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A Novel Unsupervised Framework

for Retinal Vasculature Segmentation

Samiksha Pachade(B) , Prasanna Porwal, and Manesh Kokare

Center of Excellence in Signal and Image Processing, Shri Guru Gobind Singhji
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, India

1 Introduction

Retinal vascular structure has been extensively utilized in the analysis of

various cardiovascular and ophthalmologic diseases. Change in retinal vascu-
lature is an significant sign for diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, arterioscle-
rosis, hypertension, and stroke [7]. The automatic detection and analysis of reti-
nal vasculature structure is extremely important in order to avoid the visual
impairment. Segmented retinal blood vessels and identification of branch points
can be used for multimodal and temporal retinal image registration, optic-disc
detection, fovea location, retinal image mosaic synthesis, and biometric
identification [4].
Retinal blood vessel segmentation can be done both manually and auto-
matically. Figure 1 shows manually detected vasculature of corresponding color
fundus image. However, manual vessel segmentation is time-consuming, skill-
demanding, and expensive. Automatic vessel segmentation has not attained wide
acceptance due to several challenges: (1) irregular shaped pathologies such as
exudates, hemorrhages, and drusens, (2) vessel diameter and length variability,
(3) the central light reflex on large vessels, (4) low blood vessel contrast corre-
sponding to the background, (5) vessel bifurcation and crossing.
The major contribution of this article is that we have proposed a novel unsu-
pervised method for blood vessel segmentation by exploiting adaptive filter and
mathematical morphology based operations. Initially, we employed a set of pre-
processing steps to remove the noisy circular border and to enhance the vessel
contrast. Further, we exploit large median filter for estimating the background.
Finally vessels are segmented by iterative thresholding approach. This method
was evaluated on extensive datasets and encouraging results are achieved.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 summarizes the earlier
state-of-the-art approaches of vessel segmentation, Sect. 3 presents the proposed
technique, Sect. 4 illustrates the performance of presented method and its com-
parison with other existing methods, Sect. 5 gives the conclusion.

c Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018

S. Bhattacharyya et al. (eds.), Advanced Computational and Communication
Paradigms, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 475,
A Novel Unsupervised Framework for Retinal Vasculature Segmentation 491

Fig. 1. a Color fundus image, b manually drawn ground truth image

2 Related Work

Several retinal vessel detection methods have been proposed earlier and are
present in the literature. This substantial amount of work can be broadly divided
based on two approaches: (a) Supervised and (b) Unsupervised.
Supervised segmentation method classifies each pixel of image as vessel and
non-vessel using the ground truth data. Staal et al. [17] used the features of
convex sets computed using ridge profile and feature selection is done in sequen-
tial forward manner and finally classification is done using K-Nearest Neighbor
(KNN). Soares et al. [15] presented a pixel-based classification approach using
Gaussian mixture model Bayesian classifier in combination with Gabor wavelet
transform. In the algorithm of Ricci and Perfetti [14], line strength features were
deployed using line operator and SVM was used as a classifier. Lupascu et al.
[10] for each pixel generated a 41-dimensional feature vector and these features
were used in an AdaBoost classifier. In Marı́n et al. [11], moment and intensity
invariant features were extracted using mathematical morphology and neural
network classifier is used for classification. Fraz et al. [4] employed classifica-
tion based on a feature vector and ensemble of bagged decision tree. Annunziata
et al. [3] presented a method for curvilinear segmentation using manually crafted
features in combination with learned context filters.
Unsupervised segmentation techniques are based on matched filtering, model-
based algorithm, multi-scale analysis, vessel tracking, and morphological process-
ing. Hoover et al. [7] used matched filtering, it is based on 2-D Gaussian kernel
rotated through 12 different orientations. A piecewise thresholding technique
is used to obtain segmented vessels. Jiang and Mojon [8] proposed a multi-
thresholding scheme in combination with a classification procedure to prune
non-vessels and keep vessels like structures. Mendonca and Campilho [13] used
492 S. Pachade et al.

mathematical morphological coupling for centerline detection in combination

with matched filter. Region growing process for vessel detection was exploited by
Martinez-Perez et al. [12] based on information of edge and maximum principal
curvature. Al-Diri et al. [1] used “Ribbon of Twins” for identification and width
measurement of the retinal vessels. Lam et al. [9] proposed three multiconcavity
measures to handle both bright and dark lesions in healthy and unhealthy retina.
Yu et al. [18] used hessian-based method for retinal vessel detection. Annunzi-
ata et al. [2] used an inpainting filter which inpaints exudates and multi-scale
Hessian approach for retinal vessel enhancement.

3 Proposed Method
3.1 Preprocessing

Preprocessing is done as a primary step to remove unwanted noise. Green plane

g is chosen over red r and blue b planes for detection of vessels as it shows
better contrast between the retinal vessels and the background. Green plane
(see Fig. 2b) of the color fundus image I (see Fig. 2a) is defined as g = (g(i))i∈R2 .
We use g to determine the field of view (FOV) as shown in Fig. 2c. FOV is
obtained by mean estimation using the g as follows:

1, g(i) ≥ g(mean)/2
F OV = (1)
0, otherwise

Fig. 2. a Color retinal fundus image, b green plane g, c FOV, d circular border

Finally, the circular border region is estimated to remove the bright border
region. The circular border Ic is obtained by subtracting the eroded (ε) FOV
from dilated (δ) FOV as given in Eq. 2. Figure 2d shows the circular border
Ic = [εEs (F OV )] − [δ Es (F OV )] (2)
We call Es as structuring element E of size s.
A Novel Unsupervised Framework for Retinal Vasculature Segmentation 493

3.2 Image Enhancement

Certain challenges in the identification of vessels are due to the uneven illu-
mination which occurs while capturing the fundus image. Image enhancement
increases the contrast between the vessel and background which creates ease in
vessel detection. Image enhancement is done using an adaptive manifold filter [5].
In this filter, weighted average of the input color pixels is done and a new set of
pixel colors is produced. The weights of the filter are given by kernel φ. Filtering
the image with φ gives a new image yi

n ∈s φ(n̂i − nˆj )gi
yi =  j (3)
nj ∈s φ(n̂i − nˆj )

Functional selection of φ is an axis-aligned Gaussian, as given below:


φ (n̂i − nˆj ) = exp(− (n̂i − nˆj )T (n̂i − nˆj ), (4)

where is a diagonal covariance matrix of size d×d. The n̂i and nˆj are neighbor-
hoods around the corresponding pixel. Figure 3b shows the image after enhance-

Fig. 3. a Color fundus image, b enhanced image, c background estimated, d retinal

vessel with noise, e difference image, f ground truth image
494 S. Pachade et al.

3.3 Vessel Segmentation

Contrast limiting adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) is used to further

enhance the contrast of the image obtained after previous step. Image yi is
splitted into blocks of size 8 × 8 and these small blocks are enhanced with 128
number of bins. Let the output image be Iadpt . Perform 2-D median filtering on
image Iadpt and obtained image is Imed . Morphological opening Iopen of Imed by
disc structuring element E of size s = 2 is given mathematically by Eq. 5
Iopen (Imed ) = δ Es [εEs (Imed )] (5)

where, δ and ε are morphological dilation and erosion operation respectively. Fur-
thermore, a large 2-D median filter of size 69×69 is applied on Iopen . Background
is estimated and denoted by Iback . Difference image D is obtained by subtract-
ing estimated background Iback from Imed given in Eq. 6. Figure 3d shows the
difference image D.

D(x, y) = Imed (x, y) − Iback (x, y) (6)

Thresholding of the difference image D is done by iterative approach. The

following algorithm is utilized to estimate the threshold level:
Using the value of level, the image D is binarized using the threshold value
as level − 0.008 for DRIVE and level + 0.108 for STARE database. Further from
the binarized image, the bright border part is eliminated using circular border
Ic and the connected components which are less than 100 pixels are removed.

Algorithm 1 Thresholding
1: function Threshold(D)
2: i ← iteration
3: Let i = 1
4: [C, N ] = imhist(D)
5: M ← mean intensity of D using histogram
6: loop:
7: M AT ← mean above threshold M
8: M BT ← mean below threshold M
9: i=i+1
10: T = (M AT + M BT )/2
11: if T (i) = T (i − 1) then
12: goto loop
13: end if
14: level = (T − 1)/(N (end) − 1)
15: end function
Table 1. Comparative table of state-of-the-art methods with proposed method
Supervised Staal et al. [17] – – 0.9441 – – 0.9516
Soares et al. 0.7332 0.9782 0.9461 0.7207 0.9747 0.9480
Ricci and – – 0.9595 – – 0.9646
Perfetti [14]
Lupascu et al. 0.7200 – 0.9597 – – –
Marı́n et al.[11] 0.7067 0.9801 0.9452 0.6944 0.9819 0.9526
Fraz et al. [4] 0.7406 0.9807 0.9480 0.7548 0.9763 0.9534
Unsupervised Hoover et al. [7] – – – 0.6747 0.9565 0.9275
Jiang and – – 0.9212 – – 0.9009
Mojon [8]
Mendonca and 0.7344 0.9764 0.9452 0.6996 0.9730 0.9440
Campilho [13]
Martinez-Perez 0.7246 0.9655 0.9344 0.7506 0.9569 0.9410
et al. [12]
Al-Diri et al. [1] 0.7282 0.9551 – 0.7521 0.9681 –
Lam et al. [9] – – 0.9472 – – 0.9567
Yu et al. [18] 0.7233 0.9745 0.9426 0.7112 0.9709 0.9463
Annuizate – – – 0.7128 0.9836 0.9562
et al. [2]
A Novel Unsupervised Framework for Retinal Vasculature Segmentation

Proposed 0.7565 0.9793 0.9513 0.7706 0.9705 0.9553

496 S. Pachade et al.

4 Experimental Evaluation
4.1 Performance Evaluation

The outcome of vessel segmentation after thresholding is binary in which the

pixel is either classified as a vessel or non-vessel. The performance evaluation of
vessel segmentation and quantification is done by using four events, true pos-
itive (TP) when pixel is a vessel and is classified as a vessel, otherwise they
are false negative (FN), true negative (TN) when pixel belongs to background
and is classified as non-vessel otherwise they are false positive (FP). Sensitivity
and Specificity are two statistical measures used for evaluation, they are normal-
ized measure of well-classified vessels and non-vessel respectively. The accuracy
(ACC) is related to the segmentation confidence. These measures are defined in
Eq. 7:
SE = , SP = , ACC = (7)
TP + FN TN + FP TP + FN + TN + FP

4.2 Vessel Segmentation Result and Analysis

The presented method is evaluated on retinal images of publicly available DRIVE

[16] and STARE [6] database. The DRIVE database have two groups namely:
training and testing. Both groups consist of 20 fundus images of size 565 × 584
pixels. The first observers gold standard hand-labeled images were used for the
evaluation. In STARE database, fundus images are of size 605 × 700. Ground
truths of 20 images for vessel segmentation are given and they are used for per-
formance evaluation. Table 1 shows the comparative result of presented method
with the other state-of-the-art methods on DRIVE and STARE database, respec-

5 Conclusion

An improved unsupervised approach for the segmentation of retinal blood vessels

using image enhancement and median filtering has been described. The proposed
technique followed by simple thresholding gives results comparable to a state-
of-the-art method on DRIVE (SE = 0.7565, SP = 0.9793, ACC = 0.9513) and
STARE (SE = 0.7706, SP = 0.9705, ACC = 0.9553) database. Our method works
better than the several methods listed and overcomes some of the listed chal-
lenges of vessel segmentation. The experimental result shows good performance
on normal as well as pathological images.

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