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How well do the students use English in their academic subject

In partial fulfillment of

The course requirements for the Subject

English for Academic and Professional Purposes


Crispin C. Dy Jr.

Daniesa D. Mabanta

Evangelyn M. Dubria

Lovely Rosebel J. Ibarra

Shairah Mhae A. Castillo

Rochelle Anne A. Manalili

I. Introduction

English is the second most-spoken language in the world after the Chinese language.

English is also the primary language of several countries but widely spoken around the world. The

pronunciation and words’ form have evolved over time. Now, English has become very useful to

every students all around the world since English has become the global lingua franca. English has

many variety of word that still improving, adding new definitions and words which became very

useful to civilization. And also, about 20 percent of the world's population speaks English as a first

or secondary language, about 1.5 billion people. If you include people who use it, that brings the

estimate up to more than one-fourth of the world, or more than 2 billion of the world's 7.7 billion

people, as of 2019 (Nordquist, 2019). That’s why English is so useful to everyone not only for

communication and also for our daily lives.

Now, this new generation of students has become more advance in English and the

education system included subjects which can improve students’ proficiency in English, makes

them speak so well. Through English, education system improved and keep improving. English

has become the key to every academic activities in school that makes us gain experiences and

knowledge through learning, using and speaking English. Almost every subjects like mathematics,

science and other subjects that uses English as its language except to the subjects which include

using their native language. Through using it every day in our daily lives. English makes us,

students, speak English fluently and clearly. According to Victor Kiprop from WorldAtlas, a

website, stated that few native English speakers in Asia, but a large number of the population use

English as a second or third language. India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and Singapore all

recognize English as an official language. The exact number of people who can speak English in

Asia is hard to ascertain due to the large and diverse population, but it is estimated that there are
125 million in India, 94 million in Pakistan, and 90 million in the Philippines which is our country

was the 4th place in the chart makes the students more advance than other Asian countries in terms

of fluency in English language.

Being fluent English speaker was one of the things that students should do or master for

better understanding in academic subjects, for preparing to upper step of our lives, and for daily

use. All Asian countries are fluent in English but most of the time, non-Asians and Asian,

themselves said that Filipinos has the most proficiency of English. Experienced travelers and

Americans also said that Filipinos has very clear and natural accent to the point that it almost

sounds like Americans which is one of the reasons why Philippines is now the BPO/Call-Center

capital of the world that surpasses India.

II. Statement of the problem

The study focuses on the English proficiency in their academic subject of Grade 10 students

in New Christian Academy Inc. during the First quarter of Academic Year 2019 – 2020.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1) How do well does the Grade 10 students at their English proficiency?

2) What are the scores of the respondents?

3) Is there any significance effect of conducting a survey to grade 10 students?

4) How many of the respondents passed the survey?

Needs Analysis

This section highlights one of the needs and strengths analysis is to find out about Grade 10

students’ subjective needs for their English proficiency. As students, we, the researchers knew

their subjective views about their needs and these are the following needs and strengths:

 Learning environment

 Attitude (e.g. effort, motivation and endurance)

 Learning activities (knowing the variety of strategies)

 Goal Setting (e.g. prioritizing needs, breaking goals into achievable tasks)

 Social factors (e.g. understanding how communicating with other people is crucial for

developing language proficiency)

Through our observations and our experience the researchers manage to list the needs and

strengths of the Grade 10 students.

Lacks Analysis

In this section, the researchers analyzed the lacks and weaknesses of the respondents which

are the Grade 10 students of New Christian Academy Inc. and these are the following lacks and


 Self-confidence (i.e. this is the fundamentals for being a fluent speaker)

 Implementation

 Practice (i.e. practice makes improvements)

III. Interpretation of Data

The researchers conducted a survey which consist of 3 parts, the spelling, vocabulary, and

grammar each parts has 5 questions with choices that the difficulty would suit the level of the

respondents. The respondents are 20 Grade 10 students of New Christian Academy Inc. in Brgy.

Tibag Tarlac, Tarlac City.


9 11


As you can see from the table 1, 9 female and 11 male in Grade 10- platinum a total of 20



45% all female




As you can see from the table 2, 20% of female failed and 25% passed the exam.

MALE 55% all male

55% passed


As you can see from the table 3, 55% male passed the exam.

IV. Conclusion

Based on the data analyzed and findings of the study, the researchers deduced the

following conclusions:

1) 75% of the respondents passed the survey which are excellent in their English


2) All male respondents passed the survey that was difficult at their age.

3) Female respondents are significantly lower in their English fluency in their academic


4) Male respondents possess higher English proficiency in their academic subjects than

Female respondents.

5) There is insignificant difference was observed in female and male respondents on their

measure of intellectual.

V. Recommendation

Based on the findings and conclusion, the researchers hereby present the following


1) It would be worthwhile for all stake holders in education i.e. parents, teachers and

government to encourage students in their respective areas of responsibilities, such as

providing study materials, conducive place of study, recognizing excellence, appreciating

students hard work as soon as possible among others. These will help to motivate the

students positively towards their study and academic achievement.

2) Students should be taught study skills so that they can cultivate good and effective study


3) It would be good to have some mentoring sessions or tutoring for English grammar,

vocabulary and spelling.

4) Prioritizing Public English speaking zone will help the students to be comfortable speaking


5) Parents should improve the level of control and care of their children, show more interest

and concern in the academic work of their wards by way of providing conducive

atmosphere for studies, proving materials for studies and helping students in their studies.

These recommendations can be implemented through associating parents’ organization in

School like PTA. School administrators i.e. the head teachers should forward the needs and

problems affecting students study habits and academic achievement to government for


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