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Los superlativos son la forma más exagerada de describir algo. Veamos

cómo los formamos en inglés.

La teoría

Igual que los comparativos, los superlativos se forman de una manera u

otra en función del número de sílabas que tenga el adjetivo, pero
poniéndoles siempre "the" delante.


• Si tiene una sílaba, le añadimos -est: cheap > the cheapest

• Si tiene dos sílabas pero acaba en y, le añadimos -est y esa y se

transforma en i: easy > the easiest

• Si tiene dos sílabas y no acaba en y, ponemos most delante del

adjetivo: boring > the most boring

• Si tiene tres o más sílabas, también ponemos most delante del

adjetivo: expensive > the most expensive

La práctica

Empezamos con algunos comparativos de los que se forman añadiendo -


¡Asegúrate de que pronuncias bien la "t" al final!

 She is the richest person in the country.

 They are the highest peaks in the region.

 They are the highest peaks in the region.

Seguimos con adjetivos que llevan delante the most, pronunciado /dza
móust/ o, si quieres enfatizar, /dzi móust/.

 He is the most attractive man here today.

 I am the most popular student at school.
 They are the most intelligent candidates.

Ahora te toca a ti elegir entre "the est" y "the most"

¡A ver si lo haces sin cometer errores!

 Our image is the most important thing.

 Always start with the easiest question first.

 Tania is the cleverest woman I know.

The superlatives
Superlatives are the most exaggerated way of describing something. Let's
see how we train them in English.

The theory

Like the comparatives, the superlatives are formed in one way or another
depending on the number of syllables that the adjective has, but always
putting "the" in front of them.


• If you have one syllable, we add -est: cheap> the cheapest

• If it has two syllables but ends in y, we add -est and that and it becomes i:
easy> the easiest
• If it has two syllables and does not end in y, we put most in front of the
adjective: boring> the most boring

• If you have three or more syllables, we also put most in front of the
adjective: expensive> the most expensive

The practice

We start with some comparatives of those that are formed by adding -est.

Make sure you pronounce the "t" correctly at the end!

 She is the richest person in the country.

 They are the highest peaks in the region.

 They are the highest peaks in the region.

We continue with adjectives that carry the most, pronounced / dza móust /
o, if you want to emphasize, / dzi móust /.

 He is the most attractive man here today.

 I am the most popular student at school.
 They are the most intelligent candidates.

Now it's your turn to choose between "the est" and "the most"

Let's see if you do it without making mistakes!

 Our image is the most important thing.

 Always start with the easiest question first.

 Tania is the cleverest woman I know.

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