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Day 1

November 26, 2019

It's Tuesday. It was not an ordinary day for me because

this is the start of my work immersion. I woke up around
5'o clock in the morning. I prepared all of my things and
immediately arrived to our meeting place- Plaza de
Bansud. After the short orientation of Ma'am Sevilla De
Villa we took some shots, wearing our big smile for this photo. Muxed emotions, I'm a bit nervous and
excited for what will going to happen in my first day of work immersion. We are new to everything.
Working in the real field is like an ignorant child, you have to adjust on the sorrounding, the peopme
around you and everything. This is it! We met Ma'am Ellen Maapoy from Human Resources
Management she toured us on all ofgices and departments in Municipal Building. By the way we
assigned before but not totally specific on where office or department we work as work immersionist.
The thing ee is knew is where we are designated for- Local Government Units and all of us felt nervous.
After this tiring tour each of us were divided into different offices. And I was blessed to be assigned in
Information Office or Radio Station at PUP Bansud Campus along with Aezyll Ann Amor Asi. We've done
a short talk from one of the staff of this office' Ma'am Shiela Falculan', we introduced ourselves, we
shared the story of our lives and our best experiences and it was comfortable talked for me. After that,
Sir Joseph Balad-on, one of the staff of this office thought me the basic techinical application in radio.
Theirs heads and one of their staff was not around at this time because of their travel. They are Ma'am
Cresentina Salapare- Station Manager, Program Director, Sir Juvy Abalos-Administrative Station Manager
Asst. II and Ma'am Abegail Lope-Administrative Aide. We expected a lot from this office, aside
documenting files, data gathering i loved doing news article. Though so feeling is so nervous before but
or working or having this kind of experience was very memorable. I won't even forget this first day.
Day 2

December 9, 2019

It is my second day! It was happy and chill.

After a long day we waited here we go again
wotking as a work immersionist in LGU. I did
my routine in the morning. I went to my
workplace as early as 8'o clock. We
attented flag cerony in front of Municipal
Building. After the short program me and
Aezyll went to our office in PUP Bansud Campus. Its Monday, like my perception in life always wear your
best smile on the first day of the week because I believed this smile brings your weekdays happy. We
take sits and observed the satffs apparently they are busy that day. Its 11 am and we finally met Ma'am
Esen. Aside from that we also met Sir Juvy Abalos around 1pm in the afternoon we've done a short
orientation with him about ourselves and what is our experiences and backgrounds. The work began
after that Sir Joseph and I went to Department of Agriculture Office, Shell and Caltex for the Fuel
Signature and around 2pm-5pm we did a fuel requisition slip. This day was done by chill mood with a
spice of tiredness. #HappyDay#Day2Down#WorkImmersion#Satisfied
Day 3

December 10, 2019

Now it is my third day and I did these things.

First I swept the dirt and dust on the floor in
our office and inside the radio room. Next I
organized the chairs and papers on the table.
After I've done this task Sir Joseph ordered me
to take charge to make an action slip, payment
of fuel and lubricants for the month of November. It so very fulfilling day!
Day 4

December 16, 2019

Today is Monday. my 4th day of

work immersion at Information
Office. I woke up early feeling so
happy and vibrant but my mood
swift quickly. This day is so tiring I
have to swift of the dust, make sure
there's no spider webs in room. I
mop the floor to remove dirt marks
so that it becomes whiter and pleasing to the eyes. Next Sir Juvy assigned me to compute the fuel
vouchers and went to said offices to signed it. After I accomplished it I was shocked from him because
he said we need to experience broadcasting in radio. I felt nervous and excited, a mixed emotions. Its not
new for me because I caan speak in front of many people, I have confidence but it's my first time to
become a real anchor in radio who have a lot of listener. We did it around 11-12 nn and 3-5 pm. It is my
first time and it is very memorable for me. #DAY4#WorkImmersion#TiringbutBlessed#RadioBroadcasting
Day 5

December 17,2019

Tuesday! and i choose to become your day. We're halfway to ten.

8days before Christmas. I did the same routine. What I did yesterday

is like what I did today. The day

ends with a smile. #WorkwithPositive#Day4#LovelyDay#WorkImmersion
Day 6

December 18,2019

Wednesday! Tommorow is our

Christmas Party! It is my 6th day in my
work immersion. I did the same routine.
I woke up early, I swept the floor
already. After that, Asi and I went to
different offices to gather data and
information for the Public Announcement in Radio. As our schedule always, 11-12 nn and 3-5 pm we are
on air. Conquering our tears and doubts. It's crazy to speak on a microphone with a lot of listeners.
Behind the air we are laughing out loud. It makes really crazy because Carmela and Cyrah decided to
join with us. After this crazy talks and moments we prepared for our Christmas Party tommorow. An
Day 7

December 19, 2019

Christmas Party!!! It is my 7th day in

my unbiological Family, felt I was
their child. We had lot of food, like
coffee jelly, pansit, palabok, chicken,
puto, and everyone's favorite
lumpiang shanghai. Ma'am Esen snd
Sir Juvy gave an inspirational message
of us. Unexpectedly I danced takitaki.
I felt satisfied that day. My pleasure
cannot be measured. Before we go
home Sir Jucy treated us to
experience vikings. Shouted out
loud! The day ends with smile! # DAY7 #WORKIMMERSION #XMASPARTY #BLESSED #VIKINGS

December 20,2019

Friday! Its my last day of work immersion for the

month of December and I did mu routine. I finished
fuel vouchers quickly. After that, I went to the Municipal Building because of the dance practice for the
intermission in LGU Year End Party tonight. Batch Masinag LGU Work Immersionist are well prepared.
It's 7'o clock in the evening, Party! Party! Party! We witnessed their smile after this tiring work to serve
people all the day. I enjoyed a lot, such as memorable day! Merry Christmas. See you next year. Bye!

January 7, 2020

It's Monday! Happy to be back ib my

workplace and here we go again. It's a cold
morning my mood was fine but not definitely happy. I did my task already, I swept, I gathered data and
information and I've already broadcasted on radio. Aezyll wasn't here cold morning and ends in a
DAY 10

January 9, 2020

Indeed! My last day in work immersion at information

office. I was happy and at the same time a little bit sad.
Happy because finally our work immersion would finally
end, it means no more papers to work and radio and I
really miss to going to school. Sad because I will surely
miss the people who guided us in our work immersion,
the people who teach us the things that aren't thought
in school. I am very thankful for this opportunity.
Thankyou to all my senior high school teachers guided
and inspired us from beginning until the end and also
thankyou Ma'am Devilla for her loved snd concern to
us. I truly appreciated her effort to check and visit us on
our workplace. Thankyou for the lessons I've got from
this office, such memories that I will cherish. To all my
co immersionist a job well done and to incoming Grade
12 next year it is the one that you really enjoy in senior high, be a responsible, polite, active your
discipline and professionalism in your workplace. Work smarter, not harder. Thank you Ma'am Esen, Sir
Juvy, Ma'am Abi, Ma'am Shiela and Sir Joseph. I will forever treasure the learnings, the lessons and
memories. We will miss you all. Bye.


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