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19/11/2018 Sophian.

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Consecration of the Prayer Carpet: The Dwelling Place

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Consecration of the Prayer Carpet: The Dwelling Place
by Tau Malachi Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:21 am

Consecration of the Prayer Carpet: Emanation of Makom

The sacred circle is holy ground, an intersection of heaven and earth, a manifestation of the power
of Malkut, the Kingdom, in the world, and when a consecrated prayer carpet is laid out within it,
the carpet becomes as the holy of holies, the dwelling place of the Holy Shekinah, the presence
and power of Elyon, the Most High. In any environment where the prayer carpet is rolled out it is
holy ground, the carpet being the dwelling place, Makom – the power of Makom as a Name of God
being in it.

Prayer carpets have also been called “flying carpets,” because seated in deep prayer and
meditation upon them, shifting their center of consciousness into a body of light adepts “fly”
through the astral dimension of the earth in their spiritual labors for people, or "soar" upward,
ascending into higher gradations of consciousness and the inner, metaphysical dimensions.
Likewise, it speaks to the visions that often come to the son or daughter of the navim, when,
seated upon it, Ruach Ha-Kodesh comes upon them; so if not on a journey in light body, then by
“flying” is meant seeing in the visionary dimension while in the body.

As much as a place of communion and vision, so too this emanation of Makom becomes a place of
Light Transmission – very often tzaddikim will bring aspirants to this holy ground to share
transmissions of spiritual power, the power of their realization in the Messiah.

All of this speaks to the nature of the consecration of the prayer carpet or holy rug, for
traditionally it is consecrated through a “great convocation,” which is to say an invocation of all
the Divine Powers, the power of all Holy Sefirot, all celestial spheres and all directions – all Divine
Powers being asked to bless the carpet, and to bear witness to the creation of holy ground, a
dwelling place.

Entering into a great convocation, the initiate seeks a cycle of power, an auspicious time for the
sacred ceremony, and as that time approaches they take up a continuum of self-purification and
prayer, and if they seek to generate the greatest merit and blessing, they will enact a give away,
as is traditional with the consecration of any significant sacred object of power. Naturally, the
initiate will attend to the invocation and welcoming of the Holy Shekinah each week approaching
this great convocation, and have a special focus in the continuum of the Holy Shabbat each week,
honoring and keeping the Shabbat with great devotion and cleaving.

The holy rug is often consecrated in a sacred sanctuary indoors, but when such sacred space is not
available it is consecrated in a sacred circle in the great outdoors – ideally in a place of power.

All of the prayer weapons, or sacred tools, are laid out upon the rug after it is baptized by the
sprinkling of holy water and anointed with holy oil. As the matrix is laid out, it is laid out with
prayers, cleaving to the Risen Messiah and Shekinah of the Messiah.

When everything is laid out, then it is left for a little while to “settle,” and the initiate will
prepare themselves for the great invocation – then, when it is time, they will light the sacred lamp
and offer incense, and they will begin their invocations.

Opening the gate, opening the way, and proclaiming their sacred intention, they will call upon Ha- 1/3
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Shem, and invoke the Divine Names corresponding with the Sefirot with praise and thanksgiving for
salvation, and they will invoke all of the archangels and their hosts corresponding with the Sefirot,
and then the intelligences of the celestial spheres and the elemental dominions – the fruition of
the invocations will be the Divine Powers of the Sacred Circle, the six archangels and four winds,
and with them the power of the angels of our earthly Mother joined to those of our heavenly

When all Divine Powers have been invoked, honored and gathered in, then the initiate will ask for
their blessings upon the carpet that it might be holy ground, and more so, Makom; and they will
pray that the Shekinah be ornamented in full, and rest upon this dwelling place in her full glory
and power.

This will lead to the celebration of the wedding feast, the feast of bread and wine, and prayers for
the second coming of Christ, the reception of the Holy Bride and full outpouring of the Holy Spirit –
hence, prayers for the coming of New Jerusalem.

In other words, the initiate will rejoice in the presence of Yahweh in this place, and worship El
Elyon, God Most High.

When all is accomplished there will be praise and thanksgiving to God (El) and all of the Powers
will be blessed and honored, and then there will be a banishing, releasing the spirits and
empowering them to bear the gospel, the good news, into their dominions and abodes.

In completion, blessings will be extended to all beings, and the merit generated offered to all
beings, and the initiate will pray for the salvation of all, the fruition of the intention of Yahweh
Elohim in creation.

This completes the consecration of the prayer carpet.

If the prayer carpet is not in use, unless there is a consecrated sanctuary for it to be laid out in as
an ongoing prayer and heart-wish, or a consecrated shrine before which it can be laid out, where it
will not be trampled upon in a profane manner, it is kept rolled up and is only unrolled when in
active use. In other words, it is dealt with as sacred and holy, and through our reverence and
attention its light-power is guarded and increased.

The prayer carpet is truly a great and powerful talisman of a prayer for the people and the land, a
prayer that all might be gathered into the kingdom of heaven, or into New Jerusalem – the Mystical
Body of the Risen Messiah. Thus, in consecrating one we invoke blessings upon the people and the
land, and so it is with the consecration and use of all sacred objects of power – all are talismans of
prayers for the people and land, all our relations.

May many look and see the kingdom of heaven spread out upon the earth this day, and so know
their salvation is at hand and rise up to meet their Lord, Adonai, in the sky! Amen.

Peace be with you!

The Great Convocation

by Elder Gideon Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:22 am

Greetings Tau Malachi:

I'm very grateful for your posting this teaching on the consecration of a sacred carpet. As I
contemplate this, I watch so many more teachings of holy ground coming forward in my
experience, which I look forward to sharing as they can be shared.

A question arises studying this pattern. I have prayer beads that are intentionally divided into ten
decades, 10x10, for contemplating the sefirot of the Tree of Life: the ten Divine Names of Atzilut, 2/3
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the ten Archangels of Beriyah, and the ten choirs of angels of Yetzirah. I'd like to continue this
pattern of ten for Asiyah, but as yet, it isn't common to call upon the entire zodiacal wheel of
Hokmah, let alone the First Swirling of Keter. My inclination is to include Keter and Hokmah within
Binah by intoning Ruach ha Shabbatai thirty times; from there, proceeding onwards ten times for
each planetary intelligence, Hesed (Jupter) to Yesod (Levanah), ending at Malkuth with Ruach ha
Aretz. If this is sound, it would complete four-hundred chants, the Hebrew letter ‫ת‬, a very
appropriate energy-intelligence for sealing the Great Convocation into a weapon of holy ground. If
there is a more energetic way, what may be done for the ten intelligences of Asiyah in such a
pattern as the Great Convocation?

In appreciation of your response, I also wished to share a jewel within the Seventy-Two names
which empowers this very intention of the Great Convocation: Name 9 of the Gevurot: ‫הזי‬. The
relationships with our teachings just never stops! Praise be She for birthing the Pattern that


Elder Gideon+

Completing the Invocation of Forces

by Tau Malachi Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:29 am

Greetings and blessings in the light of the Messiah!

To complete the invocations through Asiyah intone Ruach Ha-Gilgulim for Keter, Ruach Ha-Mazlot
for Hokmah, and for Malkut intone Ruach Ha-Ruach, Ruach Ha-Maim, Ruach Ha-Ash, and Ruach Ha-
Etretz. This will allow you to complete your invoking chants through the Tree of Life - then, in
summation, you can pray for the manifestation of each Divine Attribute upon the earth from the
will of God to the kingdom of God.

Peace be with you!

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