The Gratitute of The Beast

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The gratitute of the beast

Once upon a time there was a slaved called Androcles in the old Rome, one day Androcles
exploited the carelessness of his owner and he escaped to the forest , he run and run until that
he found a cave, he went into the cave and he found out a lion, the lion was injured and it
roared few times, Androcles said “the lion is injured , I have to help it”. Androcles found an
arrow in the lion’s paw, he extracted the arrow and cleaned the lion’s paw with clean water.
He didn’t know but he had dominated the beast. a few days later, Androcles thought that he
could go out the cave, barely he went out, many soldiers arrested to Androcles and carry him
to the coliseum, the days passed and one day the coliseum was full with many spectators, the
soldier called to Androcles of his dirty dungeon, Androcles had to fight with a lion but suddenly
the lion stopped in front of Androcles and the lion played lovingly with Androcles, the
spectators were shocked and they cried ¡Cesar Cesar liberate to Androcles he dominated to
the beast! Androcles didn’t know what happened but he had dominated the beast.

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