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a. What are your insights
about the differences of
gender identity and sex
Respondent A: Gender identity
is the classification chart
that will define who you are
inside yourself while sex
character is the basis of all
accordingly from what sex
they were born.
Respondent B: Gender identity
is the feeling which comes
from within while sex
character is physical the
physical sex attributes of a
Respondent C: I think sex
character entails if he or she
is a male or female to be
born while gender identity
is the nature of himself/
herself toward his/ her sex.
For example, she was born
as female but the
characteristics she
employed is a boy.
Respondent D: It is okay that an
individual expresses his/ her
gender preference, may it
be girl or boy or LGBT as
long as respect is
established for himself/
herself and towards for
other individual.
Respondent E: My insights
about that is that I respect
and accept all the
differences in this world.
Respondent F: It is about
respecting and loving the
differences of each other
that our society not totally
Respondent G: Gender identity
is how you as a person
while sex character is how
people see you as a person.
Respondent H: Gender identity
is how you identify yourself
from everyone and sex
character is what you are
where you are born.
Respondent I: Sex is
determined by nature,
whereas gender is
determined by nurture. Sex
based on someone’s
biological characteristics,
while gender is based on
social constructions.
Respondent J: Gender identity
is how you see and express
yourself and sex is simply
your biological identity
either you are a female or

b. What can you say about
the existing genders?
(Male, Female, LGBTQ+)

Respondent A: It’s been
confusing to identify all because
of the differences of gender.
Respondent B: I can say that it’s
too complicated right now.
People have different
perspective about the existing
Respondent C: I think it should
be accepted.
Respondent D: There are only
two genders existing in reality
as per science/ religion. A girl/
female and a male gender. But
how an individual express
herself/ himself as it is called as
gender preferences.
Respondent E: All I can say
about those is that all people
have the right to choose who
they want to be so everyone
should respect that.
Respondent F: All those
genders must be respected but I
am just in favor with male and
female in favor of my beliefs in
religious terms, but I totally
respect LGBTQ+ because they
are also humans.
Respondent G: It’s good as long
as people respect each other.
Respondent H: The existing
genders are diverse and
Respondent I: In my opinion,
there are only two genders:
Male and Female. The rest is
just illogical and wildly
Respondent J: Too much
boldness of expressing
themselves for the LGBTQ and
the desires to find their group
and to fit with the people they
are alike are the driven force
why we are facing this kind of
existing genders.

c. Is gender equality and
orientation important in
today’s generation?
Respondent A: Yes. Because it
will help everyone to educate
about gender equality.
Respondent B: Yes. Because
some people don’t have
knowledge and awareness
about the gender equality.
Respondent C: Yes. Because it
could be a learning paradigm to
educate the youngsters about
gen der equality and
Respondent D: Yes. Gender
equality male to female to
LGBTQ. We all have equal rights
to life, to happiness and to love.
It must be established that
every individual respect and
accept the realty of different
gender preferences.
Respondent E: Yes. Because it is
important that everyone knows
how to treat their opposite
gender or those that are a part
of the LGBT community.
Respondent F: Yes. Because this
can measure the importance of
an individual.
Respondent G: Yes. Because
generation z is not yet aware
about the equality and identity
that we must respect.
Respondent H: For most
people, yes. But for me it is
relevant but unnecessary
because our world has a lot of
conflict to resolve other than
Respondent I: I believe that
God created men and women
to be equal but they have
specific roles in which they play
their part. In doing so, that they
may live harmoniously together
by filling each other’s flaws.
Respondent J: Yes.
d. Is it important if a
young individual will be
developed early in their
Respondent A: Yes.
Respondent B: Yes, to have a
proper knowledge about
Respondent C: Yes, it is his/ her
own privilege.
Respondent D: It is more
important that an individual
with different sexual/ gender
preference be accepted so that
they will develop accordingly
with self-respect.
Respondent E: No, not really.
They have all the time of their
life to know their selves more
and there is no need to rush.
Respondent F: No. Because I
believe that early development
in gender has its own time and
with that time the development
will be easy.
Respondent G: Yes. Because it
will be easy for them to live the
way they imagine.
Respondent H: No. An
individual can fully develop
when he/she has experienced a
lot of things.
Respondent I: Yes, it is.
Respondent J: Yes.

a. In your opinion, who
among the two are
more concerned with
gender equality? Men
or Women?

Respondent A: Women.
Respondent B: Women,
because they are looking for
gender equality than men.
Respondent C: I think women
because they have more
attachments in terms of good
Respondent D: It depends on
individual’s perception. I can’t
really tell of all/ most men are
concerned with gender equality.
It’s for me, I am more
concerned with gender equality
and I am a woman.
Respondent E: Both men and
women are concerned when it
comes to the gender equality. It
is normal though. People are
naturally born thirsty for
Respondent F: For me both,
because they are aware and
concern with gender equality
and they can observe it in the
Respondent G: Women. They
are confused and has many
concerns to life.
Respondent H: Men.
Respondent I: Women.
Respondent J: Women.

b. In your observation,
why do people choose
different gender
identity rather than
their real gender?

Respondent A: Because that’s
what they are.
Respondent B: I think because
they can’t see themselves in
their real gender identity.
Respondent C: Because the
gender makes them so
confusing because it’s not clear
about their gender.
Respondent D: In my
observation, people choose
different identity rather than
their real gender due to
different factors; some seeks
attention, others feel so cool
about doing so, others do have
self-identity confusion and
experimentation with some.
Respondent E: People choose
different gender identity rather
than their real gender because
they are not satisfied with who
they are that’s why they wish to
be different.
Respondent F: Maybe because
they feel something different
from them and not satisfied
from who they are.
Respondent G: Some people
choose different gender identity
because they want to have
freedom for themselves.
Respondent H: Factors are:
society, family, norms and
Respondent I: Trend. Since
more people nowadays are
more accepting in these
emerging norms of gender
identity and expression; I think
it’s easier for some people to
embrace this nonsense as they
see many prominent people are
jumping into this bandwagon
like influencers, celebrities, etc.
Respondent J: Some just trying
to be in trends issues nowadays
but some look for the group
where they really want to do
without limitations and

c. Are you aware of the new
genders existing nowadays?
Yes or no? How do you say

Respondent A: Yes, but it’s so
confusing again to identify each
people if they are this or that.
Respondent B: Yes. Because I
know many people around me
that is part of LGBTQ+.
Respondent C: Yes. Because I
watch the news about this
issue, the new existing gender.
Respondent D: Yes. I am aware
of new gender preferences
existing nowadays, they are all
over the world.
Respondent E: Yes. I have
friends and cousins that belongs
to those new genders so I am
Respondent F: Yes. I have a lot
of friends who belong in the
new genders and I observe how
they are now.
Respondent G: Yes. I’m aware
because as the days grow they
become a big part of society
and they gave a big impact.
Respondent H: Yes. Because of
the news and it is important to
ensure inter subjectivity.
Respondent I: Yes. I’m a
teacher and in every class that I
taught to, there are at least 2 or
3 confused young boys and girls
about their gender. Some even
claim that their bisexual,
asexual, etc.
Respondent J: Yes. It is because
of the current events, social
media issues and everyday
interaction with students who
classified themselves as one of
the LGBTQ.

d. Estimate your
understanding with regards
to gender awareness. Put a
check in the blank.

Respondent A: 80% to 100%
Respondent B: 50% to 70%
Respondent C: 80% to 100%
Respondent D: 80% to 100%
Respondent E: 80% to 100%
Respondent F: 80% to 100%
Respondent G: 50% to 70%
Respondent H: 50% to 70%
Respondent I: 80% to 100%
Respondent J: 80% to 100%
a. Find a reason if there is a
chance in stopping gender

Respondent A: Physical
violence and human rights
Respondent B: By respecting
each other’s right.
Respondent C: The verbal and
physical violence.
Respondent D: Reason is
stopping gender discrimination:
Respondent E: My reason for
the gender discrimination to
stop is that we are the only one
who can help each other in this
cruel world, so why
Respondent F: We are all
humans that need to be
respected and live just like what
God make us feel.
Respondent G: The only key I
know to stop gender
discrimination is to let them and
respect them as a human.
Respondent H: There is, not
SOGIE BILL but a universal
gender discrimination act that is
being resourced and passed
Respondent I: I believe that
men and women have their
own unique and special role
that will benefit the other. So I
don’t see any reason to
discriminate somebody because
of their gender.
Respondent J: Give equal tasks.

b. In your own perception,
would it be a concern if an
individual was being
discriminated by their
gender or not?

Respondent A: Yes, because it’s
her or his right to be respected
as human being too.
Respondent B: Of course, no
one has the right to
discriminate others.
Respondent C: Yes. Because he/
she is being discriminated by
different factors emotionally,
physically and more.
Respondent D: It is a great
concern of an individual is
discriminated of her/ his gender
preference, it will greatly affect
his/ her personal development,
confidence and character.
Respondent E: In my
perception, yes. Every
discrimination is a concern
regardless if it is about gender
or not.
Respondent F: Yes. Because
discrimination was really a huge
problem not only in gender but
also on something.
Respondent G: Discrimination
can hurt so I think being
discriminated in gender is a
concern to stop and respect
humans by their chosen
Respondent H: Yes.
Respondent I: Yes. Because I
think it is unfair for someone if
he or she will be discriminated
just because of his gender.
Respondent J: Yes.

c. How does social growth
affect by the gender
violence? Does it affect the
situation of the family? Or
the situation in the society?

Respondent A: The social
growth affects in many ways.
For example, the equability on
handling his/ her emotions and
the challenges he/ she coping
with every day.
Respondent B: It can affect the
family and society because
some of them are not aware of
the gender.
Respondent C: The
socialization, the character
development, are being
affected. It decreases their
capability on facing each
Respondent D: Social growth is
affected by the gender violence
in a way that most of those in
different preferences are in
struggles (fighting
discriminations and so on…)
even men/ women are being
discriminated (men vs. women
thru violence) (LGBTQ vs men –
sexual/ financial abuses). It
doesn’t really help social growth
but it causes division among the
society not growth.
Respondent E: The social
growth is affected by gender
violence by the lowering of self-
esteem and the removal of self-
confidence. Yes, it affects
Respondent F: It affects
everything that make them feel
worthless and lowers their self-
Respondent G: Social growth
affect the gender violence by
not knowing who really they
are. It affects the situation of
the family.
Respondent H: Gender
influence is from the family.
Respondent I: It affects the
people in general, especially
those who do not agree in
different gender orientation.
Respondent J: Family first then
the society.

d. Have you ever
experienced being
discriminated by your
gender? How often?

Respondent A: No.
Respondent B: No.
Respondent C: No.
Respondent D: Yes, not that
Respondent E: Yes, even if I am
a straight girl, I am still being
discriminated. How? By using
my gender to belittle my skills in
sports, heavy chores, and future
Respondent F: Yes, even I am a
straight woman, I am
discriminated in terms of chores
that I can’t do.
Respondent G: Not yet.
Respondent H: No.
Respondent I: I don’t think I
Respondent J: Yes.
Occasionally, when I coach
basketball when in fact I am a
girl, when I officiate arnis well it
just happen first because the
society usually see those things
doing by boys.

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