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Nama : B.

I don’t need your help

C. I am fine, thank you
Kelas : D. I will go, too
E. Don’t worry

Complete the dialogue below (question 4

and 5)
Latihan Soal Judy: Good morning, Sir. Do you have
science book about animal anatomy?
1. John: Hello, Jean. Where have you been?
Shopkeeper: Of course, dear. We have the
Jean: Hi, John. I just bought few kilograms
book that you want. ______ (4) to show the
of apples in the market.
John: Do you need some help to carry the
Judy: I am fine, Sir. I can find by myself. I
have other books to find, too.
Jean: _______
Shopkeeper: ________(5). Take your time.
The suitable respond to complete the
Judy: Thank you, Sir.
dialogue is ….
A. I don’t know
4. The suitable expression to complete the
B. Why?
dialogue is …..
C. Of course, that’s very kind of you
A. I would like
D. I will help you
B. Can you
E. Good bye
C. Do not go
D. Would you like me
2. Ronald: You look so busy. _______
E. May I
Marry: No, thank you. I can handle them.
The suitable expression to complete the
5. What should the shopkeeper say?
dialogue is ….
A. I am busy
A. I will leave you alone
B. Sorry
B. Would you like some help?
C. Thank you
C. Do you want to help me?
D. Will you go?
D. Sure, I would like to
E. That’s okay
E. Yes, please
6. Romy : Sir, would you like me to close
3. Andy: I heard there will be a concert
the window for you?
tonight. Would you like to go with me?
Mr. Arthur: Yes, please. It’s very cold
Sam: I’m afraid I cannot.
Andy: Why? I think you really love the
The underlined sentence express:
Sam: Yes, I do. But I have many works at
A. Asking help
B. Offering help
Andy: Let me help you, then.
C. Refusing something
Sam: ___________
D. Accepting an offer
Andy: Never mind. That’s what friend
E. Suggestion
should do.
7. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You
What should Sam say?
look so busy this morning.
A. I really appreciate your help
Mom: Of course, dear.
I need another pair of hands to wash the
The underlined sentence expresses ….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for something
E. Apologizing

8. Bob: Sony, will you join me to build a

Sony: Sure, _______. I am really excited.
Complete the dialogue above with right
expression ….
A. I don’t want to.
B. I am busy today
C. I will
D. I will not
E. I have to go

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