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Someday, i might regret not giving you a chance to prove yourself to me.

might ask endless questions of what ifs and whys. I might try to win you back
but it'll be too late. So, while i still have the tiniest possibility right now, we'll
make things work. And if it wont, then atleast we have tried.

Been planning for a lot of things since day 1. Been praying and taking actions
for it to happen but destiny's not in connivance with everything I'm doing. Am
I thinking of giving up? Not a chance. Everything that's happening right now is
a preparation for something greater, something wonderful. So I'll just keep
going because i may not know it, i may be closer to that content state I've
been planning and quitting isn't going to speed everything up 😊.
There are flowers aren't meant to put up in a bouquet or to be placed in a
vase with ancient intricate carvings. Some are meant to grow in the city,
others are meant to grow in the wild — remember that rose isn't the only
flower in this vast of a garden we call world. That's why we must learn to
appreciate all kinds of beauty. Because I think that's what living is all about;

seeing the beauty of a person like a tragically wounded art, still significantly
beautiful despite all the painted scars.
Sunflowers turn according to the position of the sun. In other words, they
“chase the light.” You might already know this, but there is another fact that
you probably do not know!

Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy and rainy days when the
?sun is completely covered by clouds?


This is an interesting question.Isn’t it?

Perhaps you think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground.
Is this what crossed your mind?

Well, that’s incorrect!

This is what happens?

✨ turn towards each other to share their energy.

Nature’s perfection is amazing. Now let’s apply this reflection to our lives.
Many people may become low-spirited, and the most vulnerable ones,
sometimes, become depressed.
How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers i.e."Supporting
and empowering each other". Nature has so much to teach us.

"Wishing everyone a "Sun flower" trait of turning towards each other on their
cloudy and gloomy days.

Spread will come back to you...

If one day i go missing, you'll find me where the skies are of colorful hues.
20 THINGS IN 2020:

1. Travel more often. Take the scenic route. See more sunsets and sunrises.

2. Take photos — that perfect pancake you just made, your outfit today, your
pets, those beautiful floor tiles or street murals, take more selfies, take dumb
photos with your friends. Immortalize moments with your camera.

3. Get some houseplants. They are good for the soul, and they also improve
the indoor air quality.

4. Hydrate yourself.

5. Enjoy the silence once in a while. Go to a coffee date by yourself. Watch a

movie alone. Devote time for yourself. Be independently happy.

6. Pet a dog or a cat when you see one, whether a stray in the street or
someone else's.

7. Eat breakfast!!!

8. Give compliments to strangers. Open doors for them. Smile back.

Friendships often start on simple acts of kindness.

9. Do more art — whether it is the art of cooking, gardening, dancing, knitting,

dressing up, or making people laugh.

10. Go camping with friends. Have acoustic jams around a bonfire. Watch the
stars or the city lights together. Share stories.

11. Volunteer to a community or charity organization.

12. Throw away things you don't really need. Live simply.
13. The 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at an object at least 20 ft away
for at least 20 seconds. This can prevent eyestrain from digital devices.

14. Discover pretty songs.

15. Cook something new more often.

16. Experiment with a new hair color.

17. Make cleaning and cooking become a meditation.

18. Don't be afraid to express ideas, give opinions, share knowledge. Talking
about things is important, so is listening.

19. Live life like you're in a Studio Ghibli film. Romanticize the little things -
stop and smell the flowers, go to museums, lie in the grass, organize your
room, bake, pay more attention to your food. Life is beautiful.

20. Get that goddamn tattoo!

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