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Annotated Bibliography

Carson, Clayborne. "American Civil Rights Movement." Britannica. Last modified July 20,
1998. Accessed December 12, 2019.
This source talking about the civil rights movement, what it was and what it did for the
people it was trying to help.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, ed. "Racial Segregation." Encyclopædia Britannica.

Last modified August 28, 2019. Accessed December 12, 2019.
This source describes what racial segregation was and why it was such a big part of the
United States' society. It can be used to compare the treatment of black people in the
United States vs the treatment of black people in England.

Jaynes, Gerald D., ed. "Debt Slavery." Encyclopædia Britannica. Last modified August 28, 2019.
Accessed December 20, 2019.
This source talks about debt slavery, aka sharecropping. This can be compared to what
black people in England has to do.

Lewis, Thomas. "Transatlantic Slave Trade." Encyclopædia Britannica. Last modified September
7, 2018. Accessed December 20, 2019.
This source explains what the Transatlantic slave trade was. It can be used as background
on how Africans became slaves.

Moore, Elretha. Interview by the author. New Haven, CT. December 7, 2019.
Mrs. Moore was interviewed about segregation in the Southern region of the United
States. She talks about her life in the south by giving descriptive examples of the types of
things she went through as a child. This source can be used to show how black people
were treated in the United States during the times of segregation, and can later be
compared to black people's treatment in England around the time of segregation.

Moore, William. Interview by the author. New Haven, CT. December 7, 2019.
Mr. Moore was interviewed about his life in the Southern region of the United States. He
mentions a summary of the events of his life, including living on a farm and his time in
Korea. This can be used to show a different perspective on black people's lives in
America, and later be compared to black people's lives in England.

Olusoga, David. "The History of British Slave Ownership Has Been Buried: Now Its Scale Can
Be Revealed." The Guardian. Last modified July 11, 2015. Accessed December 20, 2019.
This source is one of the few sources I've found that talks about England's history with
slavery. It can be used as background information.

Sandhu, Sukhdev. "The First Black Britons." BBC. Last modified February 17, 2011. Accessed
December 15, 2019.
This source talks about black people in England. This could be used to show a difference
between how black people in America are treated in comparison to black people in

Urofsky, Melvin I., ed. "Jim Crow Law." Encyclopædia Britannica. Last modified August 21,
2019. Accessed December 12, 2019.
This source gives an easy to understand summary of what Jim Crow laws were.

Wallace, Willard M., ed. "American Revolution." Encyclopædia Britannica. Last modified
November 14, 2019. Accessed January 9, 2020.
This source gives a description of the American Revolution, and can be used to compare
the relationship between England and the U.S.

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