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“We cannot not communicate”


People tell all kinds of different stories. We are most likely to believe in something that

was imparted to us by someone who’s close, with authority or merely because it was what the

society had tell us. The first communication began when the first life form had recognized

another, and thus began by default. We communicate because we are human, and we are humans

because we communicate. We feel the need to share our thoughts, needs and emotions. It is for a

variety of reasons that we are here talking to one another, and to communicate is much more than

just asking questions and getting new information or passing on an idea. It is also about forming

relationships, participating in social interactions, learning the culture around you –to share as

much as you gain knowledge from others and to connect to the rest of the planet.

We cannot not communicate because everything will fall into chaos; a world without

communication is bound to be doomed sooner or later. Progress will be hindered, all of the on-

going scientific or whatnot experiments will be stopped for the lack of exchange of data and

facts. Perhaps we could still accomplish great things, but it would be meaningless if we cannot

pass it on for all of the humanity to use.

Communicating surely is vital for the development of our civilization, for every big

discovery up to the small ones were achieved by the passionate people in their respective fields

who dared their times, communicated and collaborated with each other. Even the little things

would not make sense and we will have to go back to our primitive ways. There will be no

advancement at all and probably, the next generation will have to start everything from scratch


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