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Me, Myself and I

- personal details
- my family
- feelings & emotions
- national anthem
- states of Malaysia
- Independence Day

Around the World,

in 5 Days
- countries of the world
- continents
- popular monuments

What a Magical World!

- superheroes
- fairy tales
- folk tales

Be Thoughtful, Grateful but

- daily greetings
- polite expressions
- safety rules
Our Community Helpers
- uniforms
- tools
- vehicles
On the Go
- public transportation
- transportation on land
- transportation in air & water
A to Z-oo
- animals (domestic)
- animals (wild)
- dinosaurs

New-clear Power Plants

- flowers
- fruits
- vegetables

- healthy
- unhealthy
- simple recipe

Happy Birthday to..ME!

- cake
- presents
- decorations
You’re a Part of Me
- body parts & anatomy
- five senses
- dental health
A Colourful Life
- primary
- secondary
- tertiery
Earth, Wind..
- seasons & weather
- ocean
- natural disaster

Give Me Some “Space”!

- planets
- constellation
- aliens & astronauts

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