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The pendulum

National University of Modern Languages



Submitted to Miss Firdous Irshad


Bs English 1 Semester

Section D Room 204

The pendulum


By O Henry

Analysis of this story according to feminist approach

After reading this story I am of the opinion that we can apply the
feminist approach in the analysis of this story


As feminist approach was movement like political, economic, and

cultural movement that was started to stablish the legal protection
and equal right for the women in the society, and also to give them
the right to vote in politics and inherit the property. It also
emphasizes the protection of women from domestic violation and all
kind of discriminations that women usually face in the society.

As this story revolves around the husband John and his wife Kity,
as the author chose the name ‘pendulum for this story because
pendulum usually moves back and forth periodically. He tries to
show that the life of human being is similar to pendulum. Whatever
we do today tomorrow also will be same and he tries to relate it with
the life of john and his wife Katy.

This story tells us before arrival for he husband to home Kity makes
dinner and keeps everything in order, clean the house, and welcome
her husband in the door with great joy and happiness. But her
husband used to neglect her and went out to play pool with his
friends at Mc Closkey’s till night and she would wait for him till late
night at home. John should have cared about Kity and her true
feeling. He should have spent time with her instead of going out all
the time. She should be given her due rights. These all are the
common issue of the society which the feminist theory tries to point
out, which are happing here with kitty

The role of women in our society, or at home is very important. It is

clear in this story that one day Kity received a letter in which was
The pendulum

written that her mother was ill. Her husband was absent at home.
Then she wrote a letter to her husband about her departure. She
was going to take the train 4 : 30 train. And her brother will met
her at the station. When John came back to home and read the
letter about her departure. Now this was the time when john had to
arrange everything at home and take care of himself. These things
were very difficult for him to do because Kity use to arrange
everything at home.

Usually he used to go to his friend at this time and they were

waiting for him at MC Closky’s. But he was thinking about Kity and
feeling alone without her and also realized that how Kity felt
without him. He was thinking that he will never leave her alone
again at home, when she will come back. But when kity reached
back to home from the station he forgot everything and again went
to MC Closkey’s to play pool with his friends and left her alone at
home again the same things happened. This story shows us that
how much John is and how much loving and carrying Kity is. And
also portrays the man dominance society. We can apply feminist
approach for this story because it tries to show us that women
should be cared, cared and loved by their husband. And feminist
approach wants to give these rights of women in the society.


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