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This study aimed to determine the effect of work conflict, family conflict and role
ambiguity on employee performance in the Transportation Agency of
Lhokseumawe City. The samples of this study were 80 employees taken using the
Incidental sampling technique. The data are obtained from the distribution of
questionnaires to 80 respondents and were processed with the SPSS program,
while the data analysis model used in this study was multiple linear regression.
The results of this study showed that f-count was 1.086 and f-table was 2.72. This
shows simultaneously that Work Conflict, Family Conflict, and Role Ambiguity
did not influence the performance of employees in the Transportation Agency of
Lhokseumawe city. The coefficient value (R2) of 0.231 (23.1%) indicated that the
work conflict, family conflict, and role ambiguity had a low but certain
relationship to the performance of employees in the Transportation Agency on
Lhokseumawe City. Based on the results of the t-test, the t-count of work conflict
was 1,010 at the significant level of 0.315, the t-count of family conflict was 1.957
at the significant level of 0.005, the t-count of Role Ambiguity was 0,442 at the
significant level of 0,659. This showed that partially work conflict variable and
role ambiguity did not affect the performance of employees and work conflict
influenced the performance of employees in the Transportation Agency of
Lhokseumawe City.

Keywords: work conflict, family conflict, role ambiguity, employee performance.

Pemberi Pernyataan Lab. Bahasa FEB Unimal

Alchalidi Muhammad Roni S. Pd.I., M. Pd

Nim: 150410043

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