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he subtle art of selling

Selling is an art industry leaders have to master.

Your product is worth nothing if you can�t sell it. Your skills are worthless if
unable to market it.

So how to up your sales game?

1. Understand prospects
A person with information about what interests/motivates his client has massive
advantage over someone who doesn�t. It�s not what customer says but what he VALUES.

2. Customize
You don�t hard sell interior design to customer inclined towards pleasant
surroundings. You sell the sea-view, temple or garden even though the interiors are
still there.

3. Negotiate
Never quote price at which you want to sell as negotiation is about GIVING too and
not just taking. Don�t quote sky-high price and lose credibility either.

4. Close
After informal agreement, promptly initiate formalities to make it Official. NEVER
HURRY or seem to be in hurry as if a man getting rid of his property quickly. Ease
through the process avoiding raising antennas of suspicion or resistance.

5. Post sales
It�s impressive making a courtesy call days after sale concludes. Parting
impression lasts and has ripple effect. This call might be the difference between
favourable word-of-mouth/future reference OR you slipping out of mind into

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