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that there was an archaic naked picture of Heracles which

was considered to be the

about it, so they disfellowshipped him for "conduct unbecoming a member." has been found
in Nigeria. [See E. R. Dennett, The Spiritual and political System of the Yoruba
(London, 1910). p, 951. At Trani, by Naples, a huge wooden phallic picture called "II Santo
Membro" was taken
in procession annually until the eighteenth century. (See Rawson, Simple Erotic Art, p. 75).
During the latter
part of the nineteenth century, in big cities of Japan phallic festivals took place in which
tremendous floats were
Displayed. At several of these festivals, a surging mass of almost naked young men taken a
enormous papier-mch
phallus. sometimes forty feet long. [See Micheal Czaja, Gods of Myths and Stone (New York,
1974). p. 1741.
There is enough evidence to show that phallic processions were standard in many nations
and were of great
antiquity. Herodotos (2.48-49) also mentions similar phallic processions in Egypt.
40. Kenneth Clark, The Nude: A Study of Ideal Art (London, 1957). pp. 162. 163.
42. Bonfante, Etrusron Dress, p. 28. The Chaldaeans covered as a rule with considerable
drapery the types of their
they had recourse to all the frankness of nudity (view Perrott and Chipiez, History of Art in
Phrygia, p. 92).
43. See Ruth Glynn, "Heracles, Nereus and Triton: A Study of lconography in Sixth Century
n 210, 198; idem, Greek Gems and Finger Rings: Early Bronze Age
pl. 266.
44. E. Norman Cardiner, Olympia: Irs History and Remains (Oxford, 1925). p, 221. figs.


Journal of Sport History, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Winter, 1985)

work of Daidalos.45 Typically, the hero is depicted bare in early Greek art
which signifies old legends. One cannot escape the judgment that these early
Naked appearances of the hero were based on the uncontestable power of
tradition. On Heracles and his nudity, Evelyn Harrison emphasized that:
nudity, the short hair and the strong physique are all really characteristic and that
is Heracles. He alone comes nude into the existence of Zeus and the other gods.
How Societal Nudity Healed My Body Image Issues and Struggles of the athlete, the fighter,
the laborer is his, and it's also the authentic symbol of his
Heracles' nudity is in accordance with the observations made above about the

He was the most

popular hero of the Greeks, known as alexikakos and apotropaios (an averter of
evils) as strong and great, as creator of the Olympic Games, as a helper in all
difficulties, as a great athlete, as the guardian of the race, as an averter of death,
as a naked warrior-athlete par excellence, as the hero of heroes, and as a
guardian angel.
It really is practical to presume that since Heracles was the hero in whose honour

the Olympic Games were potentially held, afterward his protges, the sportsmen, were
trying to imitate the nudity as well as some other characteristics of their patron.
From earliest times, the Greek gods and heroes boastfully exhibited their
physical energy and required such a display from their zealots and enthusiasts.
The substance evidence demonstrates that the warrior-athlete was not a winning
theme for the artists of the late Geometric interval (750-700 B.C.). The athletes
of this period carried no weapons and wore no helmets. More emphasis has
been given to the bodies of the sportsmen and especially to their long arms and
Formidable legs, rather than to their competitive and warlike features. In the ProtoAttic and
Proto-Corinthian artwork, there aren't any hints of the warrior-athlete. The
last fifty years of the 8th century was probably the interval when the nudity of the
warrior-athlete grown into athletic nudity. This was the same span when
the prevalent practice of hero cults, joined with competitive games
occurred. The popularity of sport and a number of practical factors
were responsible for the change from the warrior-athlete's nudity to fit
nudity. It is very important to keep in mind that the last part of the 8th century is
by convention the eve of the start of nudity in Greek sports and is the
45. Pausanias 2.4.5. Tags: breasts, relationship, erection, first time nudist, genitals, nude
yoga, television (Greek Hero Cults, p. III) regarded this nude picture of Heracles as Dorian
47. Farnell said that the Lacedaemonian cult of the "Finger of Heracles," presumed to have
been bitten off by

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