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Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: Second
Core Subject Title: Earth Science No. of Hours/Semester: 80
Prerequisite (if needed): None

Core Subject Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of the Earth on a planetary scale. It presents the history of the Earth through geologic time. It
discusses the Earth’s structure and composition, the processes that occur beneath and on the Earth’s surface, as well as issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to Earth’s resources.

I. Culminating Performance Standard: Make a concept map and use it to explain how the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere are interconnected.
II. Culminating Performance Standard: Make a plan that the community may use to conserve and protect its resources for future generations
III. Culminating Performance Standard: Make a concept map showing communities which are prone to risk of landslide
IV. Culminating Performance Standard: 1. Create a narrative report of possible geologic events that occurred in a certain area based on rock layers found in a specific area.

Content Content Performance Standards Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Standards Minimum KUD Beyond KUD Developing the Highest Thinking Skill
Classi Minimum Classifi to Assess
Minimum Beyond ficatio cation RBT Level Assessment Technique Enabling General Teaching
Minimum Strategy Strategy
The learners Make a To create a 1. describe the U 1. Explain the U Analyzing Short Reasoning as Proof  Direct
I. ORIGIN demonstrate concept map concept map historical theories of Response Instruction
AND an and use it to that shows development of the origin of  Question and
STRUCTUR understandin explain how the theories that explain the universe Answer
E OF THE g of… the importance the origin of the with its
EARTH geosphere, of the universe. importance in
1. the hydrosphere, geosphere, the existing
1. The formation of atmosphere, hydrosphere, 2. compare the U concepts
Universe and the universe and atmosphere different hypotheses today.
Solar System and the solar and explaining the origin
biosphere are Inquiry –based
system biosphere. of the Solar System 2. Discover Understanding Think Pair
interconnecte Learning
2. Earth the U Share
Systems 2. the d. 3. describe the K characteristic
subsystems characteristics of s of the
(geosphere, Earth that are subsystems
hydrosphere, necessary to that are
atmosphere, support life necessary for
and the continuity
biosphere) 4. explain that the U of life in the
that make up Earth consists of present and
the Earth four subsystems, in the future.
across whose
boundaries matter
and energy flow.

II. EARTH 1. the three 1. Make a plan 1. Make a 1. Identify common K 1. Describe K Applying Short  Researched-
MATERIAL main that the conservation rock-forming the common Response Based
S AND categories of community plan that will minerals using their sources of
RESOURC rocks may use to promote physical and minerals, Multiple
ES conserve and conservation chemical properties energy, and Choice
2. the origin protect its of the natural how it is
1. Minerals and resources for features and 2. Classify rocks into being
and Rocks environment future resources igneous, harnessed.
Mineral of formation generations. sedimentary, and  Free Write
Resources of common 2. Create an metamorphic K 2. Suggests U Remembering Short
minerals and 2. Prepare a informative and its importance to ways to Essay
2. Energy rocks plan that the material that society address and
Resources community will raise lessen the
3. the may awareness 3. Describe how ore different
3. Water various implement to about the minerals are found, environmenta
Resources sources of minimize proper usage mined, and l concerns
energy (fossil waste when of resources processed for related to the
4. Soil fuels, people utilize with human use. use of energy
Resources geothermal, materials and minimized and minerals.  Two Column
hydroelectric) resources waste. 4. Cite ways to K Method
5. Human prevent or lessen the 3. Evaluate U Evaluating Short
Activity and 4. the amount environmental the water Essay
the of usable impact that result resources on
Environment water from the exploitation, Earth and
resources on extraction, and use how it is
Earth of mineral resources distributed.
Analyzing Memory  Brainstormin
5. the 4. Explain U Matrix g
distribution of 5. Explain how fossil U how human
arable land fuels, geothermal activities
on Earth and hydroelectric generate
energy are being wastes that
harnessed from its affects the
6. waste source. water and
generation soil
and 6. Cite ways to U resources.  Use Task
management address the different Card
concerns related to Remembering Quiz
the use of fossil 5. Cite ways K Show Direct Instruction
fuels, geothermal of conserving
energy, and water and
hydroelectric energy soil
U resources.
7. Recognize water Applying Short Case Study
resources on Earth Essay
and how it is 6.Suggest D
distributed ways of
K conserving
8. Explain how soil and
human activities water
affect the quality and resources to
quantity of soil and ensure the
water. K quality of soil.
9. Suggest ways of
Direct Instruction
conserving and 7. Describe U Applying Short
protecting water and ways on Essay
soil for future proper waste
generations. management
K to lessen its
10. Describe how effect in
people generate health and
different types of environment.
11.Explain how
different types of
waste affect people’s
health and the
PROCESSE The learners 1. Make a 1. Make a 1. Describe how K 1. Explain the U Understanding Think- Direct Instruction
S demonstrate simple map concept map rocks under changes in Pair-
an showing showing weathering the Share
1. Exogenou understandin places where communities properties of
s Processes g of… erosion and which are 2. Explain how the U rocks as it
landslides may prone to risk products of undergoes
2. Endogeno 1. Geologic pose risk in of landslide. weathering are weathering
us Processes processes the carried away by and erosion.
that occur on community. erosion and Analyzing Short
3. Deformatio the surface 2. Using maps 2. Make a deposited 2. Describe U Response Brainstorming
n of Crust of Earth such and diagrams timeline of elsewhere. how magma
as erosion, predict what your is being
4. Plate weathering, will happen to predictions of 3. Explain how rocks U formed within
Tectonics and mass tectonic plates what will and soil move the Earth’s
wasting if it continue to happen to downslope due to interior.
move. tectonic the direction action
2. Folding plates. of gravity. 3. Explain U Understanding Question Free Writing
and faulting how layers of and
of rocks. 4. Explain why the U Earth behave Answer
Earth’s interior is under the
3. Internal hot. influence of
structure of K heat and
Earth. 5. Describe how pressure.
magma is formed. Inquiry –based
4. Continent K 4. Predict U Remembering Learning
al Drift 6. Describe the how
mineral components movement of
5. Seafloor and texture of rocks plates shape
Spreading. due to changes in the structure
pressure and and evolution
temperature. of oceans.
7. Describe how
rocks behave under
different types of
8. Identify and
differentiate the
layers of Earth.
9. Describe
continental with the
supporting evidence.
10. Describe the
structure and
evolution of ocean
11. Explain how the
movement of plates
results to the
formation of plates.

IV. The learners 1. Describe 1. Create a 1. Describe how K 1. Explain the U Understanding Short Direct Instruction
HISTORY demonstrate the possible narrative layers of rocks formation of Response
OF THE an geologic report of (stratified rocks) are the layers of
EARTH understandin events that possible formed rocks through
g of… occurred in a geologic absolute and
certain area events that 2. Describe the K relative
1. geologic based on the occurred in a different methods dating.
processes rock layers certain area (relative and
that occur on found therein based on absolute dating) of Understanding Question Inquiry-based
the surface of rock layers determining the age 2. Explain the U and Learning
the Earth found in a of stratified rocks history of Answer
such as specific area. Earth with
weathering, the use of
erosion, 3. Explain how U geologic time
mass relative and absolute scale.
wasting, and dating were used to
sedimentatio determine the
n (include the subdivisions of
role of ocean geologic time.
basins in the
formation of 4. Describe how U
sedimentary index fossils (also
rocks) known as guide
fossils) are used to
2. geologic define and identify
processes subdivisions of the
that occur geologic time scale
within the
Earth 5. Describe the K
history of the Earth
3. folding and through geologic
faulting of time

4. the internal
structure of
the Earth

5. continental

6. seafloor

I . Performance Task:
As an analyst of DENR, you will make a concept map and use it to explain how the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere are interconnected. The output should include the relationship between each
spheres. The output to be orally presented should be informative and accurate, creative, clear and organized.

I. Literal Transfer Task:

As an analyst of DENR, you will make a concept map and use it to explain how the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere are interconnected which will provide information on the importance of each
spheres in every living organism. The print or digital media should include precautionary measures to observe when dealing or using these products so as to maintain a healthier lifestyle. The output to be orally presented should
be informative and accurate, creative, clear and organized.

II . Performance Task:
As a member of the Philippine Waste Disposal Authority you are Make a conservation plan that will promote conservation of the natural features and resources with minimized waste. The output should include ways and
strategies to conserved resources and Earth features. The output to be orally presented should be informative, clear, organized, and accurate.
II. Literal Transfer Task:
As a member of the Philippine Waste Disposal Authority you are Make a conservation plan that will promote conservation of nature. It should include suggested ways and techniques I conserving resources and Earth features.
The output to be orally presented should be informative, clear, organized, and accurate.


Mr. Lawrence Andrew F. Fronda

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