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TEST 1 IX grade Group A

Name and Surname------------------------------- Date ---------------

1. Put the verbs into Present Continuous or Present Simple and make correct sentences. (Промени ги
глаголите во заградата во Present Continuous или Present Simple и направи правилна реченица).

Right now, Ana ______________ (sit) with the owner . They ______________ (discuss) the differences
between life in England and life in Nepal. I _____________(know, not) the real name of the owner, but
everybody ___________(call) him Tam. Tam ____________ (speak) English very well and he
_______________ (currently, try) to teach Ana some words in Nepali.


2. Choose the right option. (Подвлечи го правилниот модален глагол)

1. You mustn’t / don’t have to / must / have to disturb me on Sundays.

2. I was using my pencil a minute ago. It must / mustn’t / needn’t be here somewhere!
3. I had to /didn’t need to / needn’t work till 7 last night. My secretary was ill.
4. When I studied in Britain, I had to /must / mustn’t / need to wear a school uniform, but I didn’t like it.
5.Students don’t have to/ mustn’t /need to leave the classroom before the bell rings.
6.Your sister mustn’t /doesn’t have to/ must buy a ticket. We have an extra one.
7.You mustn't/ don't have to / have to get up early tomorrow. It's Sunday.
8. I have to/ can / mustn’t tidy my room every week.
9. In Britain you can/ must / can’t/ have to get married when you are 18. 9/

1 2 3 4 5

0 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 21 22 - 27 28- 32

TOTAL: 32/
3. Match the words with their definitions. (Поврзи ги зборовите со нивните дефиниции и напиши

A.founder 1. trip
B. Greenfield 2. Attacking and stealing from people in public
C. exceptions 3. proof
D. weekly 4. an informal, fun game of football
E. burn – out 5. exhaustion
F. a kick around 6. every week
G. evidence 7. things that don’t follow a rule
H. fall 8. person who establishes something
I. mugging 9. group of singers
J. choir 10. in the open countryside 10/

А- B- C- D- E- F-

G- H- I- J-

4. Put who, which, that, where, when or whose in each gap to make a sentence. (Пополни ги
речениците со првилната односна заменка)
1. Today is the day ___________________ my mother was born.

2. This is the school ____________________ I used to study.

3. That's the man_________________ house was destroyed by a tornado.

4. He is a famous architect________________ designs won an international award last year.

5. It's the letter __________________ you sent us last week.

6. This is Mary,____________________is taking over my job when I leave.

7. The President of the company is visiting us next week. I really admire him. The President of the company,
___________________ I really admire, is visiting us next week .7/

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