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What you do is shown --Death-take stronger of AL and A7 ….

3rd from that

indiactes nature of death. 3rd from AL is the seed of
bravery-malefics here show instinct to start a fight,benefics=saintly.
benefics in 6th from AL also saintly person. No planet ,take the nature of sign-
rashi dristi on 3rd and 6th from AL be considered;...Mars in 3rd from AL makes
a person ruthless-Ju there do not initiate fight. Malefics in both 3r and 6th
from AL makes a person ruthless and killing tendencies--if at both places
benefics=non aggressive person,even when provoced,generally found in
saints-----If malefics are there in 3rd from A3 and benfics in 6th from
A6=instinct to start a fight,but does not pursue-----If benefics are in 3rd from
AL but malefics in 6th from AL =does not start or promote fight, but when
decides to fight, will see to the end,does not excuse

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