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I am a dreamer. I’d like to think that everyone is a dreamer.

I’d like to think everyone

dreams of a better world, a future for themselves, and simultaneously a future for us - dreamers.
Unfortunately, I know that’s not the case. Everyone may be dreamers, yet, they do not dream for
what I dream. I dream for a future that will learn from the past - a future better than all pasts and
presents combined. I dream for a time when I will no longer sit in contemplation of whether or
not the planet will exist in twenty years. I dream for a time that I will have a family of my own
and a legacy to leave behind - a history to be proud of. It is through these dreams that I am
unique, though they appear so common. I am a dreamer who no longer dreams in sleep, but
rather awakens to these ideas like prophecies. The people I’ve known, the family I’ve lost, the
music I listen to, they speak my words as I do. The community that I am apart of is the
community of all those wishing for a future better than the present. I belong to the innovators,
the progressive, the writers, the heroes that all had dreams and undertook the challenge to
achieve them. It is this next step through college that I will begin this challenge, the challenge of
leading the world in new understandings. Most see the goal as noble, but it’s more than that. It’s
a promise - a promise that I will never give up on. I stand upon the shoulders of lumbering giants
and through them, I will foster an enlightened future - a sight farther than my own; for, I am a
dreamer. A dreamer that dreams for a better future.

I am a dreamer. I’d like to think that everyone is a dreamer. I’d like to think everyone
dreams of a better world, a future for themselves, and simultaneously a future for us-dreamers.
Unfortunately, I know that’s not the case. Everyone may be dreamers, yet, they do not dream for
what I dream. I dream for a future that will learn from the past-a future better than all pasts and
presents combined. I dream for a time when I will no longer sit in contemplation of whether or
not the planet will exist in twenty years. I dream for a time that I will have a family of my own
and a legacy to leave behind-a history to be proud of. It is through these dreams that I am unique,
though they appear so common. I am a dreamer who no longer dreams in sleep, but rather
awakens to these ideas like prophecies. The people I’ve known, the family I’ve lost, the music I
listen to, they speak my words as I do. The community that I am apart of is the community of all
those wishing for a future better than the present. I belong to the innovators, the progressive, the
writers, the heroes that all had dreams and undertook the challenge to achieve them. It is this
next step through college that I will begin this challenge, the challenge of leading the world in
new understandings. Most see the goal as noble, but it’s more than that. It’s a promise-a promise
that I will never give up on. I stand upon the shoulders of lumbering giants and through them, I
will foster an enlightened future-a sight farther than my own; for I am a dreamer. A dreamer that
dreams for a better future.
I dream. I dream a lot. I think that a lot of people dream a lot. It’s sad to think that many people
don’t dream a lot nor think about their dreaming a lot. I think of my dreaming a lot. I think about
other people’s dreams and how their dreaming is also my dreaming, which I do a lot.

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