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A-Z of fruit and veg

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A-Z of fruit and veg

For more exciting facts about fruit and veg, plus great ideas on how to
eat your 5 A DAY, dive into the Alphabet of fruit and Alphabet of
vegetables on World Cancer Research Fund's new Real Recipes website.
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Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few
of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the
world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you
take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at
a low heat.
Did you know you can cook apples? Try our delicious and healthy
baked apples recipe.Back to top ↑

Apricots can be eaten fresh or dried - both are packed with vitamins!
Fresh apricots have a soft and slightly furry skin. They make a good
lunchbox snack. Apricots are also high in beta-carotene - this helps us
keep our eyes and skin healthy.
Do you know where apricots grow? Play our online game 'Where does
it grow?' to learn where apricots and other vegetables and fruit
grow.Back to top ↑

Asparagus is a shoot vegetable � we eat the stalk and the tip. It makes
any dish look more interesting with its unusual shape. Asparagus is a good
source of a vitamin called folate, which is important for healthy
blood.Back to top ↑

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