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1. What leisure activities CAN help you to be citizen?
2. How DO the travel experiences help to open YOUR mind?
3. How DO your past experiences contribute in your future?
4. How DOES the culture of migrants influence your culture?
5. How does migration affect people's thinking?
6. To what extent DO vacations and travel allow us to have an open mind?
7. How customs and traditions affect in the technology?
8. How the life stories affect in the culture of the people?
9. How DOES technology cause leisure activities?


1. What aspects of the book would YOU change to achieve equality?
2. What human rights are necessary in the book?
3. What changes DO we need to TAKE care the environment?

1. How did black people identity affect in the society?
2. How did the segregation law damage to black people?
3. Is IT possible that a person COULD be guilty of bad actions BECAUSE only for his identity?
4. If the accused person had white skin, would he really be accused in a trial?


1. What are PERUVIAN’s endangered languages? ¿ will can save these languages?
2. How IS women usually perceived today by modern society?
3. What effects can daily practices, beliefs, social networks and social norms have on the good organization of people and the improvement of the
4. What can we do to promote a healthy and excellent lifestyle in our society?
5.Why does the lose of rights mean "the vulnerability of humanity?
1. What role does justice TAKE in a society?
2. What role DOES education play in the formation of the people?
3. What is the social engagement role in the society?
4. What can be said about the labor aspect in the world?
5. How important are people’s actions for a better relationship and communication?
6. Why do laws and order from an equal world?
7. If there were no laws in the world, then everything would be better?

 How do artistic expressions help us in understanding OF today's world?
 How do you think the media change interpersonal relationships?
 Why is important the technology in the world (science and other)?
 How DOES media influence in the life of human BEINGS?
 How DID the technological evolution change the world in the actuality?

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