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Open ended approach is one of mathematical learning approach which
give . However, the “opennes” is lost if the teacher proceeds as though only
one method is presupposed as the correct one. An open ended problems are
problems that have several ways to solve it and many correct answers.
Sometimes, another author define an open ended problem as a problem that
have several ways to solve and one correct answer. We emphasize on the ways
of the problem solving. An open ended problems can improve the students’
ability in mathematical problem solving. It’s reasonable since an open ended
problem requires a combination of student’s own knowledge, skills, or ways of
thinking that have previously been learned.
In the case of open ended problems, students will face the higher-order-
thinking problem than the common problem in the traditional class. In
mathematics teaching, a series of knowledge, skills, concepts, principles, laws,
is presented to students step-by-step fashion.

The hierarchy of mathematical problems contain some features, those are

closed types, open-ended problems, and mathematical investigations and
projects. The diagram below show this fact.

Closed types problem refers to the problem that can be solved by several ways
to get one correct answer. Closed types problem contain content-specific routin
multiple-steps and non routine problems using heuristics problem solving
strategies. Teacher can use closed types problems for its role in teaching for
problem solving where the emphasis is on learning mathematics for the main
purpose of applying it to solve problems on a particular topic. The examples of
closed types problems are presented below.
Routine Problems Non routine problems
1. Cahya had a bag of rice. Her How many squares are there in a
family ate an equal amount of rice chess board?
each day. After 3 days, she had 1/3 (tulis/ ketik nanti)
of the rice left. After another 7 days,
she had 24 kg of rice left. How much
rise was in the bag at first?
2. 3/5 of Pr 6A and ¾ of P 6B are
girls. Both classes have the same
number of girls and P 6A has 8 more
boys than P 6B. How many pupils
are there in P 6A?

Non routine closed problems of the type




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