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ANTANAS JANKAUSKAS FALSIFIKATAI LIETUVOS FILATELUOJE FORGERIES IN LITHUANIAN PHILATELY ANTANAS JANKAUSKAS IZANGINIS ZODIS / TO THE USER Falsifkuot pasto Zenkial alsrado gretal po pirmuy pasto Zenkly pasirodymo. Falsitkuojama dagniausiai dviem tkslais ~ pasto aiba flteisty nenaudal, Pastary yra nepaiyginamal dauoiau FFateistams, renkantioms _fetuvgkus pasto Zenklus, fankstiau av vollaU tenka susidurti su zenkly ar antapauck) fautentiskum, Petkant laba tus ie brangius 2enklue datniaustal yra Patariama krepts | ekspertus, galindius nustatyl2enkly arty pasto leidniytkruma. Beda yra ta, kad Lietuvoje Siuo metu (2019 m) yra tik vienas ofcialus Zinovas, gaint atlkti letuvigky paste Zenkly ekspartze Tal dr Vyginias Eubeys. Fitolistams, “perkantioms aukcionuese, ypaé inieretniuose, tenka patiems greta spresti — ‘zualialjvetint, ar paSto Zenkias yra tras, ar gal bot falsifkatas Sio leidnio tksias ~ padet ftelistams aipazinflatetjos rinkoje pasirodandius fasikatus. Ruodamas 2012 m, speciaizuata pasto Zenkly kataloga [L- 58 planavau jame_pateikt # falsitkuoty Zenkly pavyzd2ius. Del foklos idejos u2ktausiau ving i8 inomiausiy Lietuvos atest — Yylauta Doniela, gyvenantj Austaljoje. Gavau itsamy atsakyma, Jam elu ctu stra i jo 2010 m. elaisko: ~-Falsfkatus Kotaloge 2 tk attymetion FF*, nededant falsity pavyadiy. Nocnt,bity salina Wlst askia lin kp studi apie flsifanus uns Miusmojant ar apratant ir pan, Tok ledinys gale bt nete istorikas", nes flskatuose dapat galima skirt gamybos Jaakotarpus” ypac budelimi” ave Problema toa — kadangi flsiikry atsiranda vis naujesniy sia, elinis katlogo naulotojs galt susKladin, ka, susidares su naw falsfikat ir tokio nematydamas falifkaty sara, sali pagalvou, kad Zenklas ya tikes, Be to, technikal vis tobulejan, tobuleja ie falsify gzimyba. Karas reiki net day ar pana anal, Kurios daar ima rmoderpesn ekspestai~tkrimoja Nepotaina nurodsti visus skimtamus tarp they Zenkly ir falsifikay, nes pasimekina gaminiojai. Dar poet Kebasdesimt metu, kat falsfikaty buvo madau, nkeju skirumus buvo naudinga 2not, nes get suprasdavo (Lictvai Llasikinis pavyadys — Lat” antspauduks, tba 1919 mety Gardino wespauduese apversia i), bet daar skirumams reikty skirt daugia vito vel lsirasty a pat problema, tent naujes falsfiata trey darkitesvsskitumis, Kure dar ney pine Bet, bend, rnkeai twretystpriaw suvokt, kad ees, bet Pigiat sidlomt pao 2enbla ar Yokal, yra artim. Net nuostabu, kek tokiy Slo cBay ~ i nereta tok vis muperka Zinyne pateikiami pasto Zenkly, antspaudu ir voy falsinkaty pavyedtial pagaminli varias. laikolarpiats Jy autora kalp laisykl, yra nedinomi isos apkarpytu Zenkly, kuruos buve bandoma parduot kalp eperioruotus, istracjos.buvo paimtos 18 intemetings.prekybos. porta ebay, UUasienyje gyvenandyfiateisty patogumui tekstas pubtikucjamas Fr angly kalba (kursyi). Pato fenkiy falsifkatal pateikiami 2enkly iSiicimo chronologial artima tvarka, Paste Zenkly, jy almainy ic spauscinimo Verlanty numerial siame leiginye patellti pagal Antano Jankausk Specialy Lietuvos pasio Zenkly kalaioga [58], Sio katalogo pagindiniy Zenkky numeral sutampa” su Micheia katalogo rumeracia, Patto antspaudal patel! pagal Vytauto Fugalevitaus pasto anispauciy kalaiogo numeracia [-70}. ‘Savaime suprantama, kad sudart tokios apimties tina be idly buvo nejmanoma, todel iS anksto atsiprasau 2 Kaidas, Kuriy all pasttakyl. Autorius bus dekingas uz pastebelas kiaidas, pastabas ir pageidavimus Autorius antanas Forged postage stamps appeared soon after the first stamps ‘appeared. Forgery is usually done for two purposes — to the etnment of the Post Office or phiatelsis. The latter are lncomparably greater in number. Phiatelists collecting Lithuanian postage stamps sooner or ater have to deal with the authentcty of postage stamps or postmarks. AS a ‘general rule, i fe advisable fo contact experts who ean determine the ‘authenticity of stamps or other postal items. The trouble is that there is only ane official knowledgeable person in Lithuania who can cary ‘out expert examination, that is Dr. Vygntes Bubnys. Phiotefsts who buy at auctions, especially on the Intemet, have to make decisions bby themseWes ~ to visualy assess whether a postage stamp is real (or forged. The purpose of this publication is to hep philatfsts to distinguish forgeries quite often appearing on the philateic market ‘During preparation for the catalogue in 2072 {1-88}. planned to present examples of forged stamps as wel. Because of this idea, 1 ‘asked one of the most wellenown Lithuanian phiatelits Dr Wytautas Doniela, who lives in Australia. Quote from Dr. Vytautas Deniata's emai (2070) “nthe cataogye, I sggest ro mark ony forged stamps with FE without stvng examples. makes sense 10 publish a separate pubicaion as a Study of forgeries, Msiraung or describurg them, and 30 om Such a Publication could even be storie”. since forgeries afien difer in (Pitot of prods especialy th ease of Sunes in ‘The problem is iis: since forgeries appear of increasingly new kinds he regular user ofthe directory may be confused when faced with "new forgery and. woud seeing tom the forged is, may tk that he samp ‘genuine. In addiion. progress in techniques fas an influence on the ‘manuiactars of forgeries. Sometines even colour analyses orth like are nov being taler up by more advanced expertiers {es not advisable t point ox al the difrencesBenecen real and forged. ‘ecause the lessons are leamed by the “mamacturers" as well. Even @ Jew decades ago, when there were fewer forgeries, Ht was wseful forthe ‘user to understand the differences because he guicKly realised (for Lithuania the classic example was the “Latf” seal or the inverted "1m" in ‘the 1920s in Grsina overprins), but now more space is needed forthe description of diferencss, ind again the some problem would arte, and ‘more recent forgeres would have even more differences that would not be mentioned. But, general, collectors should become more ware of the fac ha rarer ‘bu cheaply offered stamps or envelopes are suspect. I's even amazing how ‘uch eBay offers—and often they are bought.” The handbook contains examples of forgeries of postage stamps, ppostmarks produced in diferent periods. Their “authors” are, as a fl, unkown, Allilustrations of trimmed stamps that were attempted to be sold 3s ‘imperforate were taken fom eBay's onine tracing portal. The main text of the catalogue is in Lihvanian and English (tlic ont). ‘Stamps are fisted broadly in chronological order. All stamps, printing Variants and plate vareties are Usted accoraig to the Antanas Jankauskas Special Lithuanian postage stomp cafaioque numbering 1-58]. The numbers of the main stamps of this book coincide with te Michel catalogue numbering. Forged postmarks are feted near to an order listed in Vytautas Fogalevis' catalogue [L-70] 1t goes without saying that such a volume cannot be errr-tree, anc ‘50! 6m sure you will find some ears in the book, for which | ‘apologise in advance. The author wil be grateful for reports of any Imistokes, comments and suggestions The Author antanas jankauskas@uanica eu TURINYS / CONTENTS langinis 2odis / To the user. Tusnys / cantents. Knygoje nauot simbolial ir sutrumpinimal / Abbreviations and symbols used in the book Truputis istorios / Short historical Background... mesmo Nepriklausoma Lietuva 1918-1940 / Independent Lithuania 1918-1940... Nepriklausoma Lietuva 1990-/ Independent Lithuania 1990~ Naudinga informacia ! Useful information ‘Spaustuviy reklaminiai pavyzdziai/ Promotional samples of printing houses Perfinai! Perfns. Vietines laidos / Local issues. Teltiai Gardinas. Raseinial Varviske / Warwiszki.. Vilniaus kraétas (Vidurio Lietuva) 1820-1922 / Central Lithuania (Litwa Srodkowa).. Klaipedos krastas / Memeo... 1944 m. "Bizelinés”laidos / WI Occupation of Lithuania (The 1947 “June” issues). Kaunas Vilius Alsed2iai : ‘Anykstiai amatanarais cero Paneve2ys Raseinial Rokiskis, Toltiai Ukmarge Zarasal Osttand Zenklai suvenyrai/ Souvenir stamps kalendoriniy pasto antspaudyfalsifkatal / Forgeries of dated posimarks. Proginiy pa8to antspaucy fasitikatal/ Forgeries of special postmarks PPa8to vagony antspaudal / Pastmarks of postal wagons Masininial antspaudai/ Mechine postmarks ‘Antspaudal ~ fantazjos / Fantasy postmarks Markiuoti vokai, tviukai/ Stamped covers, postcards... .snnnnanonn Copeliny pastas / Zeppelin MAI..oruaraovanverininssonnnnpunarnnn Keletas naudingu patarimy nustatantsiuntos autentiskuma / Some useftl hints for determining the authenticity of an item Usienio Sally antspaudai ir at2ymos, sutinkamos ant flsitkuoty voky / Foreign postmarks and cachets on faked Karalauciaus karinés paéto kontrolos antspaudélal/ Cachets of miliary post control in Konigsberg. Karaliautiaus karines pasto kontrolés antspaudeliai devizams. | Cachets of miltary post control in Konigsberg, currency. Vokietjos oro paste atiymos / Geman air mail cachets Ivairios attymos pasitalkancios ant falsiniuoty voky / Various marks on forged envelopes. ‘Adresy antspaudélal ant falsifkuoty voky / Address handstamps on forged envelopes. (Oro paso lipdukal ! Air mall SCKEPS conn ennonnnnnnnnsnn Fantazjos | Famtasies 0.0m min nsnvnnninunnnnnnnn Kodel ekspertize fiatelioje yra taip svarbi?/ Why is expertising in phulately important? Eksperty sajungos, ekspertai, atestaty pavyzdiiai | Associations, experts, examples of expert certiicates Eksperty asociacos, draugijos / Associations of phiatelic experts Ekspertal/ Exports Eksperty 2ymiy pozicijos / Expert tag postions ‘Ankstesniais metais drbe ekspertal./ Past philatelic experts for the Lithuanian area Filatelios prekybininky at2ymos / Stamp dealers’ marks Neldentiftkuotos attymas / Unidentifed marks. Sertfkaty pavyzdtial Examples of certificates. Teisinia Kausimai/ Legal aspects ...0.ronnsnininsnnnnvnnnnnnnnnannnn Falsifikatonal / Forgers SEE Informadijos Salina / Bibliography amanactor 367 367 370 art 372 374 380 387 387 300 391 385 397 405 408 407 NEPRIKLAUSOMA LIETUVA 1918-1940 INDEPENDENT LITHUANIA 1918-1940 PASTO ZENKLU FALSIFIKATAL FORGERIES OF POSTAGE STAMPS Lietuvos pasto Zenkly falsifkatal patelkti pagal Zenkly isleidimo metus. Zenkly falsiikaty .gamybos" laikas ir .autorial, ‘savaime suprantama, yra nezinomi Forgeries of Lithuanian stamps are listed in chronological order. Forgeries' production “time” and “authors” are of course unknown, Nr. 4-2. Pirmoji Vilniaus laida. / No. 1-2. First Vilnius issue. Yea falsifikaty. / Forgeries exist Pasto Zenklai Nr.1-8 buvo spausdinami naudojant ta patia Kli8e, tk keitiant Zenklo nominalo skaitines. Visi Zenklai lapelyje turi charakteringus skirtumus. Falsifkatai dagniausiai ty chareakteringy skirtumy neturi. Detaly kiekvieno Zenklo lape ‘apragyma galima rast (L-58} ‘Stamps Nos.1-8 were printed using the same cliché, just changing the figure of value. Every stamp in a printed sheet has ‘characteristic differences. Forgeries usually have none of these characteristic differences. For detailed descriptions of each ‘stamp in a sheet see [L-58) 1 tikras piinas tapas / complete genuine printed sheet Lietuvos: 10 skatiky, pasta skatiky” Su normalia ,y*raide. / With normal letter “y’ (p.4, , 11, 12, 14, 15, 16) A skatiky ,. ‘Su apversta ,hraide. ! With inverted letter ‘n’. (p.2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20) ‘Su apyersia 1" raide. ! With inverted letter‘ (p.9) Q pasta 60000005 Nr. 8-12. Pirmoji Kauno laida. / No. 8-12. First Kaunas issue. Yea falsifkaty, / Forgeries exist § Lietuvos se 10) '9-F1, Kitoks popierius, kitoks Sritas. / Different paper, different fonts. '8-F2_Kitokios raidés ,a" iru" Zodyje ,skaliky’ / Different shape of letters 'a" and "y” in “skatiky” o000 Lietuvos 15 skatikn pastas o00° & Be 000000000 000000000 000000000 o ° oO ° 000000000 10-4. Kitoks poplerius, kitoks Srifta. / Different paper, diferent fonts. 10-F2. Kitokios raides ,2" iy Zodyje .skatiky*./ Different shape of letters “a” and “y"in “skatiky’” e00000 Lietuvos paites ° ° 2 ° ° o ° 13-63 13-1. Kitoks popierius, kopja, plats krastal. Different paper, copy. wide margins 413-F2. Mazesnis alstumas tarp raidaiy "io" / Smaller distance between letles “v' and ‘o". 413-F3. Radmenys ~iyg apirupéie", spausdinta ant storo popieriaus./ Letters ~ as ‘partially destroyed’ printed on thick paper. e@o00o00 Lietuvos pastas 15 sk. e000 000000000 14F1 goeesere., e©ooo ‘o r | ° Ss 2 eee ° ° Lietuvos © ° ° ° ° ° 4 © Lietuvos ° ° © pastas o zo ° ° inka S 0 pastas o ff o 3 = Fo © fo ° ° -e 1B sk o Fo eoooooo a #. e 400000080 142 ss D1are 414-F1. Kitoks popierius, kopija. / Different paper, copy. 14-F2. Mazesnis atstumas tarp raidziy .v" ir ,o°./ Smaller distance between letters *v' and °o". 14.FP_ Falstikuota perforacija ir per iSkarpa (11%). / Faked perforation line (1134). W Kauno-FZ1 MI Kauno-FZ1. Fantazija. 25 sk nominalo Zenklas nebuvo iéleistas. / Fantasy. There was no 25 skatikas stamp in this issue Nr. 19-26. Tregioji Kauno laida. / No. 19-26. Third Kaunas issue. ‘Yea falsitkaty. | Forgeries exist ooo 0° oss © Lietuvos S pastas © sk. 108k. ° 20-F1. Kitoks popierius, kopija,platOs kra8tai./ Diferent paper, copy. wide margins. 20-F2. Mazesnis atstumas tarp raidziy .v" iro". | Smaller distance between letters °v' and “o". rae 65-F1 65-F1, Falsfikatei atspauscintiSkiaja spauda, skiasi detelemis. Spausdinta ant popieriaus be V2. perforacja 10% vietoje 11%. Printed by typoarephy instead of lithography, difers in deteils. Printed an paper without WN, perforation 10% instead of 11% 171-0K 71-Ft 71A-F1 T1-F1. Falsitkatal atspausdint ishiiaja spaude, shirast detalemis. Popietus be V2. / Printed by typography instead of lithography, dfers in details. Paper wth no WM. THAI. Falsfikatal alepausdint itkllaja spauda. sires! detalemis. Poplerus be V2. / Printed by typography instesd of lithography, fers in detais. Paper wth no WM. 72-0K 12-63 72H-F ‘72-F1. Falsifikatai atspausdinti iSkiliaja spauda, skiriasi detalemis. Popierius be VZ, be klijy. / Printed by typography instead of lithography, ders n detas. Paper with no WM, no gum. 72-2. Felsitkatalatspausdin iskiiaja spausa, skies detalemis, Popierius be V2. Be centr. / Printed by typography instead of lithography, afer in deta. Paper wth no WM. No centre 117-F1, De8ineje — desimt brokéneliy vietoje devyniy. BrokSneliy gala - vienoje tieseje. Uzspausdinta ant tkro No.116. / Ten lines at the right side instead of nine lines. Edges of lines ~ in @ straight line. Overprinted on genuine No. 116. 117-F2, DeSineje — desimt braksneliy vietoje devyniy. Brok8neliy gala — vienoje tieseje, Mazesnis Sritas. No 117 “AUKSINA” Vietoje “AUKSINAS" nebuvo. ! Ten lines atthe right side instead of nine lines. Edges of lines in a straight lie. ‘Smaller fonts. Overprinted 117 variety “AUKSINA” for “AUKSINAS' does not exist 4117-F3. No 117 “AUKSINA" vietoje “AUKSINAS" nebuvo. / Overprinied 117 variety “AUKSINA"for ‘AUKSINAS” does not exist 117-F4, Apversias u2spaudas, Desineje ~ desimt brokSneliy vielofe devyniy. Broksnely galal - vienoje tieseje. No 117 “AUKSINA’ vieloje “AUKSINAS” nebuvo. / Inverted overprint, ten lines atte ight side instead of nine lines, Edges of lines = in a straight line. Overprinted 117 variety “AUKSINA’ for “AUKSINAS” does not exist. 117.71. Dedineje ~ debimt brakineliy vietoje devyniy. BrokSneliy galai - vienoje teséje. Mazesnis Srifas. / Ten lines at the Tight side instead of nine ines. Edges of nes ~ in a straight line. Smaller fonts. 117.7-F2. Desineje — desimt brokénelly vietoje devyniy. Broksneliy galal ~ vienojeteseje. Kitoks skaltmuo .4"J/ Ten lines at the right side instead of nine lines. Edges of lines — in a straight ine, different number "4 4117.47.63. AUKSIKAI yra pirmoje elute, del pasislirkus uéspaudul Zemyn, broksniuoli kvadratelial virtue negalejo atsirastl. Brakéneliy galai - vienoje tieseje. / “AUKSIKAI' for “AUKSINA® appears in the first row, so after shiting of the 134-F2 134-F1, Remelo spalva pilka vietoje rudos, apverstas centras, peroracija 10% x 11 vieloje 10%. Pieinio aukstis 30,5 mm Vieloje 310. ! Grey frame instead of brown, inverted centre, perforation 10%x 11 instead of 10% Design height 30.5 imum instead of 31.0 men. 4134-F2. Remelio spalva Svesiai ruda vetoje rudos, neperforuotas. Portretas skasi detalémis. / Light brown frame instead of brown, centre difters in details, imperforate. 134-F3, Kioks remeliopiesinys, kita spalva,kitas portretas. / Different frame and colour, ciferent porta. E1331 STEIG.1920 SEIMAS-F1 ‘STEIG.1920 SEIMAS-F1. Tipografiné A. Varno projektinio Zenklo imitacija. / Imitation of A. Vamnas' essay. Typographic Printing. 154-F1, Uzspauscinta isllaja spauda vietoje Itografios. Skirasi skattmuo .3* Ir raides .CENT-~ / Printed by typography instead of ithegraphy. Diferent number "3" and letters CENT.” 154-F2, Uzspausdinta iskiliaja spauda vietoje litografijos. Skiriasi skaitmuo .3* ir raides .CENT.". / Printed by typography instead of ithegraphy. Different number "3" and letors "CENT ” 454.F3, Uzspausdinta isliaja spauda vietoje itografos. Skrasi skaitmuo .3" ir raides .CENT-”. 154-0 apversto spaudo nebuvo. 1 Printed by typoaraphy instead of Mhography. Different number “3° ard letters “CENT.” There was no Inverted everprint of No 154. 157-71 hoeeneeneans 157-F1, Apversto uzspaudo nebuvo. / There was no inverted overprint. 487-F2_ Apversio udspauda nebuvo, / There was no inverted overprint 159-F1. Zenkly su dvigubu w2spaudu iSlesta nebuvo. Uzspausdinta iskliaja spauda vietole Mograjos. / There was no double ‘overprint issued. Printed by typography instead of lithography. 159-F2, .5 CENT" udspaudo ant 20 skatiky Zenklo nebwvo. Fantazija. / There was no “6 CENT” overprint on the 20 sk stamp. Fantasy. No, 187-95. Pirmoji naujos valiutos standartiné laida. / No. 187-95. First new currency definitive issue. Yea falsifkaty, Yra 2inomijvairds spaudos bandymai. / Forgerias exist. Various types of proofs are known. 187-0K 187-F1 187-F4. Vietoje ltografjos spausdinta iskiiaja spauda. Spausdinta ant storo popieriaus be V2. Falsifixatas salyginai priskirtas Nr 187. / Printed by typography instead of Ithography. Printed on thick paper without WM. The forgery is provisionally assigned to No 187. 190-0K 190-F1 190-F2 190-F1. Vietoe ltografos spausdintaIsklaja spauda. Spausdinta ant popleriaus su V2. Gy. Falsifikatas salyginal priskitas Nr 190. / Printed by typography instead of ithography. Printed on paper with WM Gv. The forgery is provisionally assigned to No 190. 190-F2. Vielgjaltogratjos spausdinta ikiigia spauda. Spausdinta ant popioriaus be V2. Falsifkatas salyginai prisirtas Nr 190. | Printed by typography instead of Ithography. Printed on paper with no WM. The forgery is provisionally assigned to No 190. 192.0k 102-F1 192-F4. Spausdinta skiliaja spauda vietoje itografiios. Popierius su VZ Gh. Falsifkatas salyginal priskitas Nr 192. / Printed by typography instead of ithography. Printed on paper with WM Gh. The forgery is provisionally assigned to No 192. 194-1 245.63 245-F1. Zenklas su dvigubu cen nebuvoieistas./ There was no stamp with double centre issued. (248-F2. Zenklas su dvigubu centru (vienas apverstas) nebuvo isleistas. / There was no stamp with double centre (one inverted) issued 245-F3, Tipogratine 2enklo su veidrodiniu centro atspausu imitacia./ There was no stamp with offset on reverse side Imitation (printed by typography. Pees Tai ne projektinial ar bandomieji Zenkial, bet Haase's (Praha) spaustuves reklaminial spaudos pavyzd2iai. Atspausdinti Ivairiomis spalvomis. Detalesnis aprasas pateiktas [L-58]. / These stamps are not essays or proofs, but Haase's (Prague) printing house promotional samples. Printed in different colours. More details are given in (L-56]. Falsifikaty spausdinimo lapelly pavyzdzial. / Examples of printing sheets of forgeries. 34001 3408-2 340-F1, Perforuoti, be VZ imitacijos. Skiriasi detales ir spalvos. / perforated, without imitation of WM. Differs in details and 140-2 Perorot, su V2 imac. Skiiasi ells i spas. perforate. wth tation of WM. Difers in deals and colour 340-F3. Chomiskai paveiktas arba saulés iSblukintas Zenklas. Skiriasi spalvos. / Chemically altered or sun-faded stamp, different 340A-F1. Reprint bbe V2 imitacijos. Skiiasi detalés ir spalvos. / imperforate, without imitation of WM. Differs in details and ana Neptenot su V2 imitacija. Skiriasi detales ir spalvos. / imperforate, with imitation of WM. Differs in details and four. S60A-F2 35201 j355A-F2 452-F1. Tipografinis uespaudas, skiiasi raides. Kitoks skaitmuo .1°. / Typographed overprint, differs in details. Different number * 452.F2, Tipografinis juodas u2spaudas vietoje tamsiai mélyno, skiriasi raidés ir skaitmuo 2°. Zenklo su apverstu uzspaudu nebuvo. | Typographed overprin, differs in details. Black overprint instead of dark blue. Different number °2" inverted overprint was issued. 456-F1. Tipografinis juodas u2spaudas vietoje tamsiai mélyno, skiriasi raidés ir skaitmenys. / Typographed overprint,aiffers in details. Black overprint instead of blue. 456-F2. Tipografnis uzspaudes, skriasiraides ir skaitmenys. Zenklo su apverstu ulspaudu nebuvo./ Typogrephed overprint, differs in deta's No inverted overprint was issued KAUNAS: x T. Buses Bees pot 2 Padirbti vokai su oficalai neigleistu 10ct Zenklu. / Examples of faked covers with 10ct stamp, not issued officially. NEPRIKLAUSOMA LIETUVA 1990-/ INDEPENDENT LITHUANIA 1990- Nr. 457-460. Standartiné sorija. Angolas (I). / Nos. 457-460. Definitive issue. Angel (!). Yea falsifikaty, / Forgeries exist. 457-F1 457-FX. |vairios spalvos vietoje tamsiai Zalios spalvos. / Different colours instead of dark green, 45TVP-F1. Kitokia spalva, 2enklas mazesnis ~ 20,5x31,0 mm vietoje 21,0x32,0 mm. / Diferent colour. Smaller stamp — 20.5x31 ‘mm instead of 21.0x32.0 mm. 457-F1., Neegzistuojanti porelé. Nr 457 ir 458 buvo alspausdinti atskiruose lapuose. / Non-existent pair. Nos 457 and 458 were printed on separate sheets. /4570-OK, N457 Popieriaus ir Zenklo spalvy skirtumai po UV lempa. / Stamp colour and paper have different UV reactions. SPAUSTUVIU REKLAMINIAI PAVYZDZIAI PROMOTIONAL SAMPLES OF PRINTING HOUSES HAASE SPAUSTUVE PRAHOJE (Tiskarna Haseho, Praha) / HAASE PRINTING HOUSE, PRAGUE q eee! 4.1-0-0K 4.4-6-F1 4.4-8-F1. Kopija, atspausdinta spausdintuvu ant storo popieriaus. / Printer copy on hard paper. PERFINAI / PERFINS Padirbty perfiny kol kas nepastebeta. Yra Zinoma tik pora fantazily. ! Counterfeit perfins have not yet been seen. Only @ couple of fantasies are known. FZ1. Patikimo Saltinio, palvitinantio kad egzistavo toks perfinas, nerasta. / There is no reliable source confirming that such a pertin existed. VIETINES LAIDOS / LOCAL ISSUES TELSIAI 1920 01 14, Teléiy pasto Zenklas ,APMOKAtA“. | TelSiai postmaster's issue “APMOKétA”. 163 41.F1. Kiloks Vytis, tekstas apatioje neatitinka nei vienai pozicijal i$ 18. / Different Uytis, the text at the botiom does not correspond to any position from the 12. 41.F2. Sesiolktos pozicijos imitacija. Internetiniame aukcione eBay pasirode 2016 metals. / Imitation of the stamp from the sixteenth position . 41-F3. Ranka pieSta grubi Zenklo imitacija. / Handmade rough imitation. 5FI3 1-9-F1. Vieloje rusiskos raides uw" yra apversta raid@ .m’, brOkSniat istisinia. J Instead of the Russian letter “ws there is an inverted letter “m’ the lines are continuous. 1~9-F2. Vite aides ra ride ete rldes yr aide ktkla ride / Intend ofthe eter “there is alter letter ‘e” instead ofthe letter a" and the letter" is different. 1-9-F3. Pi ie JT, vietoje raidés .3* yra raidé .e*, kitokia raidé "| The letter “I” is wider; instead of the letter “s" there is a ifferent etter ‘W. asia praéjes vokas ‘Tikras Zenklas ant voko, antspauduotas atsukta data. Postally used cover Genuine stamp with backdeted postmark Falsifkatai F1 buvo spausdinami 15 Zenkly ape. Visi Zenklal vienodi Complete printed sheet of Raseinia’ forgeries F1. All the stamps are identical. Detalds Raseiniy abiejy spausdinimy tapy pozicily aprasymai yra pateikti A. Jankausko kataloge [L-68. psl. 301-302]. Detailed descriptions of both Raseiniai printing plate positions are given in A. Jankauskas’ catalogue [L-68, pp.301-302] 41-3-F1. Kitoks Sritas, plona vingluota linia. / Different font, thin wavy line. 4-3-F2. Kiloks Sriftas,tesi linia. Different font, straight line. 41-3-F3. Kitoks Sriftas, stipriau banguota linija./ Different font, stronger wavy line. 1-3-F4. .A* vietole A’. ties! linlja, didesne .S* ralde. /“A" for “A”, straight line, larger letter °S”. 4-3-FB. .A° vietoje .A", tsi linija. "A" for 'A”, straight line. 4-3-F6. Matesne ,R° Zodyje .SAMORZAD", plona raide I. / Smaller “R" in “SAMORZAD". thin letter ‘7. 1-3-F7. Kitoks Sriftas, .SARMORZAD" vietoje .SAMORZAD*, tlesi linja. / Different font, “SARMORZAD” for “SAMORZAD’: straight line 4-3-F8, Kitoks Sriftas, tiesi linia. / Different font, straight line. 41-3-F9. Tiesilinja, apversto u2spaudo nebuvo. / Straight line, there was no inverted overprint in the original printing. 4-3-F10. Kitokia banguola linja, apversto uzspaudo nebuvo. / Straight line, there was no inverted overprint in the original 4-3-F11. Kitokia banguota linia. / Different wavy line. 4=3-F12. Kitokia banguota linia, kitokia 2" raide. / Different wavy line, different letter Z~ 41=3-F13. Kitokia banguota linia. / Different wavy line 4-3-F14 Kitoks sriftas, kitokia banguota linja./ Different font, different wavy lin. 41-3-F15. Kitoks Srftas, plona vingiuota linija./ Different font, thin wavy line. Laiskal buvo antspauduot! violetiniu "Komenda Sily Zbrojne| w Warwiszkach" antspaudu ir gabenami | Sapacking (Lenkija), kur buvo antspauduoti Kalendoriniu Sapackines antspaudu ir siunéiami toliau. I8iko trys pasta praeje(?) vokai Letters received a purple cachet "Komenda Sily Zbrojne) w Wanviszkach” and were transported to Sapackinle (Poland), where they were cancelled with the dated cancellation of Sopotkinie and forwarded. Only three genuinely(?) carried envelopes have survived. B Flatow ohare bis EINK Ht oie fer Falsifkuoti vokai, / Faked covers. Pilno rekonstruoto lapo pavyzdys, pagal kur| galima pasitikrinti Zenklo pozicija lape yra pateiktas A. Jankausko kataloge {L-58., psi. 304]. / An example of a complete reconstructed printed sheet, for locating overpinted stamp plate positions, is given in A. Jankauskas' catalogue [L-58, pp. 304). VILNIAUS KRASTAS (VIDURIO LIETUVA) 1920-1922 CENTRAL LITHUANIA (LITWA SRODKOWA) Vidurio Lietuvos pasto Zenklal apyvartoje buvo iki 1922 balandzio 30 d. Nuo 1922 gegu2es 1. jvest Lenkijos pasto ‘enki. Mi8tos rankaioros (Viduro Lietuvos ir Lenkjos) buvo negalimos, nes 2enklai vienu metu apyvartoje nebuvo. Central Lithuania postage stamps were in circulation until 30 April 1922. From 1 May 1922 Polish postage stamps were used. ‘Mixed postage (Central Lithuania and Poland) was not possible because the Stamps were notin cireulalion at the same time. Nr 1-3, Standartiné serija. Herbal |. ! No 1-3. Definitive issue. Coat of Arms |. SRODKOWA SRODKOWA Litwa| 3) LET wa 131 1-3-F1. Falsifikaty lapo pakraSiuose (apatioje) yra ,U. Ny.”,.I.E.*. Gelsvas popierius./ In the lower sheet margins of forgeries: “‘ULNY." "IL E”. Yellowish paper. Nr. 4-13. Standartind serija. Uzspausdinti Lictuvos paéto Zenklai. / No. 4-13. Definitive issue. Overprinted Lithuanian postage stamps. $i0s Jaidos padrbimy yra labai daug it airy, kasmel pasirodo vis nauiy, tode! siame leidinyje pateita tk po keleta jy pavyzdtiy. Zenklai gana brangis, todél patartina juos piri tik su Siuolakiniais serifkatais. Antro (neoficialus) spausdinimo Zenkla paprastailaikomifasikalas, jy uespauda yra apie 0,3 mm mazesni negu originaly There are many diferent forgeries, and every year new ones appear, so only a few examples are given in this publication. Stamps are quite expensive, s0 its advisable to buy them only with recent certificates. Stamps from the unofficial reprint are Usually considered forgeries. The overprnt is about 0.3 mm smaller. SRODKOWA SRoDKOWA SRODKOWA ‘SkODKOWA ang LITWA LITWA LIT WA Oren ey @ 102810 PoczrA PocztA Pocz1A PocztA ox dart __SKLEP FARD AE PATUS SE WICK iy Trocka Neth $, WOEROWYSEI ‘W.Potulanka 25. Wislectne Pant Kiere Avanske FROKT, ol wiienwee 21 Falsifkuoti vokai, / Faked covers. Nr. 193-205. Uzspausdinti Klaipédos kraéto paéto Zenklai. / No. 193-205, Overprinted Klaipéda stamps. 193-0 193-F1. Uzspausdinta ant 151-F1, didesnis tarpas tarp , 1" i 5°, siauresns skadius .15°, maZesnis CENT." Sriftas. / Overprinted 151-Fi. ‘Narrow’ 18, wider space between ‘1” and “5”, smaller font of ‘CENT. 194-0K Jioart 194-F1, Uzspausdinta ant 152-F1. Siauresnisskaitius 30°, didesris tarpas tarp .3° Ir ,0°, mazesnis .CENT. Sriftas. Overprinted 152-F1. “Narrow” 30, wider space between “3” and ‘0”, smaller font of “CENT”. 195-F1, Uzspausdinta ant 153-F1. Siauresnis skaitius 30°, didesnis tarpas tarp 3° Ir .0°, mazesnis .CENT. Sriftas. / Overprinted 153-F1. “Narrow” 30, wider space between “3” and ‘0’, smaller font of ‘CENT” 196-0K 196-F1 196-F1. Uzspausdinta ant 154-F1. Slauresnis skaiéius .20°, didesnis tarpas tarp .3* ir .0°, mazesnis .CENT." Sriftas. Overprinted 154-F1. “Narrow” 30, wider space between “3 and ‘0”, smaller font of “CENT” Falsifikuoti Klaipédos kra&to antspaudai / Forgeries of Memel postmarks Memel | Kiaipéda (Sai one '91-F1. Datoje kitoks skaltmuo “3"./ Different numeral “3"in the date, 96-FX(2) ‘96-FX. Pagal [L-63] egzistuoja keletas Sio antspaudo falsifikaty. / According to (L-63) several forgeries ofthis postmark exist. ‘96-FC. [L-63] yra paminéta, kad Sis antspaudas Zinomas ir su atsukia data, / According to [L-63] this postmark is known backdated. ‘ '99-0K ‘98-F1. Keturkampe 2vaig2de, kitokia raide ,E"/ Four-pointed ster, diferent letter “E~ NEPRIKLOUSO My CHEZTUVA io Re-i- 23 NEPRIXCAUSOMA LIETUVA 19 AT-MIE2e 1-8-F16 41-8-F1. Nesimetriska raides “2” kepurele. | Asymmetrical accent on “2° 4-8-2. Mazesnis tarpas tarp "i a" raidfiy | A smaller gap between the letters "L" and ‘a’. 4-8-F3.Kitokia,2" raid® Zodyje Leis". / Different letter ‘a of the word “Laisw 4-8-F4.Kitokia LL" raide.! Different etter “L 4-8-5. Zodyje Alsédziai" antra "be task. / The second ‘ofthe word “Alséaziai’ has no dot. 4-8-6. Zenklas ir u2spaudas atspausdinti spausdintuvu. / The stamp and the overprint are printed by printer. 4-8-7. Zodyje ,Laisv"ktokios .2" irs" raides. Raide ,¢" su mazu tashu./ Different letters ‘a and “sin the word “Laisw letter “e" with smal! dot 4-8-8, Zodyje .Laisv™ kitoka .a°raidé. Zodyje .Laisw" trokusi raidé .s". Pazeista raidés .2° kepurelé./ Diferent letter “a” in the word ‘Laisv, broken leer 's', defective accent on letter “2. 1-8-9, Perkista "aide Zodyje Alsedtial. / Broken letters" of ‘Alsédtiar 4-8-F10. Zodyje .Alsedziat"pirmojl i su nosine. ! 7 forthe frst ‘in the word “Alsedtiai”. 4-8-F11. Mazesne raide J" Zodyje JAlsédziai", mazesni VI". The ‘Tin the word “Alsedziar" and the “VI is smaller. 4-8-F12. Kreiva raide A" Zodyje JAlsedtial’, tatkas pri , VI. | Different letter ‘A"in the word “Alsédtat" and dot an the “VI 4-8-F15, Nesimetriska raides “2” Kepurele./ Asymmetrical 2 accent. 4-8-1. Boveik visos raids kitokios. ! mast all latters diferent. 4-8-F15. Kitoks skaitmuo ,4°./ Diferent numeral “4. 4.F1. ,K° raids kojelé prjungta Zemiau, .U* apacia yra kampuota, .N" yra pasvirusi kairén, .a" visus trumpesnis. ! Upright of °K" ‘s comnected beneath, bottom of “U" is angular, 'N" slopes to the left, top of 'a"is shorter. 4.F2. Raidé .N" yra pasvirusi kairén, plats skaitmenys, .a° visus yra trumpesnis, yra taSkas po mety skaitmeny. ! The letter “N" slopes to the left, wide numerals, top of ‘ais shorter; full stop after the year, 41-3. ,Kreivas” antspaudas, skirtinga ,S"raide, yra taskas po mety skaitmenu. /“Curved’ postmark, the letter °S" is oferent; full stop after the year. 41.F4, Skirtinga ,a" raidé. Diametras - 26 mm vietoje 28 mm. Naudotas ant falsifikuoty Zenkiy. ! Different letter ‘a’. Diameter 26 instead of 28 mm. Used on forged stamps. 41-5, .Kreivas" antspaudas, skirting! skaitmenys. /“Curved” postmark, different numbers. 1-F6. Kitoks Sriftas, kiloks raidziy iSdestymas, vietoje razetiy — penkiakampes 2vaig2des. | Different font, letters set differently, five-pointed stars instead of rosettes. Antspaudas Keunas .2° buvo pirmasis tokio tipo antspaudas Lietuvoje. Intensyviai naudotas 1919 metais. Vélausial 2inoma reall naudojimo data yra 1922.11.26. Siuntos su daug velesniy mety datomis gal ti falsikatal The Kaunas “a” postmark was the fist postmark of ts kind in Lituanta; intensively used in 1919. Date of latest known genuine Use is 26/11/1922. Mail in lter years may be forgeres. art 3-F4. Plonesni vertikalds brokSnelial, didesnis jy skaitius. / Narrower vertical lines, greater in number. 3-F2. Kitokia raide ,S*,kitokios rozetes. | Diferent letter °S", different rosettes. 4-F1. Skirtingos rozetes, kilokia .S* raides forma. | Different rosettes, different shape of the letter *S' 4-F2, Skirtingos rozetes, plonesni vertikalas braksneliai / Different rosettes, narrower vertical lines. 787-F2 ‘787-1. Skitingi skaitmenys .3°, mazesne kairioji rozete. / Diflerent numeral “3”, smaller left rosette. 787-F2. Metai — su dviem skaitmenimis, kitokia .£" raidé, skirtingos rozetes. / Year with two numbers instead of four, different letter “E’, diferent rosettes. Re eRe ReMARWAMPOLE-F1 Ree ReMarijampole-F2 RMARJAMPOLE-F1. Necozistaves registracijos antspaudas su masinele jra8ytu tekstu. / Non-existent registration cachet with typevmitten text. R-Marijampolé-F2. Neegzistaves registracijos antspaudas su ranka jrasytu tekstu. / Non-existent registration cachet with ‘nandwntten text. fi T93-F3 783-F1. Kitoks Sritas,ktokia 2" aide, kitokios rozetés./Diferent font, cfferent letter ‘a’ cifferent rosette. 788-2 Kitokios rozetes,.Z"vietoje .2",kitokia .E" rade. / Different rosettes, °Z"instead of”, oferent letter“. 793-F3. Kitokia raidé 2°. Different letter “2” ‘7214, Klis aides .S,slauresnes raids .T tote TAUTINE’ / Diferent ltrs “SY narower fetes “nthe word “TAUTINE™ 1721-2. BrokSnelis datoje pastumtas | de8ine, kitokia raide ,S* 2odyje .SKAUTY"./ The dash is pushed to the right inthe date, diferent letter ‘S* in the word "SKAUTU" 1721-F3. E vietoje .E° Zodyje TAUTINE”, ta8kas artiau .A* raides. / “E* for E” in the word “TAUTINE’, the full stop is closer to the letter “A” 1721-F4. .E" vietoje .E° Zodyje .TAUTINE”, taSkas prie ,A raides matas ir apskritas. / “E” for "E” in the “E” in the word “TAUTINE® the full stop after the letter “A” is small and circular. 1721-F5, Mazesnis Sriftas, .E" vietoje .£* Zodyje .TAUTINE", kitoks skaitmuo .3". / Smaller font, “E* for “E” in the word ‘TAUTINE’, diferent numeral “3. 1721-8. .E* vetoje .E* Zodyje .TAUTINE’, kitokia .S* Zodyje .STOVYKLA*. / “E” for" in the word “TAUTINE®, different *S* in the word “STOVYKLA” A. Panemuné 1 A.Panemuné Toutiné Skauty StovyHe 2 S| Stovyble | 19761 A. Panemuné Teuting ree. Stovykie 1976F2 1976-F1. Vertikalllinja siekia reme!|, mazesris Sriftas. / The vertical line reaches the frame, smaller font. 1976-F2. Kitokia raide .R°, vertkalllinja siekia remell, mazesnis Sritas. / Diferent letter “R’, the vertical line reaches the frame, ‘smaller font DM Hoyle Peapeatrd Rau lau or $e Aoassites (er biicccuia) “wo Penui HSteponoitiut KAUNAS Mickevitious q I bt. > Falsitkuoti vokai / Faked covers MARKIRUOTI VOKAI, Atvirukai / STAMPED Covers, POSTcards TEN " LIETUVA FZ01 FZ-01. Vokas — tantazija./ Cover — fantasy. FZ.02. Atvirukas ~ fantazija. / Postcard — fantasy. EE’ F238 Ee” Fa FZ-03. Atvirukas ~ fantazija. / Postcard — fantasy. FZ.04. Atvirukas ~ fantazija. / Postcard — fantasy. Ee" FZ5 FZ.08. Alvirukas ~ fantazija. / Postcard — fantasy. FZ.06. Atvirukas ~ fantazija. / Postcard — fantasy. FZ6 Fz-7 FZ.07. Atvirukas ~ fantazija. / Postcard — fantasy. CEPELINY PASTAS / ZEPPELIN MAIL 1933 m. Pirmas skrydis j Piety Amerika. ! The first flight to South America in 1933. ‘Fredehshalen (Bodensee) ~ Barcelona Binschreiben Wit tafteckife ret Zo __b1s Barcelona ~ Sar Falsifikuotas vokas. ! Faked cover. Ok (Fu) 1. TaSkas po .raide Zemiau, kitokios rozetes. / Full stop below "Shifted down, diferent rosettes. Kity Saliy datos antspaudai ir atzymos. / Date postmarks and cachets of afferent countries. FANTAZIJOS / FANTASIES 1919-1940 40-60-F1, Fantazia~ u2spaudas . VILNIUS“. / Fantasy ~ overprint ‘VILNIUS’. 110-F1 110-F1. Fantazija — u2spaudas KAUNAS 1928 M”. | Fantasy — overprint “KAUNAS 1928 M.” EKSPERTY SAJUNGOS, EKSPERTAI, ATESTATY PAVYZDZIAI ASSOCIATIONS, EXPERTS, EXAMPLES OF EXPERT CERTIFICATES Siame skyriuje trumpai aptariamas ekspertizos Klausimas. Pateikus 2enkig ekspertizei galima gauti eksperto nuomone apie jos pasto Zenklo autentiskuma Boje, Zenklo ekspertize kainuoja nemazal Dadniausial apie 20-30 eury ar net daugiau, priklausomai nuo Zenklo jvertinimo kataloguose. Verta pagalvol, ar u2sakyti pigiy 2enkly ekspertize — ji labal pakelty j0sy 2enklo savikaing. Jei ekspertizg ‘uzsakinesil keletg karty, po to 2ymiai goriau jausile, ar verta tai daryli dar Sykl Tarkim, pertidrint savo kolekeija, ar kokia kita kolekcija, kuria ruogialés pirkt, pastebite Zenklg, kurio Iyg tai ir néra specializuotame Lietuvos pasto Zenkiy kataloge. Valio! Na bat neskubekite d2iaugtis. Pasizidrekite kataloge prie Zerklo apraso, ar ten néra FF raideliy, rodanéiy, kad yra 2inomy &io Zenklo falsifikaty. Jei ne — jums galety Kili Kiausimas ~ kodel iki 8iol nickas nepastebejo tokiy almainu vos ne per Simta met. Jeigu Zenklo spalva skiriasi nuo kataloge minimy spalvy — yra didele tikimybé, kad Zenklas buvo chemi8kai apdorotas, ar papraséiausiai isblukes sauleje. Patartina, kad ret ir brangas pa8to Zenklai, kuriuos jds ruosiatés pirkt,turety Siuolaikinius sertiikatus. This section will briefly discuss the issue of expertising. By submitting a postage stamp for expert examination, you can get an ‘expert opinion if your postage stamp is genuine. By the way, expertising costs money. And sometime @ great deal. Usually about 20-30 dollars or much more, depending on a ‘stamp's rating, say, in Michel's catalogue. So, if your stamp’s value is small, having it expertised would increase significantly its Cost. If you request an expertisation several times, then you will feel much better about whether itis worth doing one more time. For example, i you look at your collection or any other collection you are about fo buy, you will ind a stamp that does not appear to be in the specialised catalogue of Lithuanian postage stamps. Well, do not hurry to enjoy it. Look in the catalogue at the description of the stamp, if there are no FF notes that indicate that there are forged examples of this stamp. if not, you might wonder why so far no one has noticed such varity in just over a hundred years. Ifthe colour of the stamp is different from the colours mentioned in the catalogue — there is a high probability that the stamp has been chemically treated or simply faded in the ‘sun, Itis therefore advisable that the rare and expensive postage stamps you are about to purchase should have certificates. Eksperty asociacijos, draugijos / Associations of philatelic experts International Association of Philatelic Experts (AIEP). “Tarptautinefilatelos eksperty asociacie® (AEIP) yra ne peino organizacia,jseigta Merane, tala, 1954 m. Ji yra fllatelios eksperty asociacija. Ji gali paskelbti nuomones, pareiékimus, pazymelimus ir garantjes pagal savo nariy asmening atsakomybe. Asociacia neprsima jokios atsakomybes uz savo nariy ‘uomanes. ‘The “International Association of Philatelic Experts” is @ non-proft organisation founded in Merano, italy, on 10 October 1954. The A.LE.P. is an association of philatelic experts who may issue philatelic opinions, ‘statements, certiticates and guarantees under their personal responsibilty. The association does not accept any responsibility whatever for the opinions ofits members. http /www-aiep-experts.netlexperts! Bund Philatolistischor Priffer (BPP) BPP jkurta 1958 m. Specializacijos sfitys apima Lietuva su vietinémis laidomis, Klaipados kraSta (Memel) ir 1941 m.,birdelines" laidas. Founded in 1958. Areas of specialisation include Lithuania with local issues, Memel and the 1941 German occupation. The "BPP" suffix to an expert's name was introduced on 1 January 1973. https:/!www_bpp.defen/Expertising-Rules-of-the-Bund-Philatolistischor-PrC3%4BCfer.html Verband Philatelistischer Priifer (VPP). VeRBano PhaTatisriscHER Filateljos eksperty asociaciia VPP buvo jkurta 2010 m. Miunstery. Jos nariai tur PROPER EV. teise tikrint pasto Zenklus pagal savo specializaajos sii, Ekspertizy srlys: Lietuva 1918- 1941 m., vietines laidos, Kiaipedos krasto Zenkiai (jskaitant 1939 m. vietine laida), Raseiny, Gardino, Telsiy, Varviskiy, Centrines Lietuvos, ir 1941 m. ,birZelines" laidas. The association of phifatolic experts was founded on 10 November 2010 in Manster. The association of philatelic experts is an association in which ordinary members have the right to examine stamps in their expertising area. Areas of expertise: Lithuania 1918-1941 with local issues. Meme! region, including local issues of 1939, local issues of Raseiniai, Grodno, Telsial, Wanwiszki Central Littwania, German Occupation 1941. http:/! Sertifikaty pavyzdziai. / Examples of certificates Zemiau pateikt vairiose Salyse lictuviSkiems pasto Zenklams isduoty sertfikaty pavyzd2iai Below are examples of certificates issued in different counties for Lithuanian postege stemps. sos 24042008 CCERHARD KRISCHRE | 1SKop. Michel 2DD~ poste || Die Marke dee Ausgabe fides stitausche Wile-Gebic (Fon ‘ten st einen cen doppten Autrack, woke der mete arrest ‘Aufruck um ee 0.7m tach sien venchoen st | Die Eating i bis aut einenStocepun esmsandi:pxtisch, | Se evarie Ztrung heron Ws stn ee Att i

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