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Practice Test in Biological Science Majorship

1. Which is the process of removing from the cells and bloodstream substances that are of no further use
to our body?
A. Respiration C. Digestion
B. Circulation D. Excretion

2. Which is an accessory organ of digestion whose function is to store and concentrate bile which is
secreted by the liver?
A. Spleen C. Gall bladder
B. Urinary bladder D. Pancreas

3. Identify the genetic engineering process that join cells of similar characteristics that are often closely
A. DNA typing C. Cloned DNA
B. Protoplast fusion D. Hybridoma

4. What is the most significant cause of dwindling biodiversity?

A. Depletion of ozone layer
B. Large plant consumption
C. Global warming
D. Destruction of habitat

5. Because she has a wide forehead, her grandma says she will be a bright student. What could be inferred
from his belief?
A. The cerebrum coordinates the action of all parts.
B. The frontal lobe of the brain is the cerebrum.
C. The front part is inactive when we think.
D. The thalamus is located in the sides.

6. The phenotypic ratio in the offspring resulting from a cross Tt x Tt is

A. 1:3 C. 1:2:1
B. 4:0 D. 3:1

7. Acid rain is brought about by burning tremendous amount of fossil fuel. Which are some harmful gases
that are released from burning fossil fuels?
A. Hydrogen and oxygen C. Carbon dioxide and helium
B. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen D. Ozone and water vapor

8. Which part of the brain is responsible for thinking and reasoning?

A. Medulla C. Thalamus
B. Cerebellum D. Cerebrum

9. Name the gaseous hormone which is commonly used in inducing ripening of fruits.
A. Enzyme C. Traces
B. Methylene D. Ethylene
10. Protein is one of the most essential food nutrients needed before and after birth, otherwise irreversible
mental retardation may occur. Which are some good sources of protein?
A. Corn, potato, bread
B. Noodles, orange, apple
C. Beans, eggs, milk
D. Garlic, pepper, eggplant

11. Which is an abiotic component that affects life in an ecosystem?

A. Animals C. Temperature
B. Plants D. Humans

12. Which is the following animals exhibits incomplete metamorphosis?

A. Butterfly C. Grasshopper
B. Moth D. Skipper

13. What processes are responsible for the occurrence of the hydrologic cycle?
A. Evaporation and sublimation
B. Transpiration and evaporation
C. Condensation and transpiration
D. Evaporation and condensation

14. Today, researchers have discovered chemical indicators in the genetic material which can trace those
who are predisposed to heart attack. What is this technique?
A. Irradiation C. Gene-splicing technology
B. In-breeding technique D. Linkage

15. Which describes the type of cells that all animals are made of?
A. Endoplasmic C. Compound
B. Eukaryotic D. Prokaryotic

16. The fleshy part of the cashew which we eat is its_____________.

A. Ovule C. Penduncle
B. Ovary D. Receptacle

17. Lipase aids in the digestion of______________.

A. Enzymes C. Salts
B. Proteins D. Fats

18. Cells of us unicellular organisms, like bacteria and bluegreen algae are simple in structure. They are
classified as_________________.
A. Eukaryotic C. Procaryotic
B. Nucleod D. Caryotic

19. Insulin which enables the liver to store sugar secreted by the______________.
A. Pituitary gland C. Islets of langerhans
B. Adrenal medulla D. Adrenal cortex

20. Which is the procedure of calculating the age of an object that contains radioactive isotopes?
A. Rock decay C. Fossil examination
B. Radiometric dating D. Fossil indexing
21. As the test of the seed breaks, which structures come out first and grow into the first true leaves and
A. Two seed-leaves C. Plumule and radicle
B. Micropyle and epicotyl D. Testa and tegmen

22. What type of muscle occurs in the walls of hollow structure like ducts, blood vessels and intestines
whose contraction is “involuntary”?
A. Straited C. Smooth
B. Skeletal D. Cardiac

23. Where does exchange of materials between the blood and the cells take place?
A. Arteries C. Platelets
B. Veins D. Capillaries

24. Butterflies and mosquitoes have mouthparts in the form of a long, narrow, coiled tube
A. Mandibles C. Antennae
B. Proboscis D. Filament

25. Which is the ring of muscle that serves as the opening between the stomach and the small intestines?
A. Septum C. Anal
B. Sphincter D. Rectal

26. Which are the tiny organs located each segment that are used for locomotion by the earthworms?
A. Flagella C. Pseudopodia
B. Cilia D. Setae

27. Which lung disorder is present when the alveolar walls breakdown and gas exchange is disturbed?
A. Macrophage destruction C. Bronchial irritation
B. Emphysema D. Pulmonary crisis

28. Why is it not advisable to drink sea water?

A. It can result in swelling.
B. The cells will burst instantly.
C. The cells will melt.
D. It can cause dehydration of the cells.

29. It is a process of accelerated biodegradation of moist kitchen waste into a humus-like product. What is
this process?
A. Shredding C. Composting
B. Recycling D. Reuse

30. In a carbon-oxygen cycle where does the oxygen come from?

A. Animals C. Plants
B. Water D. Soil
Answer Key
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. D
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. C
30. C

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