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Nanay is my bestfriend

Charesse: Everybody seems to be staring at me… Why? Am I pretty? Of course! My mother always told
me that I’m the prettiest. She always told me that I’m the sweetest child and the most loving
one. And I do believe in that although…….

Sofia: Sassy bungi… sassy bungi… sassy law-ay!!! Hahaha

Charesse: Nanay hu… Nene is calling me bungi and law-ay….

Charesse: This is the usual scene in our house. My cousin Sofia is always bullying me. One day, during
the Christmas Party in our barangay….

Zuei: Sassy comm’on.. Let’s dance…

Charesse: No, I don’t want to dance! (Cried)

Nanay: Why? What’s wrong?

Charesse: I cried and cried without uttering a word. I didn’t even answer the questions of my mother.

Nanay: Ok. Then, let’s go home…

Charesse: I’m still crying even when we arrived home.

Nanay: What’s wrong dear? Why are you still crying? Is your stomach aching?

Charesse: No nanay.

Nanay: Then, why are you crying?

Charesse: I am very shy, nanay. Zuei is very beautiful. Everyone in the party is beautiful except me.

Nanay: Who told you that! You are the most beautiful my dear… You are a good child. You always
help me with my chores at home. You are respectful and friendly… You are a good dancer.
You are a loving daughter. You are beautiful with a heart…

Charesse: But nanay, I only have 4 teeth!

Nanay: Child, be thankful that you still have 4 teeth now. Few months ago you only have 2. Hehehe.
Just kidding. Take care your 4 teeth, brush it 3 times a day and avoid eating candies…

Charesse: From that moment, I gained self-confidence. I became a happy child. You, you, you… you
should not bully someone. Bullying can be a worst experience that may result to depression
and self-pity. Instead of bullying, give praises even in the simplest way. Just like my nanay…
My Nanay, my bestfriend.

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