Hara Kei: Who are you?

Herve: My name is Herve Joncour.

Hara Kei: I know that.

Herve: I am the man of trade.

Hara Kei: That’s not who you are, that’s what you do.

Herve: I am the man you see before you.

That is all.

I was born of a village you’ve never heard of, in a country you’ve never seen.

I grew up like any child.

I was clothed, and fed, educated.

I joined the army.

I left to marry the woman I love.

And none of this is who I am.

Hara Kei: The eggs you were given are eggs of fish. They are worth nothing.

Herve: I know that.

Hara Kei: Is that why you paid for them with fake gold?

Herve: I paid for what I bought.

Hara Kei: When you leave here, you will have what you want.

Herve: When I reached the limits of your lands, alive, you’ll get all the gold that’s owed to you.

Herve: I give you my word.

Helene: You’re back.

Herve: I’m back.

On my return, I was surprised to find our life was still there, just as I had left it… But it was about to

Helene: Do you think about it?

Herve: Sometimes.

Helene: What do you see?

Herve: Strange trees, chickens pecking in the dirt, laughing children.

Helene: What about this man? You hardly mention him.

Herve: He was closed, secretive. It was hard to remember all of it. It’s fading away.

Helene: I’ve ask Madam Berbek to help with the chores.The house is too much for me.

Herve: That’s a good idea. Ludovic is growing. They must need the money.

Helene: I know you’d understand.

Herve: May I see? (drawing)

Helene: No. It’s not yet finished.

Herve: I want to look at it.

Helene: No.
It was happy time that summer. Life was simple again. Opened his beak and he felt sick. The cheese fell
out of his beak, and the fox caught the cheese and ran off with it.

Helene: So this is the path, and the fountain is there.

Herve: hmmm, and the lilies?

Helene: You’re standing on them.

Herve: Oh, sorry.

Helene: You’re standing on them again.

Herve: So the lilies are everywhere.

Helene: The lilies are everywhere.

But I knew that it couldn’t last forever

French man: I suppose we won’t be eating your aubergines this summer.

It’s a flower garden, not a potager.

I’ve received some news from Japan.

It may not be so easy to get in and out the next time.

Herve: When was it easy?

I have Hara Jubei’s protection. I will be fine.

French man: What if you don’t make it to him?

French man: listen, You have a decision to make.

Herve: You make it.

Herve: I’ll always love you.

Helene: I’ll always love you.

And once again, I made it to the village.

Only this time, it was different.

This time, not treated as a stranger.

This time, I belonged.

I had to find her.

So while I waited for the eggs to be prepared, I searched the village.

Hara Jubei: I wanted you to see this place.

Join me.

Herve: Perhaps another time.

Hara Jubei: You see these birds?

Only here can you see them.

My father used to come here everyday to watch them and his father and the father of his father.

And now, you’ve seen them too.


Schuyler: And what does it say?

The door is open

Herve: Herve Joncour.

Schuyler: Schuyler. I am dutch.

You are, uh, French I suppose.

What is your trade?

There is no point of being secretive.

You’re either here to buy or sell something.

Which is it?

Herve: I’m here to buy silk eggs.

And you?

Schuyler: selling.

Herve: What?

Schuyler: Guns.

Hmmm, you must be paying pretty well.

Hara Jubei has never offered me anything like this before.

Do not be fooled by his kindness.

There is a price for everything.

And what about Mutzu?

He’s still safe.

They’ve been chased to the east.

You never know. Things are changing fast.

Even Hara Jubei’s losing grip.

I’d be on my guard, If I were you.

Is that a warning?

His protecters in Edo will fall soon.

You take my advice.

Trade fast. Leave as soon as you can.


Japanese 1: She’s quite something, isn’t she?

Herve: What do you know about her?

Japanese 1: Not much.

But I’ll tell you this, she’s not what you think.

Herve: What do you mean?

Japanaese 1: She’s not a Japanese.

That is what they say.

Herve: Who knows?

Herve: To you. (pertaining to Hara Jubei)

May we continue to trade in peace.

To our lasting friendship.

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