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Consultant Ophthalmologist, Teaching

Hospital, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Conjunctivitis Clare Gilbert

Senior Lecturer, International Centre for Eye Health,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK.

The conjunctiva is a thin, transparent mucous Table 1. Causes of conjunctivitis, and who is primarily affected
membrane, which lines the inner surface of the
eyelids and covers the sclera (the white part of the Cause of Newborn babies Children Adults
eye). The conjunctiva contains glands which produce
secretions that help to keep the eyes moist, and Viral infection Uncommon Usually affects Usually affects
antibodies, which reduce infection. both eyes both eyes
Conjunctivitis means ‘inflammation of the
conjunctiva’, and the commonest cause is infection
by viruses or bacteria. Conjunctivitis can also be due Bacterial May be severe and May affect one or May affect one or
to chemical irritants, traditional eye remedies or infection sight threatening both eyes. May be both eyes. May be
allergy. It is usual for both eyes to be affected in severe and sight severe and sight
infectious cases. The patient notices that the eyes threatening threatening
are red and uncomfortable, and there is discharge Chlamydia Can cause Causes trachoma, Usually affects both
which may make the eyelids stick together in the conjunctivitis of which usually eyes
morning. The vision is usually not affected. On the newborn affects both eyes
examination the eyelids may be slightly swollen,
the eyes are red, and there may be some visible Allergy Uncommon Usually affects Uncommon
discharge. The cornea should be bright, and the both eyes
pupils should be round, regular and react to light.
Conjunctivitis due to infection occurs at all ages, but
some of the less common causes affect particular Chemical Uncommon Can affect one or Can affect one or
age groups (Table 1). There is one form of conjuncti- irritants/ both eyes both eyes
vitis which can be sight threatening – that due to traditional eye
gonococcal infection. remedies

Viral conjunctivitis prevent secondary infection from bacteria,

and tetracycline eye ointment can be
soothing. Topical steroid eye drops should
Molluscum contagiosum
Several different viruses can cause
conjunctivitis. Some, such as entero- and never be given for conjunctivitis due to The virus that causes the skin infection
adenoviruses, can spread rapidly through infection. known as molluscum contagiosum can also
communities leading to epidemics of Health education: The patient should be infect the eye, if the molluscum is on the
conjunctivitis (e.g. Apollo red eye), while told that the condition is very infectious, eyelid. The patient (usually a child) presents
others primarily cause skin infections that they should not share face towels, and with a single or multiple eyelid lesions,
(molluscum contagiosum, herpes infection), should wash their hands regularly. In parts which are small, round, waxy, whitish,
and the eye can be infected if the eyelids of the world where traditional eye remedies umbilicated nodules on the eyelid. The
are involved. are commonly used, the patient should affected eye will be red, with some
be advised not to use traditional remedies discharge. Patients with HIV/AIDS can
and needs to be told that the infection will have multiple lesions (Figure 1).
Entero- or adenoviral get better. Continues over page ➤
This is an epidemic form of conjunctivitis
which almost always affects both eyes. The
patient may complain of a foreign body
sensation, with watering, discharge,
redness, and swelling of the lids. They may
also complain of the eyes being sensitive to
light, with blurred vision. The eyes appear
red, with discharge, but the cornea and
pupil are usually normal. In severe cases
there may be small haemorrhages in the
conjunctiva. The patient may also complain
of upper respiratory tract symptoms and
other generalized symptoms (sore throat,
fever and headache). The eye infection lasts
7-14 days, and usually gets better on its
own. The condition is very contagious:
health workers should wash their hands
after examining a patient and disinfect the
instruments they have used.
Ben Naafs

Treatment: There is no specific treatment

for viral conjunctivitis, and the condition
gets better on its own. Antibiotic eye drops Fig 1. Patients with HIV/AIDS can have multiple lesions caused by molluscum contagiosum



Treatment: This condition does not get Treatment of babies: Clean the eyelids, Trachoma
better on its own, and the treatment and show the mother how to do this. Gently
Trachoma infection principally affects
consists of removing the lid lesion, with a open the eyes, and instill tetracycline eye
children. The child may not complain of
curette or other blunt instrument. ointment, or other antibiotic eye ointment,
symptoms or may have some discomfort
Health education: Mothers and adult showing the mother how to do this. Make
and discharge. On examination, the upper
patients can be shown how to remove the sure she can instill the ointment, give her a
eyelids may be slightly swollen and drooping,
skin lesions. tube of tetracycline (or other antibiotic), and
and the eyes will be slightly red, with some
tell her to put it in both eyes every hour. Tell
discharge. The diagnosis is confirmed by
Herpes simplex blepharo- the mother that this is a very serious
everting the upper eyelid and examining the
infection, and that she and her baby should
conjunctivitis go urgently to an eye department as she
conjunctiva over the tarsal plate. Evert the
lid by i) ask the child to look down; ii) get
Again, this condition is more common in and her baby need an injection of antibiotic.
hold of the lashes of the upper eyelid; iii)
children. The child presents with fluid filled Treatment of adults: Prescribe antibiotic
place a narrow object, such as a matchstick
vesicles on the skin around one eye, and a eye drops or ointment, and tell the patient
2-3 mm above the lid margin, holding it
red, sore eye which may be sensitive to to use the treatment hourly. They should be
parallel to the lid margin; iv) fold the eyelid
light. The treatment is topical antiviral eye told that the infection is serious, and that
upwards, against the matchstick. The eyelid
drops or ointment (e.g. idoxuridine, acyclovir). they should go to an eye department.
will then evert.
Health education: Steroid eye drops Health education: If a newborn baby has
Active infection causes two eye signs:
should never be used as they make the conjunctivitis and Gonococcus is suspected,
trachoma with follicles ‘TF’ (Figure 3), and
infection much worse. the mother should take her baby to an eye
trachoma with intense inflammation ‘TI’
clinic immediately for treatment. She
(Figure 4).

should also should be treated as well as her
husband/partner. Communities should be

warned of the potential dangers of traditional
conjunctivitis eye remedies, particularly urine, which may
have come from someone with gonorrhea.
Acute conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis due to bacteria differs from Chronic bacterial
infection due to viruses, as it is more likely conjunctivitis
to affect only one eye, and the amount of
Bacterial infection of the eyelid margins
discharge and lid swelling is usually greater.
can lead to chronic conjunctivitis. The patient
The patient complains of irritation, a foreign
complains of sore eyelids and sore eyes with
body sensation, and the eyelids are stuck
little discharge. On examination, the eyelid
together in the mornings. Fig 3. Trachoma TF. There are at least five
margins are thickened, slightly inflamed and
Treatment: Broad-spectrum topical follicles (small, whitish spots) on the
crusty. The eyes themselves may look normal
antibiotic such as tetracycline eye ointment. everted eye lid, which are at least 1 mm
or slightly red.
Treatment: As the source of the
Conjunctivitis due to conjunctivitis is infection of the eyelids,

Gonococcus treatment is aimed at the eyelids and
Certain groups of individuals are at risk of a consists of tetracycline eye ointment applied
very severe form of bacterial conjunctivitis to the lid margins three times a day, after
due to the Gonococcus organism (which cleaning the lid margins to remove the crusts.
causes gonorrhea): i) newborn babies, who
acquire the infection during delivery; ii) Chlamydial conjunctivitis
adults, who acquire the infection during Chlamydia are organisms which have
sexual activity; and iii) individuals of any age some characteristics of viruses and some
who have used urine infected with of bacteria. They can cause conjunctivitis
Gonococcus as a traditional remedy. Taking in three groups of individuals: i) newborn
a history is, therefore, very important. babies, who acquire the infection Fig 4. Trachoma TI. Very active infection
Infection with Gonococcus should be during delivery; ii) children, who develop when at least half of the blood vessels of
suspected in any age group (including trachoma; and iii) young adults, who the conjunctiva on the upper eyelid
babies) if the eyelids are very swollen, if the acquire the infection during sexual activity. cannot be seen because the conjunctiva
discharge is thick and profuse, and if the is so thickened and inflamed
cornea is ulcerated or perforated (Figure 2).
Neonatal chlamydial Treatment: The child should be treated
either with topical tetracycline eye ointment,
Pak Sang Lee

conjunctivitis three times a day for six weeks, or they

The infection starts a few days after birth, should be given a dose of azithromycin
and the mother notices that the eyelids are 20 mg per kg body weight.
swollen and there is discharge. The baby Health education: Trachoma is a
may also have chlamydial infection of the community disease which affects disadvan-
lungs, ears and nose. taged households. Seeing a child with
Treatment: Clean the eyelids, and instill trachoma almost certainly means that
tetracycline eye ointment. Show the there are other children from the same
mother how to do this and tell her to instill community who are infected, and there are
the ointment four times a day. The baby likely to be adults requiring lid surgery.
should also have a course of oral erythro- Health education should focus on the SAFE
Fig. 2. Baby suffering from conjuntivitis mycin to clear the infection from other parts strategy (see Community Eye Health Journal
due to Gonococcus of the body. Issue 52, 2004).


Allergic ‘Conjunctivitis is

Tissa Senaratne
common, but is only
conjunctivitis rarely sight threatening’
There are two forms: an acute form and
a chronic form.

Acute allergic ointment can be soothing and will prevent

conjunctivitis secondary bacterial infection.
Health education: People should not instill
The adult or child develops sudden and Fig 5. Eversion of the upper tarsus shows anything in their eyes that has not been
severe itching of the eyes and eyelids as a marked conjunctival papillae in vernal prescribed for them, and they should throw
result of coming into contact with something keratoconjunctivitis away eye drops after the bottle has been
the person is allergic to (e.g. pollen, cats).
open for one month or more.
The eyelids and conjunctiva become sensitivity, blurred vision and discoloration
markedly swollen and there is profuse of the eyes. The diagnosis is made by
watering of the eyes, which usually do not everting the eyelids when large, flat Equipment needed at the
become red. The condition gets better on its
own very quickly.
‘papillae’ become visible (Figure 5).
Treatment: Treatment is not easy at the
primary level to diagnose
Health education: The person needs to try primary level, and if the symptoms are and manage conjunctivitis
and find out what led to the reaction (e.g. severe, or the cornea looks hazy, the
eating certain food; sitting under a particular management is referral to an eye • Visual acuity chart
tree) and try to avoid this in the future. department (see pages 76-78). • Torch
They should be told not to rub their eyes, • Clean swabs for cleaning eyes

as this makes the condition worse. • Tetracycline eye ointment
• Povidone iodine eye drops
Chronic allergic
conjunctivitis (vernal
Many different substances put in the Summary
keratoconjunctivitis) eyes can cause chemical reactions (e.g. Conjunctivitis is common but is only rarely
The cause of vernal keratoconjunctivitis is traditional remedies, reaction to the sight threatening. However, accurate
not known, but it is often associated with preservatives in eye drops). The findings diagnosis and prompt treatment at the
asthma or eczema and is probably due to a are similar to that seen in viral conjunctivitis, primary level is very important as it instills
longstanding allergic reaction. The condition and so the history is important. confidence in the community, and reduces
usually starts between the ages of three and Treatment: The person should be told to the risk that people may first try traditional
25 years, and the patient complains of chronic stop instilling the substance that has remedies, which can, and do, lead
itching, a thick, clear, stringy discharge, light caused the reaction. Tetracycline eye to blindness.

Table 2. Clinical features of conjunctivitis, by cause

Cause of Unilateral (U) Discharge Redness Other symptoms or Treatment

conjunctivitis or bilateral (B) signs
Viral, epidemic form B Watery +++, Fever, sore throat Tetracycline eye ointment;
+/- conj. haemorrhage povidone iodine eye drops
Viral – herpes U Watery +/- Vesicles on the eyelid Topical antiviral

Viral – molluscum U Watery +/- Molluscum on lid Remove molluscum

Bacterial – U or B Purulent +++ None Tetracycline eye ointment

non-gonococcal ++ or other antibiotic
Bacterial – B Purulent ++++ Marked lid swelling. Frequent antibiotic
gonococcal +++++ May have corneal ulcer REFER
Chlamydia – babies B Purulent ++ Lid swelling Tetracycline eye
++ ointment
Chlamydia – B Purulent + Signs on everted Tetracycline eye
trachoma + upper lid ointment, or azithromyin
Chlamydia – adults U or B Purulent + None Tetracycline eye
+ ointment
Allergy – acute B Watery ++++ Minimal Marked swelling of None – reassure
lids and conjunctiva
Allergy – chronic B Thick and stringy + Signs on everted upper Tetracycline eye ointment
lid. Discoloration of eye to eye lids – REFER
Chemical U or B Watery / purulent Varies May be lid reactions Tetracycline eye


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