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7th March Speech is regarded as the most historical speech in Bangladesh which was delivered by

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 7th March, 1971 at Ramna Race Course Maydan in Dhaka.
About 2 million of people were present there. It was delivered during a period of rising tensions between
East Pakistan and the powerful political and military establishment of West Pakistan. In the speech,
Rahman proclaimed: “This time, the struggle is for our freedom. This time, the struggle is for our
independence.” The speech inspired the Bangalees to prepare for a war of independence amid
widespread reports of armed mobilization by West Pakistan and he called upon all Bangalees of then
East Pakistan to launch a significant struggle against the Pakistani occupation forces indicating for taking
all-out preparations for the War of Liberation. However, the speech effectively declared the
independence of Bangladesh. The speech composes a faithful documentation of how the failure of post-
colonial nation-states to develop inclusive, democratic society alienates their population belonging to
different ethnic, cultural, linguistic or religious groups. The speech of 7th March has inspired the whole
nation to take part in liberation war and free our country from the enemy. At the same way, this speech
has touched the soul of every Bangladeshi and even after 1971 this speech has encouraged and guided
us to build up our nation. Really, it was an eye-opening declaration for the nation. It’s a matter of great
pride for us that UNESCO has recognized the speech and so now the whole world will know about the
historic speech

Gender discrimination means the unequal treatment between male and female. It is a great problem in
our country . It begins at birth and continues throughout the women’s life. Social prejudices, customs
and evils of dowry systems are the causes of gender discrimination. Most parents want to have male
children. They think that male children can contribute to the family income more than the female
children. Besides, male children are necessary for the continuance of family lineage. Moreover the
parents have to give dowry to the daughter’s husband at the time of marriage. So the birth of a female
child is regarded as a cure. She is born to an unwelcome world. Poor and illiterate girls are the worst
victims of gender discrimination. They are deprived of the right of education. The poor parents consider
their daughter education wastage of money. So, their prime aim is to marry off their daughters. Gender
discrimination has some long term negative effect on the body and mind of the girl. They develop a
sense of self effacement, self denial and inferiority. They are given less food than the male children. So
they suffer from malnutrition. Women become victims of torture because of gender discrimination. Only
education can remove gender discrimination. An educated girl can stand on her own feet. She becomes
conscious of her rights. She also commands the respect of people around her. We must give up our
traditional view and attitude towards women. We must raise mass consciousness against gender

The word dream is a combination of images, thoughts and emotions that human beings see and hear in
their mind when they are sleeping. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid, splendid or vague; filled with
joyful emotions or frightening images; focused and understandable or unclear and confusing. They are
often similar to real life in some ways, but can also be very strange. Dreams can seem so real while they
happen that the person might think that they are awake when actually they are asleep. It is often easier
for people to remember dreams if they write down what happened in the dream just after they wake up.
Because of this, many people have dream diaries where they describe each dream they have. There are
many theories and myths are prevailing about why people dream and what their dreams mean. Freud’s
theory contributed to the popularity of dream interpretation. Some psychologists believe that dreams
reflect what is happening in the unconscious mind while others think that people, places, and objects in
dreams are symbols for other things in the dreamer's real life. Throughout history people have tried to
make sense of dreams to learn things from them, and have often used them for divination or fortune-
telling. Today there are still many books and websites devoted to making sense of dreams. To sum up it is
to say that dreams should always be enjoyable.

Food adulteration means mixing unhygienic and inferior materials with food. That is a heinous deed. It is
considered to be one of the major problems in our country. There are many reasons for this problem.
Mainly, greed for more profit and dishonest businessmen are responsible for food adulteration. There is
hardly any food that is not adulterated in one way or another. There are many bad impacts of
adulterated food. They are generally harmful to health and cause serious health problems like digest
problem, diarrhea, dysentery, and cancer. It reduces the quality of the food and this weakens our health.
Various hotels and restaurants are also serving poisonous and unhealthy menus. Now the problem is
going out of control. The situation cannot go on. The government should come forward to solve the
problem. An effective law should be enforced against the culprits. They must be punished. We should try
to avoid adulterated foods. We should realize the bad consequence of food adulteration. Mass media
can play an important role in creating public awareness. We can surely remove this problem through our
sincere and united steps.


Adolescence is a changing stage of physical and physiological development that happens during the
period between between childhood and adulthood. This is an important a part of life. this is a really
critical period of life. In adolescence, girls and boys float in a very vibrant and fantasy world. Thus
everything looks vibrant to them. That is why they will go wide. Adolescence may be a time of risks.
Unlimited freedom brings disasters for them. They rush to the path of destruction without knowing the
consequence. Adolescent may be a youth who is developing from a child to an adult. They may be
addicted to alcohol, cigarettes and alternative drugs that may cause deadly diseases.They are also in
danger of sexual relationship which wheel lead them to intentional and unintentional crisis or risk. Many
of them face a wide range of adjustment and mental health problems. So, it is necessary to be very
careful about everything that can be life threatening. It is also important to teach them that alcohol,
cigarettes and other drugs may destroy their life. Moreover, they must be given religious teaching
besides general education.

Etiquette' and 'manners'a are very similar words, The word 'etiquette' is derived from a French word. It
means the rules of correct behaviour in society. On the other hand, 'manners' is an English word. It
means the behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture. Manner refers to
usual behaviour towards others. It may be good or bad. It refers to polite ways of treating other people
and behaving in public. Family is the best institution for children to learn etiquette. Here children learn
to respect the decision of all members. They also put into practice the foundation of all social etiquette
here. Social etiquette means how to behave with your friends, neighbours and strangers. Etiquette and
manners keep a man in the list of favorite persons . Different situations call for different etiquette and
manners. They are divided into three groups: family etiquette,social etiquette and professional etiquette.
Respecting each other's belongings, treating the children kindly and listening to the parents are the
examples of family etiquette. Giving and receiving compliments, refusing to gossip with about friends,
making late, interrupting to somebody's talking are termed as basic social etiquette. Dressing properly,
shaking hands appropriately, keeping indoor voice during speaking to somebody is professional
etiquette. Speaking with food in one's mouth is socially onsidered a bad manner. A bad mannered
person has less social acceptance. Everybody dislikes him. It varies from culture to culture and society to
society. We learn from our parents at our very early age. We also learn it from schools, colleges and
professional bodies. Every social occasion has its own rules of behaviour. They are different from each
other. A behaviour may be correct in a wedding ceremony and also may be inappropriate in a debating
club. Learning etiquette and manner is a part to be handsome that suggests handsome is what
handsome does.

Human rights mean the basic needs of human life. Everybody can expect to get these needs as a human
being. These needs are essential for the physical, mental, and spiritual development of both men and
women. The basic human rights are freedom of speech, security of life, right of citizenship, right to vote,
right for education and justice and so on. The children of our country do not get proper rights — right of
education, right of medical treatment, right of proper food, etc. The women of our country are being
deprived of their rights. They are the victims of gender discrimination. They do not get proper food,
clothing, education, freedom of speech, etc. Most of the women are deprived of equal labour benefits
because they are not thought to be equal to men in the workforce. Usually women work longer than
men but get less money. Many people cannot enjoy their religious rights. In the world the people are
suffering inhumanly. Voting right is not ensured properly in our society. Proper steps should be taken to
ensure women's rights. Women have already started working in different fields. They are becoming
doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, etc. Women should be properly educated and employed. They
should be given power in different spheres of life. They should be made aware of their rights and duties.
Their security of life should be ensured at any cost. Seminars and discussion meetings should be
organized to highlight the importance of establishing human rights — especially children's rights and
women's rights. People should be made conscious of their rights.

The street children are those who move along the roads and have no definite place or house to live in.
they move on streets, eat the leftover from the roadside dustbins and sleep on footpaths. The street is
their home. So they are called street children. Some of them earn their livelihood by working as a coolie.
Some live by serving as a helpmate in a house, some by doing some odd business. Among them, some
also earn livelihood by sealing from the shops here and there. When they gradually grow up, they get
themselves involved into illegal activities. The street children have no parents to maintain their
expenditure. They have been left their parents either because the have illegal birth or because their
father or mother has got married twice or thrice. Finding no other alternative, they take shelter on the
streets. These children are deprived of many rights of a citizen. They are even destitute of fundamental
needs of life. They cannot go to schools. They cannot eat a square meal, let alone medical treatment.
Thus, they remain underprivileged

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