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Name : Anjeli Riana

Class : XI Science 5

Today, more and more learning instituations are offering courses that are entirely
online. Advertisements portray online learning as being fun, easy and free of deadlines. The
electronic learning will enhance learning but will not change the curriculum or content (Kent
Norman 2017). Referring to that statement, it means that the online learning is the modern
learning but the curriculum and content is the same as face to face learning.
In Indonesia, there are many tutoring or online learning, for example Ruang Guru and
Quipper. According to Co-Founder and Chief of Product Muhammad Iman
Usman, since it was formed in 2014 ago, has more than 7 million users
(students) and has managed more than 150 thousand teachers offering services in more than
100 subject areas. Well, do you know the different of online learning and face to face
According to Tony Bates (Research Associate) there is no “official” definition of
online learning. However, he gives a personal definition, namely online learning is any form
of learning conducted partly or wholly over the internet. It means during learning student use
the internet for support learning activities. Related to that, based on the same reference, face
to face learning is more easily recognized as a “real” way of learning

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