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Question 2

How would this psychodynamic theory explain the symptoms being experienced by

The following are the main philosophical underpinnings that form the structure of
Adler’s “Individual psychology.” They are also the reasons why this psychodynamic
theory explains the symptoms being experienced by A.

Responsibility and Creativity.

One of the most basic tenets of Alderian psychology is the notion that
people are responsible for their behavior, thoughts, and feelings. People
choose behaviors that that they believe will secure them a sense of belonging
and significance. One can also choose to behave selfishly and avoid the tasks
of life. The turning away from responsibilities is an active choice to act
inferior, to give up, and this choice has its own natural consequences.
It is for this reason A has decided to withdraw and drink excessively. As a
consequence he experiences feelings of loneliness. He takes the decision to
enter therapy and is in and out of it..
The Alderian view of responsibility is not an attempt to blame but rather to
reeducate and encourage change.

It emphasizes that each person perceives the environment in a unique
and personal manner. Adler relied on the individual’s perceptions of events
rather than on the objective events themselves, for it is on the basis of
perceptions and interpretations that people choose thoughts, behaviors, and
The client’s interpretation is subjective and the psychotherapist must see
the world from each client’s uniquely personal perspective.
At this point A feels convinced that he will be alone forever. This is his
subjective interpretation of the past events.

Social Embeddedness
One of the most important aspects of Adlerian theory is its focus on the
social importance of humanity. It is for this reason that as a coping
mechanism A frequently seeks reassurance from others.

According to this tenet “Human behavior is goal oriented”. People move
towards self-selected goals” The life of the human soul is not a ‘being’ but a
‘becoming’ Most common goal is to belong.
A has already identified his goal that he hopes to learn strategies to better
navigate interpersonal relationships and to be able to trust people again.

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