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1.) • Procedural knowledge refers to the knowledge of how to perform a skill or task.

• Propositional knowledge is the knowledge of an individual about the world and how it works.
• Philosophical skepticism is the view that doubts the certainty in knowledge.
• Local skepticism focuses on a particular claim and doubts it; this is the idea that someone
could not possess knowledge in a certain field. In local skepticism, we can be disbelieving on
some issues but could be well-accepting or consider other things the truth.
• Radical skepticism is the idea that we cannot have accurate knowledge about the world and
therefore should doubt all of our beliefs because we cannot be certain if what we believe in is
really true or false.

2.) • Pyrrhonian skepticism states that all of our beliefs are a matter of perspective and considers
the men who suspend their judgments as wise in regards to the possibility of certain knowledge.
According to Pyrrho, it is meaningless to put your belief above another because we all have
different ways in which we view the things around us.
• Humean skepticism tells us that human reasoning is naturally flawed, that’s why we cannot
trust the things it nags us to do. That if we laid down all of our ‘whys’ and wherefores”, we will
still be able to find contradictions if we reason the other way.
• According to Cartesian skepticism, all of our knowledge about the physical world is subject to
doubt because all of this may be an illusion, and that our perception about things is merely
instilled to us by an unseen entity, thus, lessening the effectiveness of our knowledge.

3.) The four criticisms of Radical skepticism: First, is that even if there are enough reasons to doubt
and be disbelieving of everything, there is still one absolute truth and that is our own existence.
Because to doubt, one must be present and must be there.
The second attack on radical skepticism is that doubting is not something that we always do in
our normal everyday lives or else, we will be living in a world where we do is just to be mindful
of every little thing and never taking actions for ourselves and the things around us.
The third criticism is called the “skeptic’s thesis”, and it tells us that we can never be sure of
anything. But by actually saying this, we are sure that we can never be sure of anything, which is
very ironic in itself.
The fourth criticism of radical skepticism is that it requires high-standard and complete
evidence, because genuine knowledge needs justification and backing up, in which can never be
4.) The first main source of experiential knowledge is our perception, our five senses let us see,
hear, smell, feel and taste everything this world has to offer. The second is introspection, which
is the examination of one’s own mental and emotional state. The third source of experiential
knowledge is the memory; it is all of the needed information & everything that we have
experienced stored in our brain. The fourth source is called the testimony -an evidence or a
proof of something that has already occurred. The large portion of our knowledge comes from
eyewitnesses and stories passed on from one person to another.
5.) ESP or Extrasensory perception is a term often looked down upon by the scientific community. It
is not a reliable form of knowledge because of its lacks of convincing evidences. There are no
theories to explain how it happens, or any underlying principles behind its mechanism.
Furthermore, scientific studies find no support for the hypothesis that ESP really do exist.

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