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Background of the Study

Globalization has changed our lives from the era of communicating with

pen and paper which takes days before information could get to the destination

and one of the ways in which it changed our lives, is how we communicate

effectively through advancements in Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT). With the use of technology in the classroom, it has the

potential to reignite student learning by offering more engaging and interactive

ways to learn course material. However, the benefits of technology in the

classroom may be outweighed by the costs, particularly of the use of cell phones

in the classroom.

Mobile phone has become an important part of individual’s life. It is a two

way process of communicating ideas, knowledge and concepts. It includes various

age groups like children, adolescents and elder. Among them adolescents

especially students required more information related with various field with the

help of mobile phone. They never miss a chance to bring it in the school together

with their books and school supplies. And with the availability of the cellular

phones, it really connect to students to one another, to educational resources, and

to a potential host of distractions.

Pros is always followed by a cons. In other words, as there is a positive

side of the mobile phones, there is negative side also present. Everybody evaluate

phones from their perspective. Teacher, parents, and other adults see mobile

phone role in teen’s life from their perspective. Some have optimistic view as they

see potential benefits on learning and creativity. Some people see its negative

impact in terms of social life and emotional well-being. And according to Marilyn

Campbell (2005), in schools, the only thing that seems to be positive impact of

cell phones is texting parents of truants. While this may affect their behaviors such

as disruptions to lessons, incidences of cheating and bullying.

 Motivators for cell phone use

The reason why people are motivated to use their cell phones is because

it’s easy to access to almost everybody and easy to use to connect with other

people of distant places. It also uses to serve as their satisfaction in entertainment

and the acquiring of knowledge that can be found with the help of these devices.

 Students Perspective

As time passes, civilizations advances as well as their technology and thus

its new generation have continued their progress by entrusting their knowledge to

them. With the use of cell phones, it immensely help them to easily understand its

knowledge and abuse of it.

 Teacher’s Perspective

With the student being entrusted by this knowledge, the teachers

are to teach their students everything they know of with also the help of

cell phones. But during the process, it becomes hindrance to them as this

devices are causing the student not to listen to their teachers.

The reason we have conducted this research is to determine if cell phones

maybe a hindrance or giving positive impact to student and teachers for they have

been a great devices for student to help with their studies as well as to ease their

stress and to keep them away from uncontrollable use of the mobile phones.

Statement of the Problem

The focus of the study is to know the impact of mobile phones to ABM students

in ICAS- Tetuan.

Specifically, this will answer the following questions:

1. What are the common uses of mobile phones?

2. What are the positive effects of mobile phones to ABM students?

3. What are the negative effects of mobile phones to ABM students?

4. Is there a significant relationship between mobile phones and academic

performances of the ABM students?

Significance of the Study

This study will be valuable and significant to those ICAS SHS Students, to the

readers and future researchers.

ABM Students. This study is primarily important for it will give them

information about the impact of mobile phones to them whether this may give

positive and negative effects. This will serve as their precautionary measures

towards achieving good academic results.

Readers. Branding awareness will sufficient enough for their future

knowledge that can be a useful tool in promoting a more productive and

efficient individuals.

Future researchers. This may serve as the basis for future research that they

will be conducting.

Scope and Limitations

This investigation is conducted to determine the status of student who uses

mobile phones to Grade 11 students in ICAS-Tetuan as perceive by the students in

all classes during the school year of 2018-2019. The aspects looked into were the
impact of mobile phones to student when using during class, during break,

positive impact or negative impact may it be problems and proposed solutions to

the problem.

Definition of Terms

Academic tool – is a student’s aid in their academic activities that sustains

educational information to support their learning capabilities in school.

Academic disruption – one way for a student to be distracted from his/her

studies due to the factors and influences that he/she might get.

Academic performance – it is how well you performed in a class.


Elder (2013), Froese et al. (2012) Gingerich & Lineweaver, (2014) and

Lawson & Henderson (2015) found out that academic performance has been more

consistently defined by quiz or test scores on lecture content. Harman & Sato

(2011) and Tossell et al. (2015) Few studies have operationalized academic

performance as grade point average or final course grades (McDonald, 2013).

End and colleagues (2010) utilized both quiz scores on a lecture and a student’s

ability to record the correct information from a lecture interrupted by a cell phone

ringing to operationally define academic performance. By consistently defining

different types of cell phone usage and academic performance, researchers may be

able to better determine the extent to which certain types of cell phone usage

affect academic performance.

According to the study of Aoki and Downes (2003), the invention of the

mobile phones in the late 19th century in the United states change the way how

people interacted and communicated. This has been paralleled in the early 21st

century by the advent of the mobile phone. The mobile phone was originally

created for adults for business use and students for academic use.

As per Yan Yu, Wen Tian, and Vogel, et al (2010), the usage of mass

media especially mobile and internet access of social networking is the process

not only helps to improve the academic performance of college adolescents, but
also improve such aspects that are important in better learning outcomes. They use

the mobile phone to share the helpful data with their classmates, to confer

dictionary and thesaurus for educational purposes. Also Walsh (2012) conducted a

study that under the topic “Mobile Phones and Student Achievement”. The

utilization of mobile phone is the positive and contradictory influences among in


Tossell, Kortum, Shepard, Rahmati, & Zhong (2015) stated that cell phones have

allowed students flexibility in managing their coursework, such as organizing

assignments and finding course information, with little or no effort. On the other

hand, they may also cause undergraduate students to perform worse academically.

Srivastava (2005) found that there are negative aspects to young people’s

mobile phone use. This include hiding behind the technology from emotionally

distressing events, such as ending relationships, ostracism of those without mobile

phones and cyberbullying. Some sociologists argue that as many young people

choose to text rather than to talk about awkward or emotionally difficult situations

that this will impact on their capacity to interact in each other.

Based on the research study of Guardian Unlimited (2003), mobile phones

can also disturb the discussion of the teacher. When someone is texting or calling,

the excitement of finding out who has called and what the message is young

people are reluctant to turn off their mobile phone during class time.
Student spend more time in mobile phone usage instead of concentrating

their classroom work. The free night calls, chatting, instant messaging, social

networking and exam malpractices etc. are greatly influencing the student’s

academic performance. M. Tayseer, et al (2014) proposed a research article

entitled "Social Network: Academic and Social Impact on College Students.”

They found out that there is a correlation between the students GPAs and their

frequent usage of social networks like twitter, face book. They also found that

many of their respondents do not use social sites to look for academic related

information; however, many of them support the idea of having online learning.

Another finding showed that the students tend to use social networks like Face

book and Twitter in social purposes rather than the academic ones.

Online and offline gaming basically has been considered as an academic

disruption towards the effectiveness of a student in a class.

The survey conducted by D. North, K. Johnston, and J. Opho Differences

in mobile phone use by gender were found, with female students showing

increased mobile phone use for safety and socializing, interest in brand and trends,

as well as signs of addiction. They found that Males and females differ

significantly in some areas of mobile phone useff (2014) showcased few signs of

addiction to respondent’s mobile phones.

Based on the finding of the study, Enyi, Uko Jairus et al. (2017) made

some recommendations that students should take a more active role in the learning

process and take an interest in using mobile phone technologies to improve

educational experiences. Teachers should encourage students in the use of mobile

phone technologies in their learning. These technologies can provoke the interest

of the students and make learning more interactive. As a result, teachers should

explore different ways in which mobile phone technologies can be used in

teaching and learning. For example, mobile phone learning through tutoring,

games, quizzes, podcasts (audio/video) and e-books. This will make students more

aware of the possibilities of these technologies and therefore will try to exploit

their full potential.

Furthermore, the instructor would use the phone as part of the academic

tools so as for the students to engage with this in effective and meaningful

manner. Also, this will allow students to be fully prepared for lessons as well as

supplementing and reinforcing information that has already been taught in class.

Teachers can also formulate automatic alerts to their students on important

information, such as quiz dates, additional required readings as well as links to

helpful websites. These mobile phone technologies will go a long way in

supporting students' learning, therefore increasing their academic performance.


This research utilizes to evaluate the negative and positive impact of mobile

phones to students. Cluster sampling will be used in the gathering of data.

a.) Research Design

Ada (1994) defines research as a plan, structure, and strategy of

investigation in order to obtain answers to research question and control variances.

The research design used for the purpose of this study is the survey method. This

is because the researcher intends to find out the impact of mobile phone usage on

academic performance among ABM students in ICAS SHS.

b.) Respondents

The chosen subject or respondents are SHS ABM students. The total

number of respondents are 60 and are distributed/divided into two (2): 30 for

Grade 11 and 30 for Grade 12 ABM students. Cluster sampling will be

undertaken in gathering the data.

c.) Instruments

The different data and information in this research study came from reliable

sources like the information from the internet websites, research papers, and

academic journals.
The research survey questionnaire will be distributed to the ABM strands

having a 60 respondents overall in Senior High School students of ICAS-

Tetuan. The researchers included the multiple check list type in the sample






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