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BUSINESS FINANCE year or less).

Most money market

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND MARKETS transactions are made in marketable
Most successful firms have ongoing needs securities.
for funds. They can obtain funds from
external sources in 3 ways. One is through Marketable securities – short term debt
a financial institution that accepts savings instruments such as treasury bills (T-bills),
and transfers them to those that need commercial paper, and negotiable
funds. Another is through financial certificates of deposit issued by
markets, organized forums in which the government, business, and financial
suppliers and demanders of various types of institutions, respectively.
funds can make transactions. A third is
through private placement. CAPITAL MARKET – A market that enables
suppliers and demanders of long term funds
(1) FINANCIAL INSTITUTION – An to make transactions. The key capital
intermediary that channels the market securities are bonds (long term
savings of individuals, businesses, debt) and both common and preferred
and governments into loans or stock.
investments. Many financial Bonds – long term debt instrument used by
institutions directly or indirectly pay business and government to raise large
savers interest on deposited funds; sums of money, generally from a diverse
others provide services for a fee. group of lenders.
The major financial institutions are (3) PRIVATE PLACEMENT - The sale of a
commercial banks, savings and loans, credit new security issue, typically bonds
unions, savings banks, insurance or preferred stock, directly to an
companies, pension funds and mutual investor or group of investors. Most
funds. firms, however, raise money
through a public offering of
Key customers : Individuals as a group are securities, which is the non-exclusive
the net suppliers for financial institutions. sale of either bonds or stocks to the
They save more money than they borrow. general public.
On the other hand, firms are net
demanders of funds. They borrow more All securities are initially issued in the
than they save. primary market. Once the securities begin
to trade between savers and investors, they
(2) FINANCIAL MARKETS – Forums in become part of the secondary market.
which suppliers of funds and
demanders of funds can transact PRIMARY MARKET – in which securities are
business directly. The two key initially issued; the only market in which the
financial markets are the money issuer is directly involved in the transaction.
market and the capital market.

MONEY MARKET – A financial relationship SECONDARY MARKET – in which pre-owned

created between suppliers and demanders securities (those that are not new issues)
of short term funds (with maturities of one are traded.

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