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Lea Nexei L. Emiliano

For the Author

Identify the theme of your story.

The theme of this story is about acceptance of our own fate and that we have no
power or control to alter or change it no matter how much we want it to be shaped
according to our liking.

Identify the conflict.

When the protagonist started to dream the same dream over and over again, it
became a problem for her because she can’t seem to point out what was wrong with how
she is living her life. What she’s about to discover is something she least expected.

What is your inspiration in this story?

Dreams were the main inspiration of my story because dreams are weird and
sometimes, makes us think about what it means. Also, I find the idea of dream
interpretation fascinating because it means that the dream is trying to tell us something
that might be important for how we live our lives.
The Dreamer’s Dream
Lea Nexei L. Emiliano

All I see is darkness as if I’m in an infinite void that beings that exist on Earth should not
go to this place for the quietness in it might drive them insane. Yet, here I am walking in this
place, not knowing why I’m even here. The sound of my footsteps echoing and disrupting the
peaceful atmosphere around me, embracing my being, a proof that I am indeed existing in this
dark and never ending void. I looked above me and I, again, see vast darkness but this time it
was filled with little twinkling lights. Are those stars? I thought to myself. I stared at it longer
but it seems that it was being pulled away by something. The lights are getting smaller and
smaller from my sight and then, they were gone.
I started to feel anxious and scared as I saw the lights disappear from above. I frantically
looked around me looking for something or anything familiar that will make me feel safe from
this place. Panic already setting into my body then I saw a person-shaped figure covered in a
cloth from head to toe standing at the other end from where I am standing. The cloth covering
him was swaying through the wind like a mother’s caress to her child’s cheeks.
“H-Hey, c-can you tell me where we are?” I shakily shouted.
The person just stood there like a tree rooted deep in the depths of the Earth and to
never be uprooted or moved by anything. This left me confused, bothered, and terrified all at
once. What if it was a scary and ugly ghost?! Its face destroyed as if it was hit by a heavy object
and covered with blood that it was even dripping and landing on its bloody clothes with many
large slashes or even worse, stab marks. Different images of ghosts and monsters ran through
my mind that I have watched from the movies in the past that even made my situation worse.
I shake my head trying to erase those thoughts when I saw the figure move through my
peripheral vision. I stared at it with horror, my body paralyzed because of fear, not following
my mind that tells me to run as fast as I can. It made me think that I am a cast in one of the
episodes in Kingdom, an innocent civilian watching the dead become alive again when the
darkness comes. When the figure started to turn towards me, my legs started to react properly.
I ran as fast as I impossibly could just to get away from that dark figure or whatever it is from
the way I saw it twitch and move.
My legs started to complain because of too much pressure from running but adrenaline
comforts me, numbing my legs to keep me going. After a few minutes, I stopped running and my
lungs feel like it is burning from the inside because of lack of oxygen and my heart beating
rapidly and loudly that it echoes through my ears. While catching my breath, I thought of the
figure behind me. Something on my mind told me to turn around and see if it was following me.
So, I did. Slowly, I turned to face behind me, the ringing in my ears and heavy breathing serves
as my background music adding suspense as I turn. When I turned I saw—
*Alarm Ringing*
I suddenly opened my eyes and immediately raised myself off the bed. Well, it was a
wrong move because my head started to ache and my vision started to spin. I stopped for a
second to steady myself and looked around me. The sun is already out radiating its warmth
to everyone that others became irritated because it was too hot for a Monday morning. The
sun can sometimes be too playful smiling too brightly even though people from below him
look at him with a frown painted on their faces. But for me, today’s morning was a perfect
way to start another stressful school week. Perks of being a college student. A smirk rising
from my lips as I thought of that.
As I was preparing for school, I began recalling my dream in my mind. It was so
strange because I rarely dream something so dark and weird. Those kinds of dreams make
me feel that something bad is going to happen in my life. I can feel my heart being pressed
by an unknown weight as I thought of that. Life was good to me so far and of course, I had
little mistakes here and there but they were easy to solve and correct. I think I need to go to
those Dreamers to help me know what my dream is trying to tell me.
Dreams here on Earth was something precious to us humans. It serves as our
“guardian angel” because it warns us not to do things, or encourages us to do things or tells
us continue what we are doing. But these dreams were too vague and people often
misinterpret them and do the opposite of what their dream really wants to tell them. So,
people who can interpret dreams were an in demand job or profession because people
desperately needed help to interpret their dreams. When some people claim they could
interpret dreams, people went crazy over them and they were being lined up by those who
were eager to have their dreams explained to them by Dreamers. Dreamers was the name
people gave them and I don’t know why that was the name given to them but I think it’s
fitting for what they are doing.
I checked my wall clock in my bedroom and saw that I have only 1 hour left to prepare
myself for school so I immediately grabbed my phone and earphones on my disorganized
desk from the night before and dashed through my bedroom door and running down the
stairs. I saw my Dad cooking yet another delicious meal for his family. I truly love my family.
Yes, both of my parents were strict and punished me when I was a kid but I know they were
just trying to discipline me and that shows that they love me. As I grew up, I understood them
more and more and that helped a lot in making progress in my life.
“Hi Dad! What are you cooking?” I greeted my dad as I make a beeline going towards him.
“Hello! It's Chicken Adobo, anak. Are you done preparing for school?” He greeted me back,
“Yep. I just need to eat your specialty, brush my teeth, wear my shoes, and I’m ready to go.”
Said to him excitedly as I set the table. He laughed loudly as I said that. It was so contagious
that I can’t help but giggle along with him.
After a few minutes, the food was ready so dad called the others to eat. When all of us were
seated in our dining table, my dad recited a short prayer to give thanks for our food today
and after that, the house was noisy again with sounds of spoons and forks hitting our plates,
the stories of yesterday’s memories were being told and laughter echoing around our home.
It was truly a good Monday morning.
As I walked to school, I passed by a shop of Dreamers but the line was too long and I
will be late for school if I go there now so I sprinted, going past the shop and the long line
before I am tempted to go around and fall in line like the rest. When I arrived at school, the
grounds were filled by students walking, running, laughing with their friends, and etc. Even
though we, students, say we hate weekdays but when we go to school we were actually
excited because we can see, talk, and laugh with our friends again or have an opportunity to
see the person we like in our school. We are truly a hypocrite.
Days have passed and I always had the same dream being in that same dark place
with the same events happening. My reaction never changes as I saw the lights slowly
disappear, my response as I saw the figure, me running away from it as I see it move, and
slowly turning back to see if it was following but as soon as I turned around, I suddenly wake
up. It’s bothering me too much that frustrates me greatly that adds stress to my life together
with the amount of school work that are to be passed in a short amount of time. I can’t visit
a dreamer right now because I have a lot to do and if my dad found out that I went to those
“psychos” as he called them, I’ll be saying bye-bye to my laptop and phone.
Today is Saturday but with tons of school work to do makes me want to just lie on my
bed the whole day and scroll through my social media accounts or watch movies until the
day ends. So that’s what I did the whole day while saying to myself that I deserve to rest after
a long school week. At some point when I was watching a movie, I fell asleep and the dream
happened again but this time, something happened.
When I slowly turned around, I saw a gun pointed towards me but I can’t see who was
holding it so I screamed and ran as fast as I could and find a hiding place. I can hear my footsteps
and the person’s footsteps hitting the ground loudly. I screamed as I hear a gun going off making
a loud sound that disturbs the peaceful state of the place we were in. After a few minutes I saw
a familiar house and ran faster to reach it, not bothering to look behind me if the person is still
chasing me. As I reached the house I recognized it immediately, it was our house so I banged
my hands loudly against the gates.
“Mama! Papa! Open the door!” I repeatedly shouted.
Tears started to form in my eyes as I get no response from them. Suddenly, the scene
changes and I am already in our balcony where we wear our shoes and the front door of the
first floor is opened by a woman wearing an apron used when doing the laundry. I dashed
through her and went to the bathroom and locked the door. I don’t know what is happening.
I’m so terrified that I sat in the corner of the shower to hopefully hide myself. The coldness of
the tile floor makes me shake even more because of terror. My heart beating so fast because of
all the running I did just to get away.
After a few minutes, I heard the front door open followed by a gunshot. I screamed but
immediately closed my mouth using my hands as I realized what I did. He’s going to find me. I
closed my eyes, praying silently that my killer didn’t hear my scream and find me here. I can
hear his footsteps walking closer and closer to the bathroom door. It’s sound alone send chills
to my whole body that makes me shake violently.
I gathered myself tighter to hide myself properly in this small corner that is covered by
a drum of water. I waited and prayed and then, silence. I can’t hear anything other than my
own breathing so I slowly opened my eyes while looking around me, trying to help myself hear
anything. I stood up silently and stand directly at the door waiting. When I was about to open
it, the doorknob slowly turned by itself meaning someone was at the door. I stared at it with
terror, new batch of tears flowing freely from my eyes as I realized, I will be killed in my dream.
I’m going to die. I’m going to die. I’m going to die. I’m going to die—
I screamed as I woke up, my body shaking violently, tears running down my face.
When I realized that I woke up before that door opened, I felt relief covering my body and I
can’t help but to feel grateful. The dream was so real. I can still remember everything. Even
the emotions I felt when it was happening in my sleep. It’s so terrifying and pure horror. I
can’t imagine those who were murdered in their own homes this happened to them. What I
experienced is no dream. It’s a fucking nightmare!
I composed myself first before I went downstairs to get some water because I can feel
the dryness of my throat brought together by my screaming and sleep. I don’t think I can
sleep anymore from what I saw in my dream. I desperately need to go those Dreamers. I don’t
care anymore if my dad finds out, I’ll just ask my brother to lend me his laptop whenever I
need to do assignments. For now, all I care about is to have someone explain to me what this
is and for my safety.
I stayed in my room and stared at my bedroom wall filled with different pictures and
posters as if it’s my first time seeing them until the sun greeted everyone good morning using
his light shining through the windows. I immediately prepared myself to go outside and visit
the Dreamer shop I see every day when I walk to school. I feel excited and worried at the
same time because I can finally get the explanation for these godforsaken dreams and
worried that maybe someone wants me dead, which is why I’m having such dreams.
Not minding my dreadful appearance and the growling of my stomach, I rushed
towards our front door then sprinting towards the Dreamer shop. At a distance, I saw that
there was no line so I slowed down, walking slowly towards the entrance door of the shop.
There was a sign that says “Open” hung on the door. It was strange because people come
often to the Dreamer shop. It was like the shop was waiting for me, their most awaited
I stared at the door, looking at the metal handle that looks so shiny that I don’t want
to touch it and leave my fingerprints on it. I looked behind me to check if someone is
approaching the shop and there is really no one. What is happening? Did the Dreamers have
a scandal or something? Deciding to check on my social media accounts if there is something
happening about the dreamers, but I felt nothing from my pocket. Great! For all the days, I
forgot to bring my phone. I rolled my eyes and faced the fancy door with a shiny handle once
Hesitantly, I pulled the door to go in and I was welcomed with 3 people that look like
the Dreamers I see on the posters looking at me expectantly. It was my first time seeing one
of them up close, let alone 3 altogether. They wore violet cloaks that wraps them from
shoulder to the floor and based from how thick and wrapped they look, it seems heavy to
wear and make you sweat a lot. It has a hood attached to the shoulder part by a symbol made
out of gold and it falls exactly to the floor that it caresses the marble tiles gently when they
move. They have their hair arranged in a fashionable way with little shiny clips that serves
as a decoration. They look like they are part of some royal family from the way they stand
and stare at me.
“Uhm hello, I wanted to have my dream explained to me. I think it’s trying to tell me
something.” I muttered. Can they stop staring at me like that?! I thought as they didn’t move
and just continued to stare at me. I think they didn’t hear me.
Suddenly, a woman emerged from the curtains behind the 3 weird Dreamers.
“OH DARLING! WELCOME TO OUR SHOP! I didn’t hear you come in.” The woman said.
“No, it's fine.” I replied while forcing a little smile from my lips. “I just want to have my dream
explained. I think it’s trying to tell me something.” I repeated. I looked again towards the 3
Dreamers who are still staring. I think the woman noticed my uncomfortable state and she
turned her attention to the dreamers.
“Louise! Kajik! and Mary! Would you stop staring at her! You’re scaring the poor girl!” She
angrily said.
The girl on the left shakes her head vigorously as if she was removing something from her
hair. The tall boy at the center slowly smiled at me and I hesitantly returned his smile. While
the girl on the right just huffed and crossed her arms while looking at the woman. The air
around the room felt lighter when the woman reprimanded them. I felt a little relaxed.
“So sorry about them. they’re always like that when they meet a new apprentice, especially
Mary, she’s my oldest here and next year she’ll be an official Dreamer! She often feels jealous
when a new one joins us.” She amusingly told me while holding both of my hands.
“A-a-ap-apprentice?” I am confused.
“YES! You’re the new apprentice, right? That is why we left the store open just for you and
made the people have dreamless nights so they would not visit the shop today. Today, is all
about you.” She excitedly said.
“WHAT?! NO!” I hysterically shouted shocking the woman and the 3 “apprentices.” The girl
on the right looked at me angrily and said, “Hey! You don’t know who you’re talking to! Show
some respect!” I think her name’s Mary.
“Look, I’m sorry if I shouted but I’m not here to practice to become a dreamer. I just want
someone to explain my weird dream because it makes me feel terrified to go to sleep at night.
That’s what I came here for.” I apologized.
Mary looked at me boringly as if she has seen my reaction a hundred times and then she
replied, “Was your dream in a dark place and you see a figure covered with cloth and when
it moves, you run for your life?”
“YES! I-I mean yes ma’am. I always have that same dream these past two weeks and it bothers
me but just this night, it changed. There was someone chasing me while holding a gun…” I
told her all the details of my dream as 4 of them listened to me intently. When I finished
explaining, the woman looked at me with a sad expression on her face.
“Oh dear, you were left for too long. I must have called you when I saw you walk outside our
shop when you first had “The Dreamer’s Dream” as we call it.”
“The Dreamer’s Dream?” I asked. What in the hell is this?
“The dream that you have is a calling to those who are chosen to be Dreamers. The black
figure represents the cloak, as you can see from what we are wearing, a proof that we accept
the gift given to us but if we prolong the dream, the cloak becomes vengeful, thinking that
you are not grateful for being chosen so in your dream, it tries to kill you in a place close to
your heart. That is why you saw your own house in you dream. It’s good that you went to us
immediately before the cloak can kill you in your dream because once you are killed in your
dream, you also die in reality.” Mary replied calmly.
“No! I’m not accepting this. I want to be a normal lady with a normal life. I’m sorry but I need
to leave.” I frantically said and immediately left the shop. The woman tried to reach for me
but the tall boy held her arm, stopping her from following me. I ran towards my home when
I saw the front door wide open. What I discovered today was enough to make me paranoid
and I attentively entered our home.
Everything was in place but I can hear water coming from the bathroom. I slowly
approached the door and turned the knob. Once I opened it fully, I felt terror, horror creeping
my whole system. There, standing in the middle of the bathroom is me but there’s something
different, wearing a violet cloak like the ones worn by the apprentices in the shop, smiling at
me in a creepy and weird way while holding a gun pointed towards me. I stood there like an
idiot, too shocked and terrified to even move a little muscle. slowly her face morphed into an
angry expression that makes me want to dig a hole and bury myself alive to not feel the wrath
of myself.
“You should have listened, ungrateful bitch” she said angrily and pulled the trigger.
As I felt my tear touch my face, the next thing I see is black.

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