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NIM : 16220449
Nama : Masykur Majid
Kelas : A2 – 2016


I was born with Masykur Majid as my name in a family with 5 members in there, my
parent, my sister first child, my brother as second child, and I as the youngest child. Unlike
my parent previous child— who born in a place that described by mother as ‘a comfort place
for giving birth processes’ with the aid was come from a person expert in medical matter.
That place is what we usually call hospital and that person is doctor—I was born in different
place and different helper. That time, 21 years ago, in September 14, 1995 at 23.55 I born in a
room of a house where the position is lower than the Purwakarta main street, in a village
named Cadasgorowong, provided by government for civil servant who have family but doen’t
have a home yet— and one of them was my father—with a helping hand from a woman in
traditional clothes, maybe have some mantra and still believe some superstitious things, in
other word my birth processes helper was a paraji or midwife.

I spent my childhood like the most of children spent their childhood, with playing.
Every day I will play some traditional game with my friend. We play galahasin, rebonan,
ucing sumput, and gatrik. Volleyball field and school yard is the place we often use as our
place to play the game. In other time we are swimming in river. The river, we called it
Cimeta, was very clean when I still 5 or 6 years old, we rarely found some rubbish there, we
can found many deep places in the river that time even I almost sink in some place of the

It happen we I was 2nd grade in elementary school. I, and my friend, played papalidan
—letting ourselves drifted by watersheds—in the river. Drifted a little from the starting point
there a huge stone in the middle of river that divide the stream into two ways, the left way is
the shallow one, and the right way there’s a deep spot. My friend took the left way, me the
right one and went to the deep spot that I don’t know exist there. At that very moment, my
body is not in the surface of the river anymore, it’s going down. In fear that I will sink I move
my hand and foot perfunctorily—because that time I don’t know how to swim – but it’s no
use, I still under water. So, I think I must relax my body and let it drifted and in some point
maybe my body will be raised by the river. I decide to do that and luckily it’s work like the
way I thought. I told this occurrence to my friend, he surprised and ask me, “why you take
that way?” and I say “I just want to try that way, and who knows in that way there’s a deep
spot.” And we end up laughing together.

I lived in that village until I was 5th grade, because when I was 6th grade my families
have to move out from the government provided house and start living in our own house.
How about my school? Did I have to move to another school? No, luckily it doesn’t need,
because the distance between my new houses to school isn’t too far. I only have to walk 10-15
minutes to reach the highway and take a public transportation to my schools; it was take a few

I attend junior high school to the school where brother was graduated from. And this
school distance is more far than my elementary school. When I became a student in this
school, there a school program called “kelas unggulan”. All of new students have to
participate in the selection. I take the exam, and surprisingly I passed the criteria to become a
member of ‘the class’. ‘The classes’ began right after the school day. So, when other students
going to their house or doing their club activities I have to attend that ‘class’. It only has four
subject, math, science, English, and IT; every day we only have to study one subject. Because
I don’t like the thing that I must attend this class right after end of school day, so mostly I skip
‘the class’ and going to internet café; I only attend it when the subject is IT or sometimes
science and never attend when the subject is math or English. The result of this attitude came
when the report day, besides take my regular report book my father have to receive a piece of
paper inform my result in ‘the classes’. When I look at it, my grade only at C or D. that’s not
startling me, because I know it will became like that. But for my father it really surprised him.
I look his astonished face, and I see some disappointed there. So I tell him about what I did
and he asked me why and I told him my distaste about ‘the class’ time. He not reprimand me,
instead he just tell me if to fix my attitude in the next semester. I my heart, I say to my father I
will try it follow with a nod. In the next semester ‘the classes’ become ‘A’ class and the
member was added from the best student in another class. And the class member wasn’t
change until our graduation.

In high school attend a vocational high school and take software engineering as my
expertise program. And the distance is more far from junior high school. Every day I have to
take a train at 5.30 A.M., so I can convince myself that I will not late. But sometimes the train
is not depart even the time is almost 7.00 o’clock, so the result is I came to school lately, in
the Monday. I my high school day is very mundane, I never join any club activities, never
become a kind of class representative, my grade was average, at any rate you will find me as a
mundane student. So, there’s nothing special in my high school day. No, wait. There’s an
event that very unlucky. I lost my wallet where all of my money is there when we, software
engineering program, went to Jogjakarta for study tour. That very unlucky for me, I lost my
wallet in first day of our schedule; we went to Jogja for 2 days a night. Right after we finished
visited a multimedia college, I am forget about the name, and we went to a beach. When I
finished change the outfit in bus, this is how bad my habit back then, I not put it in properly
place instead I just lay it on my bus chair. I didn’t realize I lost my wallet until we arrive at
hotel. So, I ended up spent my remains study tour and tour without money, without bought
anything for my family, even for bought some snack. After this incident I never put my wallet
in my pocket; I always put it deep in my bag and never leave my bag away from me.

Now, I am a second semester student in STKIP Siliwangi, take a major in English

Education. I decide to take this major after I begin to like reading some literature work and try
to read some English book. When I read English book, back then, and try to translate it, that
was a fascinating experienced, sometimes it make me a headache, but I really like the process.
It’s like you try to solve some riddle to open the gate of place you really want to know. I like
when I found a new word and try to find and understand the meaning. And why take the
Education major? Of course because I want to become a teacher and I hope I can share what I
feel when trying to understanding English work to my future student.

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