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S.M.A.R.T. Goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Time-bound 1. | want to continue to make straight-A’s. | want to keep up my 4.0+ GPA. 5 Goals for this Academic Year (What are you seeking to improve?). f 2. I want to stay on top of my assignments and never want to have a missing assignment. uty i & \v 3. I would like to continue to never fail any test. 4, want to be more organized (clean binders, sort through assignments, etc) with my academic work. Right now, my assignments and binders are disorganized, 5. | want to continue preparing for the SAT, as | want a fairly high score. 5 Goals for this year (Not Academic related). This year, | want to establish a successful business that | can run from home. | want to get better at not procrastinating. | always wait until the last minute. | want to reinvent my wardrobe/fashion sense. | want to not spend as much time on my phone. | spend at least 4 hours a day on it, 5. I want to be more social and want to get outside more. BENS 5 Long Term (within the next five years). | would like to make a 1500+ on the SAT. | would like to graduate high school in 2023. | want to go to Harvard, where | can study for an MBA. | want to continue to grow my business that | will establish sometime during 2020. 5. I want to visit Dubai before | graduate college. FERS “if you don’t know where you are going. How can you expect to get there?” (Basil S. Walsh]

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