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Theme: Thanksgiving

Text: Gen. 32:9-10; Luke 17:11-19

Devotion: Psalm 92:1-4

Title: A good way to start the year

(Prayer) Good morning to everyone:
It is a great joy and privilege for me, and for us, to be here this first Sunday of the year 2015.
Just being able to be here, to stand here, and to sit here is already a great blessing to us all.
Many people were not able to see the New Year even come, but we are here, we are alive, we
are strong and able, and we can worship and praise God continually as He gives us the strength.
There are so many blessings just in the past week. We at Caloocan have heard of the great
news of what God is doing in paysawan church, he is working in the family, in the relationship
of the husband and wife, and the relationship of parents and children. We have heard of the
wonderful things God has done in your celebration of your year-end thanksgiving. Truly our
God is a good God. The same can be said for us in Caloocan. This past week alone is truly
marvelous. We had our water baptism, our family day, and our celebration as well. But today, I
want us to be reminded, because we sometimes have a wrong mentality, that our thanksgiving
stops when our programs end. This morning, God’s word will remind us that just because our
programs and activities are done, doesn’t mean that our thanksgiving should stop as well. That
is why I entitled my message…

Exegetical Idea: It has always been evident in the Bible that we are to give thanks to God. But
more than just lip service, we should be thankful in our word and deeds, especially in our
attitudes. Giving thanks to God is more than just saying Thank you: it is the Christian way of life.

Proposition: Let me propose to you brothers and sisters in the Lord, even in this new year, we
should always be thankful to God. How then do we give thanks to our God?

In light of this, we go now to the bible, which will teach us and inspire us to be thankful in
everything that we have. How then are we going to gain the right attitude in giving thanks to

One such situation that will remind us about our own attitude of thankfulness can be found in
the life of Jacob. We all recognize Jacob as one of the Patriarchs of the OT, and is one of the
important figures in the bible. But during this time, Jacob was faced with a problem, a problem
that he ran away from long ago. And it is in this very situation we find how Jacob faced his
situation, and displayed the proper attitude towards God.

Let us read: Gen32:3-8… After being away for 20 years, Jacob had found himself going back to
the land of his birth. But the problem was that 20 years earlier he had cheated (w/ the help of
his mother) his brother out of his birthright. He knows Esau was angry at him, and that if
opportunity ever arose, He would kill him. Many things have happened since then. He had
worked for Laban for more than 14 years, He had married Leah, and then Rachel, and had
amassed a vast number of wealth. But now returning to his homeland, He feared for his life. It
was in this moment Jacob turned to God, and we see that even in times of trouble we are able
to go to God and offer up thanksgiving in His name.

I. We remind ourselves of God’s promises – Gen32:9

Here we find Jacob praying to God, asking for His help. And it even looks like Jacob is
reminding God of the promise He had given to Jacob before. But in reality, we find that this is
not really the case. Jacob knew God’s faithfulness. So why was Jacob saying these things? I
think what Jacob was really doing is reminding himself of God’s promises.

A. God doesn’t forget His promises – Num23:19

He already knows that the Lord never forgets His promise. That is the nature of
God. He is truth. What He has said He will do. He does not lie, and he certainly does not
turn back on His promises. In a way, Jacob was giving reassurance to himself, because
he knew, whatever may happen next, he could hold on firmly to what God had already
declared unto him. Num23:19. Like Jacob, we do not need to worry about God fulfilling
His promises to us. This is apparent all throughout scripture. God is truthful in what He
says, and what He says He will certainly do. Joshua21:45. With God it is not a
probability. It is not just a chance. We have all trusted in the word of man, and most of
us, if not all, have suffered by man’s failure. (Sabi mo ganito, sabi mo gagawin mo: ah,
hindi naman ako nangako eh,) Jacob remembered and was comforted that God was
going to fulfill His word to Him.

B. What are His promises to us?

That was concerning Jacob, what about us? Does God have any promises
towards His children? There are so many, in fact, that we cannot finish the list in one
sitting. And yet we have the absolute certainty that anything God has promised He will
fulfill. Just like Jacob, when life seems most difficult, when crisis comes, we can also look
to God’s promises, they are here to remind us that whatever may happen, God is with
us, and will fulfill all he has said to us. Let me share with you some of my most treasured
promises of God towards us: Rom8:38-39, 2Cor12:9, Jam1:5, Matt11:28, John14:2. And
much, much more. And the great thing about this is that, all of the promises He made
for His children are available to all of us! To all of us that put our faith in Jesus Christ. No
one person has a monopoly on God’s promises, but it has been given to all of us.

There is so much uncertainty in the world. We do not even know what tomorrow will
bring. But rest assured, we can always rely on God and His promises. God never breaks a
promise, and He never goes back against His word. The biggest most important promise that
God has given us? What else but eternal life? John 3:16
II. We remember our unworthiness – Gen32:10a
The second thing that Jacob mentions in his prayer to God is important: it is an honest
self-evaluation in the sight of God. In the world, we are taught to have a high view of self, but
for all of the wrong reasons. People have the most inflated sense of self-importance nowadays.
As I have said before, in the world, people are measured by how much they are earning, how
big is their bank account, how large their house is, how new their gadgets are, how much they
have achieved, in education, in work, etc. So people get to thinking that they are something,
when in fact, the bible says, without God, we can do nothing. John15:5 Bank accounts and big
houses can’t be transferred into heaven.

A. All of us are unworthy in the sight of God

As Jacob saw himself for what He truly is, so must we, if we wish to honor God
properly. But it is at this point I want to make something clear: Remember that when
God made us, He called it good. He made man out of His image. The bible says we have
been fearfully and wonderfully made. So then why do we call ourselves unworthy? We
are unworthy in the sight of God because of our sin. We deserve to die, to be punished.
To spend an eternity in hell, all because of our own disobedience. We are unworthy
because we have done nothing, and we can do nothing to deserve God’s love and grace
towards us. What have you done to deserve God’s love? What have I done? Nothing!
But He still showed His love for us. We were unworthy, but He made us worthy. We
were undeserving, but He loved us anyway, love that ultimately put His only Son on the
Cross, because of our sins. Unworthy, now worth so much, because of the worth of the
price God has paid for us: Eph1:7; full of sin and shame before, now a temple, for the
Holy Spirit is within those who believe. 1Cor6:19-20. God saw nothing in good in us, and
yet saved us. He paid the highest price for unworthy people like you and me.

B. We see everything in the right perspective

Once we truly understand what this means, we gain a proper understanding of
who we are and who God is, and with that, we now have a proper perspective. Who
among us now can raise a complaint against God? Who among us could murmur or
grumble about His dealing towards us? We can’t. No one can. Who am I to complain?
And this is where we realize most of us complain to God about material things. Almost
all of our problems are centered on what we want, how we want it, and when we want
it. But when we see everything in the proper light, our mouths are sealed shut, because
we cannot say anything against the goodness that God has already showed to us all.
What else can we say or do? The only proper thing to do is to give thanks to God. And if
you give thanks to God, no one will be left discontented.

Remember: at the heart of discontentment lies ungratefulness towards God. How can
you be discontent at all the promises, all the blessings, all the graces and mercies God has
showered upon us? Those who murmur and grumble against God still do not realize what God
has already done for them. We must not take anything God has given us for granted.
III. We realize God’s vast blessings – Gen32:10b
Lastly, we see, in Jacob’s prayer, he now realizes how much God has blessed Him for the
past 20 years. In all of those years God’s guidance and hand was upon Him. When he first went
away and crossed the Jordan River all he had was his staff. But now he has been so richly
blessed that he could even divide all of his possessions into two camps. It is true that Jacob
worked hard to get to where he was at that point. He worked tirelessly for Laban just to marry
the love of his life. But if it were not for God, all of his hard work would have just gone to waste.
What then does this tell us?

A. We have so much to be thankful for

Like Jacob, all of us have much to be thankful for, He was blessed with material
wealth, possessions, and sons. We are also blessed by God continually as well. Sure, not
all of us are wealthy, but God takes care of us, and provides all of our needs. Luke 12:24
but unlike Jacob, we have seen firsthand the spiritual blessings God has given us. Have
you ever stopped for a moment and considered how much you should be thankful to
God for? I mean really stopped and thought about it. Do you think if we Christians were
to do this anyone of us will be left out? Will anyone stand and say (wala talaga ako
maisip eh, wala akong kahit anong bagay na ipinagpapasalamat sa Diyos) I don’t think
so. All of us have something to be thankful for. And I believe all of us are thankful to God
for more than just one thing. (Kaya lahat po satin meron pwedeng ipagpasalamat sa
Diyos) We are blessed, but most of us do not realize how abundant God’s blessings are.
The material things are the easiest to provide: your job, your paycheck, the roof over
your head, and the food on your table. Do you think God has a hard time giving us these
things? I think not. But what about the bigger things? Things that are so valuable that
money cannot buy them? In the family: to have every member be saved, to have peace,
to find rest in God, to find true joy, to be part of the ministry, to be able to serve God. to
have eternal life?

B. How do we show our thanks?

By this time we now realize we have much to be thankful for. We can take
nothing for granted, and if we want to give God the glory, we should give Him thanks in
a way that is pleasing to him. Let us look at the 4 ways we can give thanks to God
properly that would give Him all the glory:
1. Sing – Psalm92:1-4 God gave us music primarily so we could offer thanksgiving
and praise to him. But when we sing, we should be giving God our full attention, it is so
easy to sing and be distracted by something else at the same time. We sing for the glory
of God, even if our voices do not measure up to worldly standards, remember that it is
God who is our audience, and only His opinion matters.
2. Serve – Heb12:28; Rom12:1 We do not stop at praising God with our lips, but
we should continue to honor God in our lives. We have been blessed by God with many
gifts, we should thank Him with our service. We use our time, our talents, our abilities,
to do things that are pleasing to God, and not just for selfish gain. When we serve, it is
not an obligation or a burden, because serving God is a great privilege. (kung tunay kang
nagpapasalamat sa DIyos, bakit ka ma lalate?)
3. Give – 2Cor9:6-7 The Bible says that the level of my giving shows the level of
my gratitude. If I’m not giving, I’m not very grateful. God has blessed us, and is
continually blessing us so that we might freely bless others as well. He causes blessings
to overflow so that others might be blessed as well. (Isipin nyo po, dahil sa tapat nating
pagbibigay, nagkaroon ng bagong church sa paysawan. Tayo po ba ang nakikinabang
doon? Wala, wala po tayong nakukuha, pero nagbigay tayong lahat dahil
nagpapasalamat tayo sa dami dami ng biyaya ng DIyos satin, at gusto din naman natin
na mapagpala din naman ang ibang tao)
4. Tell – Psalm96:3 what else is there left for us to do after all of that? Nothing
else but to proclaim to everyone about who God is, and what He has done for us. We do
not only bring the good news, but we bring the BEST news there is, and everyone needs
to hear it, and to know it. We share not just our own experiences to others, but we
share what God has done to us and for us.

Let me ask you then, brothers and sisters in the Lord, is God worthy to be praised and
thanked? Do we truly appreciate everything that He has done for us? If we do, then let us give
thanks to God, not just today, not just tomorrow, but for the rest of our lives. Not just with our
lips, but with our actions. Our thanksgiving does not stop just because church is over, just
because celebration is over. Our thanksgiving is continuous, because God is continually with us,
and blessing us.

For my conclusion: we truly have much to be thankful for. This is a good way, if not the
best way for us to start our new year. With thanksgiving. If we are thankful to God, we see the
proper way to give Him thanks: Sing praises to Him, serve Him with gladness in your hearts, give
cheerfully, and tell someone about God, tell someone about Jesus. I leave you with this
meditation: Psalm 118:1

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