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A holiday is an opportunity to journey within.

It also a chance to chill, to

relax. It is when I switch on my rest mode.

By: Johhny and Wan Circle

Date/ Time Activities

26 March
9.00 a.m Train from Padang Besar to Hatyai (9.55 Malaysia time) 50 bath.
10.30 a.m Arrive at Hatyai
Find guesthouse and rest (225 for 1 person )
Walking around Hatyai Center.
6.00 p.m Find tuk tuk go to Floating Night Market ( 150 bath go and back to
hatyai center)
8.00 p.m Go back to hatyai center
Walking to Hatyai Street Stalls
11.00 p.m Find bar or pub to chill and rest your mind.
2.00 a.m Go back to guesthouse and sleep.

27 March
8.00 a.m Find breakfast and walking around hatyai center.
12.00 p.m Prepare back to Malaysia
Train from hatyai to padang besar (2.00 p.m Thailand time) 50 bath.

Total cost for transportation and lodging only= 475 bath

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