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What environmental practices can be done minimize the threats of exogenous to

human safety?

For me we need to prioritize resources that humans are reliant on. Most importantly,
water quality and safety. Dumping of chemicals into natural water systems will either
render it unusable to humans or uncapable or less capable of sustaining biologic life,
which means its not good for humans as well. Clean, regulated dumping of any
chemical or abnormal waste product anywhere should be the norm, most of it can
degrade the land for human or animal use or eventually harm humans. Release of
greenhouse gases like carbon monoxide and dioxide will dissolve the ozone layer,
increasing UV radiation and melting the polar ice caps, and acidify the ocean.

Sustainable practices should emphasized because things like overfishing,

overlogging, and overpolluting all have long term negative effects on both the
environmental balance and future human use. Negative effects on environmental
balance will also end up hurting humans eventually as well.

2. What is the importance of endogenous processes?

The endogenous processes are caused by forces from within or in the interior of the Earth.
The driving force is the thermal energy of the mantle and the crust.

Endogenic processes are geologic processes associated with energy originating from
the Earth's interior (e.g earthquake, volcanic eruption) while exogenic processes are
geologic processes that comes from forces/activities on or above the Earth's surface
(e.g Tropical storm, Asteroid and comet impacts)

The importance of Endogenic processes formed or occurring beneath the surface

Earth to get the energy they needed. Some the processes of Endogenic processes are
tectonic movements of the crust, magmatism, metamorphism, and seismic activity
which mostly may cause Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and other natural occurrence.
This is process of Earth to ist shaped.

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