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Abdul Cadre

"Y llega al hombre, como dicen los alquimistas, o a través de la enseñanza

de boca a oído conferida por el Maestro al discípulo (es decir por la vía de
transmisión, que constituye la entidad misma de lo que denominamos tradición)
o a través del Donum Dei, Don de Dios, que no es otra cosa que la revelación
hecha al hombre por Dios directamente o por un ángel (el Kidhr islámico; y que
en Occidente podemos hallar de alguna forma en la idea de Elías Artista, del
cual nos habla Paracelso, los auténticos rosacruces y los filósofos por el
Sergio Fritz Roa -
- Boletín TEMPLESPAÑA, n.58.

I’m sure that it is difficult to speak about al-Khidr, for easier that it is to
understand – their minds – amongst the various communities of Muslims throughout
the world and particularly in countries such as Iraq, Syria and Turkey. From the
historical point of view, it is a pious and popular myth prior to Islam. From the point
of view of esoteric studies, a symbol of profound value and meaning, particularly
among the Sufis and, more particularly, even amongst the followers of Persian Abd
al-Khadir al-Jilani, the most venerated saint in Islam, called "Rosa of Baghdad,
founder of the oldest tariqa (brotherhood) still exists, the Qadiriya or Khadiria
(depending on the transliterations).

Well: to the Rosicrucian and the masonic it is not insignificant to identify al-
Khidr with Elijah Artist (reference to the Prophet Elijah, as the Bible and more
specifically remembering Jesus to connote John the Baptist as Elijah: "He came, but
you have reconnected him"). We could also, in the light of theosophy of Blavatsky,
identify al-Khidr with Sanat Kumara, or adding nomenclature of Judaism, with
Melquisedech, but little to say, little to explanation and, above all, would reduce its
symbolic value, too broad and comprehensive to fit into a single figure limited and
limiting. Dangerous and déformateur was to do as the Yazidis – those who in the
Islamic world are taken by devil worshipers – and identify it as the envoy of Iblis
(Lucifer), or, if we wanted to see him as implicitly referred to in the Quran, notably
in Sura of the Cavern (Chapter 18), we would say that this is one that God took as a
friend. Translating to Western esoteric notions: a divine initiated that has not passed
by the human condition. Would say, of angelic lineage, with the power to initiate
rights, within the conception which says that when the disciple is ready the master
A dear friend of mine from the other side of the Atlantic, after reading The
Stanzas of Man, of Jibrail ben-Jamin, asked me if this book would have anything to
do with this mythology, with this symbolism. I told her that surely that yes, but
which, nevertheless, does not explicitly, in any way, the myth itself. In other words,
to have a minimum of intelligibility, demanded a framework, which is the following:
When a few years ago, within a community of Rosicrucian inspiration, from
which I was a founder and leader, we have sought, in the defence of an active
esoterism, cause rapidly the phenomenon that in Sufism is called Eirya (Arabic word
which means appear and which is at the origin of the name Cova da Iria, for
example), some of the members have succeeded in very strong way, even physics.
So, being the Hermetic Council of the group composed of four elements, two
received books complete and ready to edit and another started the reception of
amazing texts, seeming scientific nature...
All this to underline the following point: when I had the most violent and
dramatic physical contact of Eiria I was in meditation in an area where the old
Lusitanian worship Indovélico (or Endovélico) was very strong, next to a river called
Lucefecit. This name, although only mean "made of light", very disturbed the group;
some wanted to see it as a reference (or a coincidence) to Lucifer. Well, the being of
Eiria was completely green – skin and robes – and green was the master hidden in
the group. Attention to this, the main financial group support, an herbalist, was called
Green Face
Emphasize that al-Khidr means in Arabic – literary – "green", that is: the one
that is green. But there is that putting a parenthesis here: in Turkey, the cult of al-
Khidr is very old and very popular, with invocations, rituals, festivals, prayers and
was the genesis of another myth very popular in the west: Father Christmas, which
was also Green, before the Coca-Cola introduced him in their marketing campaigns,
becoming red and bedonnant, to look with the bottle of the product. Since the
beginning of its creation that Father Christmas was associated to Saint Nicolaus:
Santa Claus.
Continuing: deserves reference know that either Arabic or Hebrew extol the
consonants and hide the vowels. Thus, is very important to attend to the roots of the
words that highlight, depending on the meaning, the first three consonants. In the
case under consideration: Khd, who can say if after KHIDR, KHIDIR, KHIDIR,
KHADIR, KHADR, etc. when they gave me the name Cadre (ressembler au
portugais of my responsibility) I didn’t know they wanted to associate me with the
night, justice and al-Khidr; I simple thought that was just an association with the
name of the founder of Cadiria...
In Turkey, al-Khidr was identified with various figures from the Old
Testament, in particular with the prophet Elijah, which some claim to be his
incarnation. There also is an association with Saint George, characterised by
bringing death to the dragon. In this country, the Feast of Saint George gave rise to
the feast of Lydda, that popularly is said to be the day of al-Khidr and which marks
the beginning of Spring.
It should be further noted that the earthly life of al-Khidr incarnated in this or
that character - including Alexander the Great, the bicorn – is, in Islam, a minority
plebeian and heretical belief. Esoterically, for example, al-Khidr may have iniciated
Alexander, and have gave Elijah to drink from the source of life and eternal youth.
Amongst some scholars of the Quran, other identification quite common is al-
Khidr with Idris, who in the Bible is called Enoch. Either way, the esoteric means
connected to the Sufis, is due, among other things, the belief that Idris, Enoch, al-
Kidr and Hermes are the same character, seeing al-Khidr as who initiated Moses in
the more profound esoteric wisdom. In the Hadith – that is, in the Islamic tradition
– al-Khidr is a sacred, mysterious and immortal being, mentioned many times as the
Green Angel Guide, venerated by the initiatory orders (tariqa) as the Master of the
Path. On the Egyptians fresco-paintings, al-Khidr is represented as a green being
with head of ibis.
In the Jewish tradition, Enoch belongs to the 7th generation after Adam, being
the son of Jared and father of Methuselah. The apocryphal books (both in relation to
the Christian Bible and the Jewish Bible) Enoch I and II are part of the canon of the
Christian churches of Ethiopia.

In Muslim tradition, Enoch is referred as Idris and gave to humans the invention
of writing, mathematics and astronomy. The generality of the Muslims wise men
understands that He was a prophet and the initiator of Moses. In folk legends of the
Near and Middle East is recognized as Metraton, the Angel of life and death, and
sometimes also with Osiris.
Of uncertain legacy, the name Idris is common in Wales and the scholars of
Celtic cults want to see it as a tribute to a certain druid.
It may well be that we have been excessive in references and connotations, but
we wanted to highlight as well as al-Khidr is a myth with plurals readings and that,
for Westerners, can be summarized in the manner that made TEMPLESPAÑA in its
bulletin, as above.


ABDUL CADRE is the literary name that the poet, writer and essayist, born in
Portugal 76 years ago, invented for himself while walking around the Africans
cacimbos. He has dispersed collaboration for newspapers and magazines in various
countries, including Spain, France, Italy and Brazil and more than 200 literary awards
in exhibitions, which stands "Lauro D'Oro", 1985, in the 20th century World Literature
and Art Selection of Accademia Internazionale di "Pontzen" di Lettere, Scienze ed
Arti (Naples), which also conferred the degree of “Accademico di Merito";
"Certificate of Excellence in Poetry," The International Writers Association (USA -
1987; "Academic Palms" of literary merit, conferred in 1988 by the above Academy
of Naples. He founded and directed two literary associations and was editor of various
publications. It is a lecturer of esoteric and literary themes. Has worked as a freelancer
in several Portuguese regional newspapers.

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